Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 461
Computer Networks

Jennifer Rexford

Spring 2006

Summary | Administrivia | Schedule | Assignments | Exams

The first midterm exam (version with answers) took place on Wednesday March 15 during class time (1:30pm-2:50pm) in room 104 in the Computer Science building. The exam was open book, open notes, and open slides, but no computers (or anything else with a MAC address!). The exam drew on material from lecture, required readings, and the first programming assignment; the material from the March 13 lecture was not be covered.

The second midterm exam (version with answers) took place on Wednesday May 3 during class time.

Practice exams from previous years may be useful (click here for the exams in Postscript and PDF format); the questions at the end of the chapters of the course textbook would also be useful for practice.