Reports for Author "Yao, Andrew"
- TR-313-91 - Probabilistic Behavior of Shortest Paths Over Unbounded Regions (1991)
- TR-263-90 - On Evaluating Boolean Functions with Unreliable Tests (1990)
- TR-185-88 - On Straight Selection Sort (1988)
- TR-145-88 - Minimean Optimal Key Arrangements in Hash Tables (1988)
- TR-139-88 - Near-Optimal time-Space Tradeoff for Element Distinctness (1988)
- TR-138-88 - On Selecting the k Largest with Median Tests (1988)
- TR-136-88 - On the Complexity of Partial Order Productions (1988)
- TR-134-88 - Lower Bounds to Randominzed Algorithms for Graph Properties (1988)
- TR-121-87 - On Selecting the Second Largest with Median Tests (1987)
- TR-086-87 - Monotone Bipartite Graph Properties are Evasive (1987)