Reports for Authors (Last name "Y")
Yao, Andrew
- TR-313-91 - Probabilistic Behavior of Shortest Paths Over Unbounded Regions (1991)
- TR-263-90 - On Evaluating Boolean Functions with Unreliable Tests (1990)
- TR-185-88 - On Straight Selection Sort (1988)
- TR-145-88 - Minimean Optimal Key Arrangements in Hash Tables (1988)
- TR-139-88 - Near-Optimal time-Space Tradeoff for Element Distinctness (1988)
- TR-138-88 - On Selecting the k Largest with Median Tests (1988)
- TR-136-88 - On the Complexity of Partial Order Productions (1988)
- TR-134-88 - Lower Bounds to Randominzed Algorithms for Graph Properties (1988)
- TR-121-87 - On Selecting the Second Largest with Median Tests (1987)
- TR-086-87 - Monotone Bipartite Graph Properties are Evasive (1987)
Yeh, Susan S.
- TR-208-89 - Odd Cycles, Bipartite Subgraphs, and Approximate Graph Coloring (thesis) (1989)
- TR-149-88 - Algorithms for Finding a Maximum Bipartite Subgraph for Special Classes of Graphs (1988)
- TR-023-86 - A Weinberger Array Generator (1986)
- Yi, Yung
Yianilos, Peter N.
- TR-547-97 - Topics in Computational Hidden State Modeling (Thesis) (1997)
- TR-541-96 - On the Strange a Posteriori degeneracy of Normal Mixtures, and Related Reparameterization Theorems (1996)
- TR-533-96 - Finite Growth Models (1996)
- TR-532-96 - Learning String Edit Distance (revised October 1997) (1996)
- TR-472-94 - Probability Value Library (1994)
Young, Neal E.
- TR-348-91 - Competitive Paging and Dual-Guided On-Line Weighted Caching and Matching Algorithms (Thesis) (1991)
- TR-317-91 - Lecture Notes on Evasiveness of Graph Properties (1991)
- TR-258-90 - Competitive Paging as Cache Size Varies (1990)
Youssef, Abdou S.
- TR-135-88 - Properties of Multistage Interconnection Networks (thesis) (1988)
- TR-061-86 - More Parallelism into the Monte Carlo Solution of Partial Differential Equations (1986)
- TR-032-86 - A New Approach to Fast Control of Permutation Networks (1986)
Yu, Fu (Fisher)
- TR-001-18 - Pixel-Level Prediction: From Geometry to Semantics (2018)
Yu, Harlan
- TR-938-12 - Designing Software to Shape Open Government Policy (2012)
Yu, Minlan
- TR-906-11 - Scalable Management of Enterprise and Data-Center Networks (2011)
- TR-877-10 - Scalable Flow-Based Networking with DIFANE (2010)
- TR-869-09 - BUFFALO: Bloom Filter Forwarding Architecture for Large Organizations (2010)
- TR-788-07 - Rethinking Virtual Network Embedding: Substrate Support for Path Splitting and Migration (2007)
Yu, Xiang
- TR-683-03 - Trading Capacity for Performance in Disk Arrays (Thesis) (2003)
- TR-612-99 - MimdRAID: Low Latency Secondary Storage (1999)
Yung, Moti
- TR-243-90 - Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Planar Graph (1990)