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Declaring Computer Science for BSE'28 Students

**BSE'28 SPRING 2025 Open House, TBA**


What are the prerequisites for the BSE'28 COS Majors?   

All students majoring in computer science must take three prerequisite computer science courses: COS 126, COS 217, and COS 226. The math requirement is automatically fulfilled by BSE candidates through their general BSE degree requirements. All prerequisite courses must be taken for a letter grade, not PDF. The three prerequisite computer science courses introduce the core concepts and techniques of the field. All three are offered every semester.

How do I know if Computer Science is a good fit? 

  • Review the Class of 2028 - Departmental Requirements
  • Browse the Computer Science website, especially the Undergraduate pages.
  • Why COS?  Advice from the Computer Science Undergraduate Student Council.
  • Ask the Undergraduate Program Manager, Colleen Kenny. You are welcome to send an email  

Where can I find answers to my Computer Science questions online?

An excellent resource is the Undergraduate Program FAQ.

BSE'28 Pre-Major Advising Steps:

Step 1.  Attend the BSE SEAS Open House — the Open House date will be announced in January 2025/

Step 2.  Review Fall 2025 COS course offerings these are available on the registar's website. 

Step 3.  Contact your adviser — April 2025 is your academic advising period. Once you have completed your Academic Planning Form and declared COS as your major, your departmental adviser will review your form. If you plan to declare Computer Science as your major, contact your academic adviser by surname in the list below: 

Please refer to Traci Miller's BSE'28 advising memo for the links to the adviser's calendar.   

BSE ’28 Surname A-D                                            
BSE ’28 Surname E-J     
BSE ’28 Surname K-M                                            
BSE ’28 Surname N-S    
BSE '28 Surname T-Z     
Step 4.  Select courses for the fall semester — enrollment opens on April 2025
Step 5.  Declaring your Major — In May 2025, BSE'28 students indicate their major via Tigerhub. 

Welcome to Computer Science!

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