Project 5: Virtual Memory

Project Due 11:59pm 12/2

Design Reviews on 11/26

TA in charge of this project: Aaron Blankstein (
Lab TAs in charge of this project: Michael Franklin
Ilias Glechaskiel


Your previous kernels used a single global memory layout, where the kernel and all processes shared access to the same memory, and granted kernel permissions to all user processes.

Now, you will extend the provided kernel with a demand-paged virtual memory manager and restrict user processes to user mode privileges (ring 3) instead of kernel mode privileges (ring 0). You will implement:

As a result, each process will get its own address space and will not be allowed to use certain instructions that could be used to interfere with the rest of the system. Assuming the kernel and kernel threads have no bugs/vulnerabilities, this will prevent buggy or malicious processes from corrupting the kernel and other processes. Furthermore, paging memory will allow programs to use more data than is available in RAM.

Aaron Blankstein is the TA in charge.

Important Dates

Design review: Monday 11/26
Project Due: Sunday 12/2 at 11:59pm

Finding Your Way Around this Project

The big stuff of this project is going to be in memory.c and memory.h. The code for this project is a bit different from the other projects so far (e.g., PCB structure is different.) Don't Panic! It'll make sense to you if you look at it and you won't actually need to mess with much of the code outside of memory.[ch]

There are a bunch of constants hanging around these files that you'll want to use:
$ grep "PROCESS_STACK" *.h
$ grep "PROCESS_START" Makefile
$ grep "PAGE" *.h

Note: this start code ships with its own bochs VGAROM and ROM. You may have to edit the provided bochsrc to get it to point to the right places... but it should be okay!

Design Review

This project will have, like the others, a design review worth 5 points. I'll ask about the following things:

Also, you should read through the whole project description before showing up to design review. Students missed points last time around for questions with answers directly on the project description.

Page Table Setup

You must set up a two-level page table to map virtual to physical addresses, as described in class and in your course textbook, for each process. The i386 architecture uses a two-level table structure: one page of memory is set aside as a directory that has 1024 entries pointing to the actual page tables. Each of these page tables also has 1024 entries describing pages of virtual memory. You need to understand this structure well.

That last statement needs to be reiterated. You will need to understand what page table entries must look like. How are flags set? How do you map a virtual address to a particular entry? How do you store the physical page address for the entry?

The page directory of a task is determined by pcb->page_directory. You should set that.

Kernel threads all share the same kernel address space and screen memory, so they can use the same page table. Use N_KERNEL_PTS (the number of kernel page tables in the kernel page directory) to determine how many kernel pages tables to make. Each kernel page table should contain 1024 entries until MAX_PHYSICAL_MEMORY has been mapped.

Notice that our initial values for you can all fit in one table. It's OK to map more than required (for example, you can map the whole page table).

User process's virtual address space:

Implement init_memory to initially map your physical memory pages to run the kernel threads.

Implement setup_page_table to load the code and data of a user process into its virtual address space. However, you do not need to load the process or allocate its pages right away. Instead, prepare its virtual address space and mark all of the pages as invalid. When the process is run and first accesses its pages, a page fault will be generated and your handler will automatically take care of allocating and loading the needed page.

Page Fault Handler

Write a page fault handler in page_fault_handler to handle the case where a process tries to access a page that is not currently in RAM. The handler should:

page_fault_handler may be interrupted, which means there might be two concurrent page_fault_handler calls. Use the necessary synchronization primitives to protect your data structures.

Page Allocator

Write a physical page frame allocator, page_alloc, to prepare a free page of physical memory. If there are free pages available, the job is simple: pick one. Otherwise, you must choose one to page out to disk, using the policy implemented in page_replacement_policy, and then reset the page to be used again. For this assignment, any simple replacement policy is acceptable.

Some pages may be so important or frequently used (or it might just be more convenient for you) that they should never be paged out. For example, you should never evict page tables. Such pages are pinned. Implement a mechanism for pinning pages so that they are never evicted by your page allocator.

We can artificially limit the amount of physical RAM available to your OS by setting PAGEABLE_PAGES to some lower number (try the 20s) in memory.h. This way, the total available physical memory is smaller than the total memory needed to run all the processes, requiring the system to use your paging implementation. This is a helpful value to change for testing.

You are probably going to want to clean the page at this point. Doing it later will be hard!

Paging to/from Disk

If there are no more free physical pages for your page allocator to allocate, you must choose a page to evict, writing it to disk using scsi_write: implement page_swap_out. You also must page in from disk in swap_in.

Check out the pcb variables swap_loc and swap_size. They will be very helpful

You may assume that processes do not use a heap for dynamic memory allocation: a process does not change size. In this case, the user memory space of a process contains an interval of pcb->swap_size sectors starting from PROCESS_START, plus the memory for user stack.

Note that you will need to flush the TLB (tlb.h) appropriately for this project.

You will find the functions in usb.h helpful for this part of the assignment.


You'll have to do the following things for this project:

Extra Credit

For 1 point of extra credit, implement a FIFO with Second Chance paging policy. To test this, you can modify the loaded the processes, threads, etc. If you're particularly clever, you can test it by adjusting some of the constants in the memory.h and then running process 3 and 4.

For 1 more point of extra credit, implement working set tracking. Your paging policy should attempt to evict pages outside of the current process' working set before pages within the working set.


If you did not do extra credit, submit only:
  • memory.h
  • memory.c
  • readme.txt
The readme should contain a very brief description of the state of your project (e.g. 'We think everything works.').

Submit via dropbox; only one person per group should submit (seriously guys.)

If you did the extra credit, include a extra credit readme file (extra-readme.txt) describing how exactly you implemented extra credit and how you tested it. Also include any files you changed, and any files you added for testing.