Robert M. Dondero, Ph.D.

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Education History

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

9/03 to 6/08. Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology. Emphasis on software engineering and software engineering education. Dissertation title: Predicting Software Change Coupling.
Courses taken

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

9/84 to 12/91. Earned 33 post-Masters credits in Computer and Information Science. Emphasis on object-oriented technology and intelligent tutoring systems.
Courses taken

University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

9/83 to 5/84. Earned 12 post-Masters credits in Computer and Information Science. Emphasis on artificial intelligence.
Courses taken

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

9/80 to 5/83. M.S.E. in Computer and Information Science with 4.0 GPA (out of 4.0). Emphasis on artificial intelligence and programming languages.
Courses taken

La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA.

9/74 to 5/78. B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science with 3.85 GPA (out of 4.0). Maxima Cum Laude. Dean's Honor List for 4 years. Emphasis on programming languages and systems analysis.

Courses Taken at Drexel University

  • INFO 608: Human-Computer Interaction
  • INFO 610: Analysis of Interactive Systems
  • INFO 611: Design of Interactive Systems
  • INFO 625: Cognition and Information Retrieval
  • INFO 692: Quantitative Methods
  • INFO 694: Applied Research Methods
  • INFO 695: Research Statistics I
  • INFO 799: Identifying Software Anomalies
  • INFO 799: Modeling Software Quality
  • INFO 799: Software Change Coupling
  • INFO 799: Software Change Coupling Analysis
  • INFO 861: Topics in Information Science
  • INFO 863: Topics in Information Systems
  • INFO 998: Ph.D. Dissertation
  • INFO 998: Ph.D. Dissertation

Courses Taken at Temple University

  • CIS 551: Programming Techniques
  • CIS 573: Automata and Formal Languages
  • CIS 595: Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Heuristic Models, and Education
  • CIS 598: Independent Study on Object-Oriented Programming
  • CIS 661: Data Management
  • CIS 673: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CIS 693: Seminar on Advances in AI and Education
  • CIS 750: Artificial Intelligence Programming Techniques
  • CIS 750: Object-Oriented Concepts, Design, and Databases
  • LING 602: Semantics I
  • LING 501: Modern Linguistics I: Syntax

Courses Taken at the University of Delaware

  • CIS 620: Seminumeric Computer Algorithms
  • CIS 661: Computer Systems: Software (Compiler Theory)
  • CIS 662: Computer Systems: Architecture (Operating Systems)
  • CIS 825: Advanced Topics: Expert Systems

Courses Taken at the University of Pennsylvania

  • CIS 523: Introduction to Digital Computers: Programming and Logic
  • CIS 531: Computing with Symbolic Expressions
  • CIS 540: Theory of Computation
  • CIS 543: Introduction to Digital Computers: Systems and Devices
  • CIS 578: Algebraic Foundations for Computer Science
  • CIS 580A: Introduction to Computer Graphics
  • CIS 580B: Introduction to Microprocessors
  • CIS 581: Basic Logic for Computer Science
  • CIS 591: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • CIS 675B: Techniques in Advanced Programming Languages: Logic Programming and Prolog

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