Reports for Author "Skadron, Kevin"
- TR-606-99 - Alloyed Global and Local Branch History: A Robust Solution to Wrong-History Misprediction (1999)
- TR-604-99 - Characterizing and Removing Branch Mispredictions (Thesis) (1999)
- TR-595-99 - Selecting a Single, Representative Sample for Accurate Simulation of SPECint Benchmarks (1999)
- TR-594-99 - Alloying Global and Local Branch History: Taxonomy, Performance, and Analysis (1999)
- TR-589-98 - Speculative Updates of Local and Global Branch History: A Quantitative Analysis (1998)
- TR-578-98 - Branch Prediction, Instruction-Window Size, and Cache Size: Performance Tradeoffs and Sampling Techniques (1998)
- TR-577-98 - Improving Prediction for Procedure Returns with Return-Address-Stack Repair Mechanisms (1998)