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Computer Graphics, Spring 2004


Rendering Concepts

"Rendering Concepts,"
Pat Hanrahan,
Chapter 2 of Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis,
Michael Cohen and John Wallace,
Academic Press, 1993.

Advanced Global Illumination,
Course 2, SIGGRAPH 2002

Radiometry and Photometry FAQ, J. Palmer

Reflectance Models

A Practitioners' Assessment of Light Reflection Models
Shirley, Hu, Smits, Lafortune,
Pacific Graphics 97.

State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection, 
Peter Shirley, Steve Marschner, Jos Stam, Michael Ashikhmin, 
Siggraph 2001 Course 10, August, 2001.
[Peter Shirley's BRDF class at Utah]

A reflectance model for computer graphics
R. Cook and K. Torrance, 

Global Illumination

Transfer Equations in Global Illumination
James Arvo. Global Illumination, 
SIGGRAPH `93 Course Notes, volume 42, August 1993.

Comparing Real and Synthetic Images: Some Ideas about Metrics
Rushmeier, H., G. Ward, C. Piatko, P. Sanders, B. Rust, 
Sixth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Springer-Verlag, Dublin, Ireland, June 1995.

A Framework for Realistic Image Synthesis
Greenberg et al., 
SIGGRAPH 97 special session.

A Basic Guide to Global Illumination
Banks, D., H. Rushmeier, and P. Shirley, 
Course 5, SIGGRAPH 98

Global Illumination Test Scenes
Smits, B. and Jensen, H. W., 
Tech. Rep. UUCS-00-013, Computer Science Department, University of Utah, June 2000.

Global Illumination Test Scenes
Henrik Wann Jensen and Brian Smits, 
abstract for Dagstuhl Seminar on Rendering, June 2000


[HELIOS32 resources]


[James Stewart's Image Synthesis Course at Toronto]

[Paul Heckbert's Global Illumination Course at CMU]

[Pat Hanrahan's Image Synthesis Course at Stanford]

[Julie Dorsey and Seth Teller's Image Synthesis Course at MIT]

[Peter Shirley's papers] [Peter Shirley's Image Synthesis Course at Utah] [Peter Shirley's Advanced Graphics Course at Utah]


Ray Tracing

Ray tracing bibliography

Monte Carlo Path Tracing

Distributed ray tracing
Rob Cook, Loren Carpenter, Tom Porter,

The rendering equation
Jim Kajiya, 

Distribution Ray Tracing: Theory and Practice 
Shirley, Wang. 
Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Rendering Workshop (Bristol, 1992).

Mathematical Models and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Physically Based Rendering
Eric Lafortune
Ph.D. thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1994

Using the Modified Phong Reflectance Model for Physically Based Rendering
Eric Lafortune and Yves Willems
Report CW 197, Dept. of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven, November 1994.
[Jason Lawrence's summary]

Monte Carlo Methods for Direct Lighting Calculations
Shirley, Wang, Zimmerman. 
ACM Transactions on Graphics Jan 96.

Mathematical Frameworks and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Global Illumination in Computer Graphics
Philip Dutre, 
PhD Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (September 1996).
[Philip Dutre's papers] [Philip Dutre's Test Scenes] [Philip Dutré's Global Illumination Compendium]
[RenderPark: A Test-bed System for Global Illumination]

Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Light Transport Simulation
Eric Veach
Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1997

Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering
Eric Veach and Leo Guibas,

Metropolis light transport
E. Veach and L. Guibas. 
[Brown CS224 Metropolis Light Transport assignment]

Adaptive Sampling and Bias Estimation in Path Tracing, 
Rasmus Tamstorf and Henrik Wann Jensen, 
Rendering Techniques '97. Eds. J. Dorsey and Ph. Slusallek. Springer-Verlag, pp. 285-295, 1997

Monte-Carlo Global Illumination Methods State of the Art and New Developments
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos Department of Control Engineering and Information... 
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 1999.

Acceleration of Monte Carlo Path Tracing in General Environments
Frederic Perez, Ignacio Martín, Francois X. Sillion, Xavier Pueyo, 
roceedings of Pacific Graphics 2000

A Variance Analysis of the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm
Ashikhmin, M., Premoze, S., Shirley, P., and Smits, B., 
Computers & Graphics, 2001.

A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport, 
Henrik Wann Jensen, Stephen R. Marschner, Marc Levoy and Pat Hanrahan, 

State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis
Henrik Wann Jensen, James Arvo, Marcos Fajardo, Pat Hanrahan, Don Mitchell, Matt Pharr, Peter Shirley, 
Siggraph 2001 Course 29, August, 2001.

Realistic Ray Tracing, Peter Shirley, A. K. Peters, 2001.
[Peter Shirley's list of Monte Carlo links]

Irradiance Caching

A ray tracing solution for diffuse interreflection,
G. Ward, F. Rubinstein and R. Clear,

The RADIANCE Lighting Simulation and Rendering System,
G. Ward,
Computer Graphics 28 (4), pp. 459-472, 1994.

