Reports for Authors (Last name "K")
Kaiser, J.F.
- TR-278-90 - METEOR: A Constraint-based FIR Filter Design Program (1990)
Kalai, Adam
- TR-747-06 - Logarithmic Regret Algorithms for Online Convex Optimization (2006)
Kale, Satyen
- TR-804-07 - Efficient Algorithms Using The Multiplicative Weights Update Method (thesis) (2007)
- TR-789-07 - Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree Graphs (2007)
- TR-747-06 - Logarithmic Regret Algorithms for Online Convex Optimization (2006)
- TR-746-06 - Approximating Quadratic Programs with Postitive Semidefinite Constraints (2006)
- Kalita, Pranjit K.
- Kalnins, Robert D.
Kam, Matthew
- TR-723-05 - The Digital StudyHall (2005)
Kamal, Irfan
- TR-015-85 - Embedding Computation in One-Dimensional Automata by Phase Coding Solitons (1985)
Kang, Nanxi
- TR-973-14 - Niagara: Scalable Load Balancing on Commodity Switches (2014)
Kannan, Ravi
- TR-114-87 - Covering Minima and Lattice Point Free Convex Bodies (1987)
- Kao, Benjamin Chi-Ming
Kao, Kung-Chien Dominic
- TR-931-12 - Reward Preference in Video Games (2012)
Kapicioglu, Berk
- TR-949-13 - Applications of Machine Learning to Location Data (2013)
Kapidakis, Sarantos
- TR-286-90 - Average-Case Analysis of Graph-Searching Algorithms (Thesis) (1990)
Kaplan, Haim
- TR-597-99 - New Heap Data Structures (1999)
- TR-584-98 - Strictly Functional, Real-Time Deques with Catenation (1998)
- TR-511-96 - Purely Functional Representations of Catenable Sorted Lists (1996)
Karagiozova, Adriana
- TR-803-07 - Aspects of Network Design (thesis) (2007)
Karakostas, George
- TR-625-00 - Results on Approximation Algorithms (Thesis) (2000)
- TR-622-00 - Practical LFU Implementation for Web Caching (2000)
Karlin, Anna R.
- TR-493-95 - Implementation and Performance of Integrated Application-Controlled Caching, Prefetching and Disk Scheduling (1995)
- TR-479-94 - A Study of Integrated Prefetching and Caching Strategies (1994)
- TR-319-91 - Empirical Studies of Competitive Spinning for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (1991)
- TR-310-91 - Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds (1991)
Karlin, Scott C.
- TR-665-02 - Embedded Computational Elements in Extensible Routers (Thesis) (2002)
- TR-645-02 - Maximum Packet Rates for Full-Duplex Ethernet (2002)
- TR-626-00 - Evaluating Network Processors in IP Forwarding (2000)
- TR-615-00 - Scheduling Computations on a Programmable Router (2000)
- TR-596-99 - SurfBoard - A Hardware Performance Monitor for SHRIMP (1999)
Karol, M.
- TR-029-86 - Distributed Computing Research at Princeton - 1985 (1986)
Karp, Richard M.
- TR-678-03 - Perfect Phylogeny and Haplotype Assignment (2003)
- TR-171-88 - Transitive Reduction in Parallel Via Branchings (1988)
Karpilovsky, Elliott
- TR-861-09 - Reducing Memory Requirements for Routing Protocols (thesis) (2009)
Karpinski, Marek
- TR-542-97 - Approximating Dense Cases of Covering Problems (1996)
- TR-539-96 - Correctness of Constructing Optimal Alphabetic Trees Revisited (1996)
- TR-538-96 - Randomized Omega (n^2) Lower Bound for Knapsack (1996)
- TR-531-96 - On the Power of Randomized Branching Programs (1996)
- TR-527-96 - A Lower Bound for Randomized Algebraic Decision Trees (1996)
- TR-526-96 - Polynomial Bounds for VC Dimension of Sigmoidal and General Pfaffian Neural Networks (1996)
Kathpalia, Karan
- TR-000-17 - Supervised Machine Learning for Greedy Agglomeration in Connectomics (2017)
Katta, Naga
- TR-966-13 - Infinite CacheFlow in Software-Defined Networks (2013)
Kazhdan, Michael M.
