Computer Science 226
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2008

Course Information | Assignments | Exercises | Lectures | Administration


Below are links to the lecture slides. This list is tentative and is to be considered subject to change. Once the lecture leaves the "not yet updated for Fall 2008" part of the table, no significant changes will be made. Students are fully responsible for all material presented in lectures, even if some of it does not appear in these slides. These slides are intended for the lecture presentations; for reference, use the corresponding chapters in Algorithms in Java Parts 1-5 (third edition) and the online handouts. An effective strategy is to look over the indicated chapter before the lecture, then read it in detail soon afterwards.

1 9/11 Union-find 1 0
2 9/16 Analysis of algorithms 2 1.1 - 1.2
3 9/18 Stacks and queues 3-4 2.6
4 9/23 Elementary sorts 6 3.1 sorting animations
5 9/25 Mergesort 8 3.2 merging
6 9/30 Quicksort 7 3.3 partitioning
7 10/2 Priority queues 9 3.4
8 10/7 Symbol tables, BST 12, 13 4.1 - 4.2 Growing Tree Tool
9 10/9 No lecture (Yom Kippur)
10 10/14 Balanced BSTs 13 4.3 red-black tree notes
11 10/16 Hashing 14 4.4
12 10/21 Undirected graphs 17-18 5.1 DFS   BFS   maze
13 10/23 Midterm (through lecture 11)
14 11/4 Directed graphs 19 5.2 DFS   topological sort
15 11/6 Minimum spanning trees 20 5.3 Graph applet
16 11/11 Shortest paths 21 5.4 Dijkstra
17 11/13 Radix sorts 10 6.1  
18 11/18 Tries 15 6.2
19 11/20 Data compression 22* 6.5 Huffman*   LZW*
20 11/25 Pattern matching 19* 6.3 - 6.4 DFA   KMP  
21 12/2 Geometric algorithms 24-25* 7.1 - 7.2 convex hull   Voronoi
22 12/4 Geometric search 26-27* 7.3 - 7.4 sweep line intersection
23 12/9 Reductions - 8.5  
24 12/11 Combinatorial search - 8.7 The Longest Path [mp3]

The chapters denoted by * are from the second edition, and are available in PDF from the Princeton University network. All other chapters are from the third edition. We have only begun to build the booksite for the 4th edition, but you might find it useful since it contains links to the Java code from lecture.

Copyright © 2008, Bob Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.