Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, & Markets

Jaswinder Singh

Spring 2011

General Information | Schedule | Writeups | Presentations | Papers | Policies

The writeups and oral presentations account for 25% of the grade. This page gives information about the writeups.


In the writeups you will assume the role of a CTO. Each writeup should be written as a "memo to CEO" about a particular topic. The word count is 500 words and students are encouraged to use a word counter. You can also use this python script to test submissions (*.txt files) for appropriate word count (chmod 755 and then ./ <input_file>). Submissions exceeding the word count will be automatically rejected by our scripts. We expect concise, thoughtful, and creative submissions. These writeups should ideally build towards the papers and should help you in writing the papers later on. For the papers, students are expected to work in groups of two. Most writeups will be individual, but some will be in groups.

Due Dates

Grading of Writeups:

Writeups will be graded on four metrics:

Submission Instructions:

Writeups should be submitted as plain TXT files using the appropriate links below:

Writeup          Submission Link
Writeup #1:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 02/07

Writeup #2:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 02/14

Writeup #3:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 02/21

Writeup #4:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 02/28

Writeup #5:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 03/07

Writeup #6:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 03/21

Writeup #7:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 04/04

Writeup #8:          Submit by 1100am on Monday 04/11

Writeup #9: (Survey)          Submit by 0900pm on Sunday 04/17

Writeup #10:          Submit by 1100am on Wednesday 04/27