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Resources for Faculty & Staff

Faculty Supporting Inclusive Excellence

Volunteer for one or more of these opportunities below by reaching out to any member of the Climate & Inclusion Committee:

  1. Co-host a student mixer! Mingle with undergraduate students outside of the classroom. Some mixers are themed while others are open to any topic of discussion.
  2. Volunteer to assist with the Pre-Application Mentoring Program for prospective graduate students.
  3. Partner with the Princeton Graduate School on the Princeton Prospective Ph.D. Preview (P3).   
  4. Support first-generation and low-income students by serving as a faculty/staff fellow with the Scholars Institute Fellows Program.

If you want to get involved but aren’t sure how, reach out to any member of the Climate & Inclusion committee and we’ll figure it out!

University Resources

  1. Employee Resource Groups 
  2. Princeton Human Resources Events 
  3. Many Voices, One Future 
  4. Bias, Discrimination and/or Harassment – Princeton University is committed to creating a safe environment for all members to thrive. Resources about how to report bias, your options and expectations can be found on the Many Voices, One Future website

Other Public Resources

  1. Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking (PACT)- This is a program with a focus on the theoretical foundations of computer science. Participants are mostly high school students. PACT consists of a 5-week summer program followed by a year-round program.
  2. LEAP Alliance - The LEAP Alliance is an NSF-funded Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance focused on diversifying future leadership in the computing professoriate at research universities as a way to increase diversity across the field of computing.
  3. Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education - AiiCE’s collective impact approach to broadening participation convenes national leaders in K-16 computer science (CS) education to transform high-school and postsecondary CS education using identity-inclusive strategies that target people, policies, and practices.
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