Administrative Information

Course Mailing List: cos318[at] @ [subscription settings]

Lectures TTH 13:30-14:50 COS 105
Precept Wed 20:30-21:30 COS 105
Name Office Office Hours Email Phone
Professor Jaswinder Pal Singh COS 423 Wed 14:50-15:50 258-5329
TA CJ Bell COS 415 Mon/Tues 5-6pm in Lab 010 cbell at cs
TA Yun Zhang COS 223 Wed 4-5pm, Fri 5-6pm in Lab 010 yunzhang at cs
Undergraduate Coordinator Donna O'Leary COS 410 258-1746

Schedule and Lecture Notes

You are expected to complete the readings and notes before the corresponding lecture.
DateTopicReading & Questions
9/11 Introduction MOS 1.1-1.3
9/16 Intro & Overview MOS 1.4-1.5
9/18 OS Structure MOS 1.6-1.7
9/23 Processes & Threads MOS 2.1-2.2
9/25 Non-preemptive & Preemptive Threads MOS 2.2.3-2.3.3
9/30 Mutex Implementation MOS 2.3.3, 2.3.6
10/2 CPU Scheduling MOS 2.4
10/7 Semaphores, Monitors, & Condition Variables MOS 2.3.5, 2.3.7, Birrell's paper
10/9 Deadlocks MOS 6
10/14 I/O Devices and Drivers MOS 5.1-5.3, 5.5-5.9
10/16 Message Passing MOS 2.3.8, 8.2.1-8.2.4
10/21 Virtual Memory Address Translation MOS 3.1-3.3.3
10/23 Midterm
11/4 Virtual Memory Paging MOS 3.4
11/6 Virtual Memory Design Issues MOS 3.5-3.6
11/11 Protection & Security MOS 9
11/13 Internetworking DARPA Internet Protocols
11/18 Disks and Flash Memory MOS 5.4
11/20 File Systems MOS 4.1, 9.3.1-9.3.3
11/25 File Layout and Directories MOS 4.2-4.3.3, 4.5.2-4.5.3
12/2 File System Reliability and Performance MOS 4.4.2-4.4.4, 4.3.5
12/4 NFS, Snapshot, and Review MOS 10.6.3-10.6.4, NetApp
12/9 Virtual Machine Monitors VM Monitors


We believe that the only way to master the knowledge of operating systems is to build a real operating system kernel. The six projects in this course are designed to do exactly that. At the end of the class, you will have a small, real operating system kernel. This set of projects were co-developed with colleagues at University of Tromso in Norway and have been used in other institutions such as Yale.

Students will be paired as working groups for the first five projects. You will be regrouped after three projects in order to give you a chance to work with another person for the next two projects. You will be working alone on the last project.

Each project has two grading phases: design review and final submission. Design reviews are discussed here.

The final submission will be done online, following the specific instructions in each project description. You should include a small README file with your project submission. You should concisely describe your design and implementation. Also, you need to describe what parts work and what parts don't; and how to compile and run your program (if you are not using the Makefile we provided). You don't have to repeat anything you presented in the design review. The TA who is in charge of the project will grade the project without correcting your code. It is your responsibility to figure out how to correct your code by comparing your implementations with the released solutions.

Normally, we will give the same grade to both students in a working group. If one of the students feel that the other student did more work and deserve more credits, please inform the TA who is in charge of the project by e-mail.

You will be using the Linux PCs in the 010 lab in Friends Center (so called Fishbowl). All the projects will be done on a USB flash memory stick or using Bochs, so please do not write your kernel to the hard disk. The lab in Friend 010 is reserved for COS 318 students during the whole semester. When working on the projects, it is helpful to test your implementation using a simulator such as Bochs or Qemu during the development phase. After your projects run successfully on a simulator, you should test it on a real PC. Please share test machines if the lab is full.

Due DateNumberProject
9/29 1 Bootloader
10/13 2 Non-preemptive Kernel
11/10 3 Preemptive Kernel
11/24 4 Interprocess Communication & Process Management
12/8 5 Virtual Memory
1/13 6 File Systems



The course grades will be determined roughly as follows: The course will not be graded on a curve, so students are not competing against each other. Most projects contain extra credits. The midterm is tentatively scheduled on the Thursday of the midterm week.

Late Submissions

Project submissions are due at 11:59PM on the due date. Late submissions are marked down using a popular function. In this way, an assignment which is only a few hours late doesn't get penalized that much. A late grade is computed as follows:
grade = original_grade * exp(-time_late/three_days)
Examples: work turned in five minutes late gets 99.9% credit, one hour late gets 98.6% credit, six hours late gets 92.0% credit, one day late gets 71.7% credit, three days late gets 36.8%, and one week late gets 9.7%.

Exceptions will be made only in extreme circumstances and only in advance.


The midterm exam will be designed to test how well students understand the materials taught in the lectures as well as in the projects. Please watch the schedule of this web page for the times and the locations of the exams.

Reading & Participation

It is strongly recommended that students read the suggested reading materials before the class. A number of discussion topics will be provided on the course web page before each class starts.
Refer here for details.

The participation grades will be based on the students' understanding of the discussion topics shown in their submitted questions and their contributions in the class discussions. Student can earn up 1 point for participation (0 for no participation) and 0.5 extra point for active participation.


We believe that students can learn quite a bit from each other. We encourage you to help each other understand the materials in the course and in particular, to learn from each other in doing the operating system projects. In order to encourage such cooperation, we will give you the opportunity to tell us those students who helped you the most in understanding the material. Such information will be turned into extra points for the helpers at the end of the class.

You can also earn extra credits by developing useful tools for the projects that can be used by others. To do so, you need to discuss your ideas first with the instructor and the TAs.

There is a clear distinction between cooperation and cheating. Copying other's code or designs are strictly prohibited. We will punish transgressors severely.