COS 526 - Advanced Computer Graphics

Fall 2004

Course home Outline and lecture notes Assignments


Course Description

This course will study advanced topics in computer graphics, focusing on learning recent methods in modeling, animation, and rendering.

Prerequisites: The course is appropriate for students who have taken COS426 (or the equivalent) and would like further exposure to computer graphics. The assignments are geared towards programming in C++.

Grading: The grade will be based on programming assignments (40%), written exercises (25%), and a final project (35%).

Meeting time/place

TTh 1:30-2:50, Room 401


Szymon Rusinkiewicz
CS Building, Room 405
smr at princeton edu
Office hours: TTh 3-4 or by appointment

Graduate Coordinator

Melissa Lawson
CS Building, Room 310
mml at cs princeton edu

Last update 28-Nov-2018 11:36:09
smr at princeton edu