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Computer Science PhD students awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Aninda Manocha and Uthsav Rajaram Chitra, both second-year PhD students in Computer Science, have received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. 

Aninda Manocha and Uthsav Chitra

Aninda Manocha (left) and Uthsav Chitra (right)
Photos by David Kelly Crow

Aninda is advised by Professor Margaret Martonosi. This fellowship will help support her continued work on accelerating irregular, memory-bound applications.

Uthsav is advised by Professor Ben Raphael.  This fellowship will help support his continued research on algorithms for computational biology and machine learning. 

Emily Walters, a second-year graduate student in the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics and advised by Assistant Professor Jia Deng, also received a fellowship. 

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education.

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