Photon Maps in Bidirectional Monte Carlo Ray Tracing of Complex Objects,
Henrik Wann Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen,
Computers & Graphics vol. 19 (2), pp. 215-224, March 1995

Efficiently Rendering Shadows using the Photon Map,
Henrik Wann Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen,
In Proceedings of Compugraphics '95, pp. 285-291, Alvor 1995.

Global Illumination using Photon Maps,
Henrik Wann Jensen,
Rendering Techniques '96 (Proceedings of the Seventh Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), 1996, pages 21-30.
[Benedict Brown's summary]

Importance Driven Path Tracing using the Photon Map,
Henrik Wann Jensen,
"Rendering Techniques '95". Eds. P.M. Hanranhan and W. Purgathofer. Springer-Verlag, pages 326-335, 1995.

Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping,
Henrik Wann Jensen,
A. K. Peters, 2001.

A Practical Guide to Global Illumination using Photon Maps,
Henrik Wann Jensen et al.,
Course 43, SIGGRAPH 2002.


Modeling the Interaction of Light Between Diffuse Surfaces,
Goral, C., Torrance, K., Greenberg, D., and Battaile, B.,

The Hemi-cube: A Radiosity Solution for Complex Environments,
Cohen, M., and Greenberg, D.P.,

A Progressive Refinement Approach to Fast Radiosity Image Generation,
Cohen, M., Chen, S., Wallace, J., and Greenberg, D.,

Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis,
Michael Cohen and John Wallace,
Academic Press, 1993.

Radiosity and Global Illumination,
Francois Sillion and Claude Puech,
Morgan-Kaufman, 1994.

An Empirical Comparison of Radiosity Algorithms,
Andrew Willmott and Paul Heckbert,
CMU-CS-97-115, CS Dept, Carnegie Mellon U., May 1997.

[Radiosity papers on the net]

[Brian Smit's course at Utah]

Visibility & Shadows


Shadow Volumes,
Frank Crow,  ...

The Light Buffer: a Shadow Testing Accelerator,
Eric Haines,
IEEE CG&A, 6(9), 1986.

Near real-time shadow generation using BSP trees
Norman Chin and Steven Feiner

A Survey of Shadow Algorithms,
Andrew Woo, Pierre Poulin, and Alain Fournier,
IEEE CG&A, 10(6), November, 1990.

Fast object-precision shadow generation for area light source
Norman Chin and Steven Feiner


Teller Thesis


A Fast Shadow Algorithm for Area Light Sources Using Backprojection,
George Dretakkis and Eugene Fiume,

Fast Computation of Shadow Boundaries Using Spatial Coherence and Backprojections,
A. James Stewart and Sherif Ghali,

Drettakis thesis

The Visibility Skeleton: A Powerful and Efficient Multi-Purpose Global Visibility Tool,
Frédo Durand, George Drettakis and Claude Puech,

A Multidisciplinary Survey of Visibility,
Frédo Durand,
ACM Siggraph course notes Visibility, Problems, Techniques, and Applications, July 2000.

A Survey of Practical Object Space Visibility Algorithms,
Sherif Ghali,
Siggraph 2001 Course 6, August, 2001.

Visibility, problems, techniques and applications,
Daniel Cohen-Or et al.,
Siggraph 2001 Course 30, August, 2001.

The 3D Visibility Complex,
Frédo Durand, George Drettakis and Claude Puech,
to appear in ACM Transactions on Graphics.


Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping,
Paul Heckbert,
Master's thesis, UCB/CSD 89/516, CS Division, U.C. Berkeley, June 1989.

Survey of Texture Mapping,
Paul Heckbert,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov. 1986 (figures).

Image-based rendering

View interpolation for image synthesis
 Shenchang Eric Chen and Lance Williams

QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation
Shenchang Eric Chen,

Plenoptic modeling: an image-based rendering system
Leonard McMillan and Gary Bishop
[Leonard McMillan's Talk for the SIGGRAPH `97 Panel on Image-Based Rendering]
[Leonard McMillan's Talk titled "An Image Based Approach to 3D Graphics"]

Light Field Rendering,
Marc Levoy and Pat Hanrahan,
[Light Fields at Stanford]

The Lumigraph,
Steven J. Gortler, Radek Grzeszczuk, Richard Szeliski, and Michael J. Cohen,
[Michael Cohen's Talk for the SIGGRAPH `97 Panel on Image-Based Rendering]

View morphing
Steven M. Seitz and Charles R. Dyer

Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: a hybrid geometry- and image-based approach
Paul E. Debevec, Camillo J. Taylor and Jitendra Malik
[UC Berkeley: Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs]

An Object-Centered Approach to Image-Based Rendering
Dally, William J.,, McMillan, Leonard, Bishop, Gary, and Fuchs, Henry,
MIT AI Technical Memo.

