The Standard ML Basis Library

The Posix.Signal structure

The structure Posix.Signal names all the POSIX signals, and has functions to convert them to and from their POSIX numbers. For each POSIX signal SIGXXX, the Posix.Signal structure has an identifier xxx.


signature POSIX_SIGNAL
structure Signal : POSIX_SIGNAL


eqtype signal
val toWord : signal -> SysWord.word
val fromWord : SysWord.word -> signal
val abrt : signal
val alrm : signal
val bus : signal
val fpe : signal
val hup : signal
val ill : signal
val int : signal
val kill : signal
val pipe : signal
val quit : signal
val segv : signal
val term : signal
val usr1 : signal
val usr2 : signal
val chld : signal
val cont : signal
val stop : signal
val tstp : signal
val ttin : signal
val ttou : signal


eqtype signal

toWord si
Convert a signal identifier to its number.

fromWord i
Make a signal identifier from its number. Note that fromWord does not check that the result corresponds to valid Posix signal.

val abrt
End process (abort).

val alrm
Alarm clock.

val bus
Bus error.

val fpe
Floating-point exception.

val hup

val ill
Illegal instruction.

val int

val kill
Kill (cannot be caught or ignored).

val pipe
Write on a pipe when there is no process to read it.

val quit

val segv
Segmentation violation.

val term
Software termination signal.

val usr1
User-defined signal 1.

val usr2
User-defined signal 2.

val chld
To parent on child stop or exit.

val cont
Continue if stopped (cannot be caught or ignored).

val stop
Stop (cannot be caught or ignored).

val tstp
Interactive stop.

val ttin
Background read attempted from control terminal.

val ttou
Background write attempted from control terminal.

See Also

Posix, Posix.Process

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Last Modified April 17, 1996
Copyright © 1996 AT&T