FRS 123 - Technology in Art and Cultural Heritage

Fall 2006

Course home Outline and lecture notes Assignments

Assignment 2

Due Wednesday, Nov. 8

In this assignment, you will write a short (1,500-3,000 words) essay discussing Leonardo's introductory comments on color (handed out in class, p. 70-76) and their impact from two points of view:

  1. from the perspective of a Renaissance painter, that is, assuming no knowledge of modern color theory
  2. using what is known today about color, light, and perception

In the essay, you may address the following questions.

In addition, learn more about the influence of Leonardo da Vinci's color theory and try to address the following questions in your essay.

Please send your essay in an email to

Last update 29-Dec-2010 11:58:01
smr at princeton