Shai Caspin

scaspin at princeton d0t edu

Computer Science PhD student working with Amit Levy in the SNS group.

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RTSS 2021: TORTIS: Retry-Free Software Transactional Memory for Real-Time Systems
Claire Nord*, Shai Caspin*, Catherine E. Nemitz, Howard Shrobe, Hamed Okhravi, James H. Anderson, Nathan Burow, and Bryan C. Ward
Outstanding Paper Award. Artifact available here.
ECRTS 2021: Light Reading: Optimizing Reader/Writer Locking for Read-Dominant Real-Time Workloads
Catherine E. Nemitz, Shai Caspin, James H. Anderson, and Bryan C. Ward
Artifact available here.
SOSP 2023: Poster: Bottom-Up Memory Safety for Assembly
OSDI 2022: Poster: Gaggle: a Private and Consistent Communication Model