- TR-698-04 - Shape Representations and Algorithms for 3D Model Retrieval (Thesis) (2004)
Keller, Bryn
- TR-985-16 - Incremental Full Correlation Matrix Analysis for Real-Time fMRI Studies (2016)
Keller, Eric
- TR-926-12 - Live Migration of an Entire Network (and its Hosts) (2012)
- TR-917-11 - Rehoming Edge Links for Better Traffic Engineering (2011)
- TR-914-11 - Cloud Resident Data Center (2011)
Kelsen, Pierre
- TR-356-91 - Computing Minimal Spanning Subgraphs in Linear Time (1991)
Kent, Jack
- TR-029-86 - Distributed Computing Research at Princeton - 1985 (1986)
- TR-012-85 - Optimizing Shadow Recovery Algorithms (1985)
Kent, Jeremy
- TR-888-10 - Sparse Approximation and Compressed Sensing Using the Reed-Muller Sieve (2010)
Kenyon, Claire
- TR-263-90 - On Evaluating Boolean Functions with Unreliable Tests (1990)
- TR-251-90 - Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics (1990)
- Khan, Zia
Khodak, Mikhail
- TR-008-18 - On the Compressed Sensing Properties of Word Embeddings (2018)
- Khot, Subhash A.
Kiefer, Robert
- TR-980-16 - New Abstractions for Mobile Connectivity and Resource Management (2016)
Kilian, Joe
- TR-585-98 - Resistance of Digital Watermarks to Collusive Attacks (1998)
Kim, Changhoon
- TR-860-09 - Scalable and Efficient Self-configuring Networks (thesis) (2009)
- TR-801-07 - Building Scalable Self-configuring Networks with SEIZE (2007)
Kim, Hanjun
- TR-952-13 - ASAP: Automatic Speculative Acyclic Parallelization for Clusters (2013)
Kim, Hyojoon
- TR-010-19 - Passive OS Fingerprinting on Commodity Switches (2019)
Kim, Minsung
- TR-010-17 - Transforming MIMO BPSK Maximum Likelihood Detection into QUBO Form (2017)
Kim, Vladimir
- TR-947-13 - Understanding the Structure of Large, Diverse Collections of Shapes (2013)
- Kim, Wonho
King, Richard P.
- TR-198-88 - Management of a Remote Backup Copy for Disaster Recovery (1988)
Kingsford, Carl
- TR-729-05 - Improving Mathematical Programming Approaches for Motif Finding (2005)
Kirkpatrick, David G.
- TR-327-91 - Polygon Triangulation in $O(N^log^log^N)$ Time with Simple Data Structures (1991)
- TR-255-90 - Determining the Separation of Preprocessed Polyhedra - A Unified Approach (1990)
Klawe, Maria M.
- TR-327-91 - Polygon Triangulation in $O(N^log^log^N)$ Time with Simple Data Structures (1991)
Klein, Allison W.
- TR-637-01 - Video Cubism (2001)
Klein, J.
- TR-247-90 - Coordinating Multi-Transaction Activities (1990)
Klein, Philip N.
- TR-457-94 - A Linear-Work Parallel Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees (1994)
- TR-436-93 - A Randomized Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees (1993)
- Kleinstein, Steven H.
Kleissner, K.
- TR-247-90 - Coordinating Multi-Transaction Activities (1990)
Klosowski, James T.
