Reports for Authors (Last name "E")
Edahiro, Masato
- TR-416-93 - A Clustering-Based Optimization Algorithm in Zero-Skew Routings (1993)
- TR-415-93 - Delay Minimization for Zero-Skew Routing (1993)
Edelsbrunner, Herbert
- TR-350-91 - Ray Shooting in Polygons Using Geodesic Triangulations (1991)
- TR-334-91 - Computing a Face in an Arrangement of Line Segments and Related Problems (1991)
- TR-294-90 - Lines in Space: Combinatorics and Algorithms (1990)
- TR-288-90 - Counting and Cutting Cycles of Lines and Rods in Space (1990)
- TR-257-90 - Slimming Down by Adding: Selecting Heavily Covered Points (1990)
- TR-252-90 - Algorithms for Bichromatic Line Segment Problems and Polyhedral Terrains (1990)
- TR-153-88 - Searching for Empty Convex Polygons (1988)
- TR-148-88 - An Optimal Algorithm for Intersecting Line Segments in the Plane (1988)
- TR-082-87 - The Complexity of Cutting Complexes (1987)
- TR-062-86 - Linear Space Data Structures for Two Types of Range Search (1986)
Edler, Jan
- TR-569-96 - Thread Scheduling for Cache Locality (1996)
Edmundson, Anne
- TR-009-18 - Privacy Infrastructure for Content and Communications (2019)
Edwards, Katherine
- TR-984-16 - On edge colouring, fractionally colouring and partitioning graphs (2016)
Ellis, John R.
- TR-133-88 - Real-time Concurrent Collection on Stock Multiprocessors (1988)
Eppstein, David
- TR-561-96 - Computing the Discrepancy with Applicaitons to Supersampling Patterns (1996)
- TR-243-90 - Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Planar Graph (1990)
- TR-235-89 - Visibility with a Moving Point of View (1989)
- Essl, George
- Eubank, Christian