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Iasonas Petras

Photo of Iasonas Petras
Ph.D., Columbia University, 2013
ipetras  (@cs.princeton.edu) (609) 258-1794 033 Corwin Hall


Interests: Quantum computation, Information-Based Complexity

Short Bio

Lecturer Iasonas Petras earned his doctorate in computer science from the Columbia University, where he also obtained a master’s in computer science. He also holds an M.Sc. in Mathematical Modeling in Modern Technologies and Economics from the National Technical University of Athens. His interests involve the algorithmic and complexity analysis of multivariate mathematical problems. He is researching quantum algorithms for continuous mathematical and physical problems that demonstrate a significant speedup compared to their classical counterparts. He also is studying ways to eliminate the "curse of dimensionality," the exponential dependence of the cost of algorithms on the dimension of the problem.

Selected Publications

  • Yudong Cao, Anargyros Papageorgiou, Iasonas Petras, Joseph F. Traub and Sabre Kais. “Quantum algorithm and circuit design solving the Poisson equation.” New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 013021
  • Anargyros Papageorgiou, Iasonas Petras, Joseph F. Traub and Chi Zhang. “A fast algorithm for approximating the ground state energy on a quantum computer.” Math Comp. 82 (2013), 2294-2304
  • Anargyros Papageorgiou and Iasonas Petras. “A new criterion for tractability of multivariate problems.” Journal of Complexity, Vol 30, Issue 5, pg. 605-619, October 2014
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