- TR-653-02 - iWalk: Interactive Out-Of-Core Rendering of Large Models (2002)
Ko, Steven
- TR-885-10 - Service-Centric Networking with SCAFFOLD (2010)
- Kobayashi, Hisashi
Kobayashi, Makoto
- TR-233-89 - EZ Processes (1989)
Kogan, Boris
- TR-219-89 - Telematics Research at Princeton - 1988 (1989)
- TR-173-88 - Bakunin Data Networks: Approach to Designing Highly Available Replicated Databases (thesis) (1988)
- TR-170-88 - An Implementation of Reliable Broadcast Using an Unreliable Multicast Facility (1988)
- TR-151-88 - Telematics Research at Princeton - 1987 (1988)
- TR-123-87 - Reliable Broadcast in Networks with Nonprogrammable Servers (1987)
- TR-091-87 - Update Propagation in Bakunin Data Networks (1987)
- TR-073-87 - Distributed Computing Research at Princeton - 1986 (1987)
- TR-064-86 - Maintaining Availability of Replicated Data in a Dynamic Failure Environment (1986)
- TR-043-86 - Achieving High Availability in Distributed Databases (1986)
- TR-029-86 - Distributed Computing Research at Princeton - 1985 (1986)
Koral, Yaron
- TR-987-16 - SNAP: Stateful Network-Wide Abstractions for Packet Processing (2016)
Korn, Jeffrey L.
- TR-608-99 - Abstraction and Visualization in Graphical Debuggers (Thesis) (1999)
- TR-554-97 - The Zephyr Abstract Syntax Description Language (1997)
- Koruga, Sasha
Koutsofios, Eleftherios
- TR-273-90 - LEFTY: A Two-view Editor for Technical Pictures (thesis) (1990)
- TR-174-88 - A Library for Incremental Update of Bitmap Images (1988)
- Kranch, Micael
Krishnamurthy, Arvind
- TR-723-05 - The Digital StudyHall (2005)
- TR-710-04 - Nicephorus: Striking a Balance between the Recovery Capability and the Overhead of Byzantine Detection (2004)
- TR-709-04 - Opt and Vent: An Efficient Protocol for Byzantine Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing (2004)
- TR-705-04 - Networking Going Postal (2004)
- TR-703-04 - SkipIndex: Towards a Scalable Peer-to-Peer Index Service for High Dimensional Data (2004)
- TR-691-04 - Postmanet: Turning the Postal System into a Generic Digital Communication Mechanism (2004)
- TR-685-03 - Distance Learning Technologies for Basic Education in Disadvantaged Areas (2003)
- TR-672-03 - Coherent and Network-Aware Tracking of Objects (2003)
- TR-664-02 - A Peer-to-Peer Mobile Storage System (2002)
- TR-632-01 - Probabilistic Packet Scheduling: Achieving Proportional Share Bandwidth Allocation (2001)
- TR-612-99 - MimdRAID: Low Latency Secondary Storage (1999)
Krueger, Wolfgang
- TR-409-93 - Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scattering (1993)
Kugelmass, Steven D.
- TR-156-88 - Architectures for Two-Dimensional Lattice Computations with Linear Speedup (thesis) (1988)
- TR-124-87 - A Probabilistic Model for Clock Skew (1987)
- TR-083-87 - Performance of VLSI Engines for Lattice Computations (1987)
Kumar, Sanjeev
- TR-977-15 - RIPQ: Advanced Photo Caching on Flash for Facebook (2015)
- TR-818-08 - PARSEC vs. SPLASH2: A Quantitative Comparison of Two Multithreaded Benchmark Suites on Chip-Multiprocessors (2008)
- TR-811-08 - The PARSEC Benchmark Suite: Characterization and Architectural Implications (2008)
- TR-646-02 - ESP: A Language for Programmable Devices (Thesis) (2002)
Kyrimis, Kriton
- TR-250-90 - Placement of Processes and Files in Distributed Systems (thesis) (1990)
- TR-241-90 - A Dynamic File Caching Strategy that Preserves File Consistency (1990)
- TR-219-89 - Telematics Research at Princeton - 1988 (1989)
- TR-199-88 - An Experimental Comparison of Initial Placement vs. Process Migration for Load Balancing Strategies (1988)
- TR-151-88 - Telematics Research at Princeton - 1987 (1988)
- TR-092-87 - A Process Migration Implementation for a Unix System (1987)
- TR-073-87 - Distributed Computing Research at Princeton - 1986 (1987)