Tour into the picture: using a spidery mesh interface to make animation from a single image
Youichi Horry, Ken-Ichi Anjyo and Kiyoshi AraiDepartment of Computer Science, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1998.

An Image-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics,
Leonard McMillan,
Ph.D. Dissertation, UNC-CH, Dept. of Computer Science, April 1997.
[Talk slides]

Time Critical Lumigraph Rendering,
Peter-Pike Sloan, Michael F. Cohen and Steven J. Gortler,
1997 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1997, pp. 17-25.

Efficient View-Dependent Image-Based Rendering with Projective Texture-Mapping
Paul Debevec, George Borshukov, Yizhou Yu

Layered Depth Images
Jonathan Shade, Steven Gortler, Li-wei He, Richard Szeliski

Hybrid Geometry- and Image-Based Interactive Glossy Reflections,
Rui Bastos, Kenneth Hoff, William Chris Wynn, Anselmo Lastra,
I3D, 1999.

Image-Based Objects.
Manuel M. Oliveira and Gary Bishop.
Proceedings of 1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics,
(Atlanta, Georgia), April 26-28, 1999, pp. 191-198.
[Image-Based Rendering at UNC]

LDI Tree: A Hierarchical Representation for Image-based Rendering,
Chang, Chun-Fa, Gary Bishop, Anselmo Lastra.

Rendering with concentric mosaics
Heung-Yeung Shum and Li-Wei He

Image-Based Rendering:A New Interface Between Computer Vision and Computer Graphics,
L. McMillan and S. Gortler,
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 33:4 (Applications of Computer Vision to Computer Graphics), November 1999, pp. 61-64.

Relief Texture Mapping
Manuel Oliveira, Gary Bishop and David McAllister.

Plenoptic sampling
Jin-Xiang Chai, Shing-Chow Chan, Heung-Yeung Shum and Xin Tong

Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering,
Chris Buehler, Michael Bosse, Leonard McMillan, Steven Gortler, Michael Cohen,

Plenoptic stitching: a scalable method for reconstructing 3D interactive walk throughs
Daniel G. Aliaga and Ingrid Carlbom

Image-based rendering of diffuse, specular and glossy surfaces from a single image
Samuel Boivin and André Gagalowicz

A survey of image-based rendering techniques
S.B. Kang,
Videometrics VI (SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology), vol 3641, San Jose, CA, Jan. 1999.

Image-based rendering of diffuse, specular and glossy surfaces from a single image
Samuel Boivin and André Gagalowicz

Image-based imposters

A Video-Based Rendering Acceleration Algorithm for Interactive Walkthroughs,
Wilson, Manocha, Lin, Yeo, and Yeung,
ACM Multimedia 2000

Automatic image placement to provide a guaranteed frame rate
Daniel G. Aliaga and Anselmo Lastra

Image-based object representation by layered impostors
Schaufler Gernot
[Gernot Schaufler's home page]

Efficient impostor manipulations for real time visualization of urban scenery
François Sillion, Georges Drettakis, and Benoit Bodelet,
Proceedings of Eurographics'97, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-8, 1997.

A Three Dimensional Image Cache for Virtual Reality,
G. Schaufler, W. Stürzlinger,
EUROGRAPHICS '96 Proceedings, (August 1996), 15 3, pp 227-236.

Visual navigation of large environments using textured clusters,
Paulo W. C. Maciel and Peter Shirley,

Hierarchical image caching for accelerated walkthroughs of complex environments
Jonathan Shade, Dani Lischinski, David H. Salesin, Tony DeRose and John Snyder,

Visualization of Complex Models Using Dynamic Texture-based Simplification (pdf)
Daniel Aliaga
IEEE Visualization '96, pp. 101-106, Oct 27-Nov 1, 1996.

Efficient Warping for Architectural Walkthroughs using Layered Depth Images,
Voicu Popescu, Anselmo Lastra, Daniel Aliaga, Manuel Oliveira Neto,
IEEE Visualization '98, October 18-23, 1998.

Images for Accelerating Architectural Walkthroughs,
Matthew M. Rafferty, Daniel G. Aliaga, Voicu Popescu, Anselmo A. Lastra,
Computer Graphics & Applications, November/December, 1998.

Navigating static environments using image-space simplification and morphing
Lucia Darsa, Bruno Costa Silva and Amitabh Varshney

Multi-layered imposters for accelerated rendering
Xavier Decoret Gernot Schaufler Francois Sillion and Julie Dorsey

Occlusion culling

Conservative volumetric visibility with occluder fusion
Gernot Schaufler, Julie Dorsey, Xavier Decoret and François X. Sillion,

Conservative visibility preprocessing using extended projections
Frédo Durand, George Drettakis, Joëlle Thollot and Claude Puech,

Visibility culling using hierarchical occlusion maps
Hansong Zhang, Dinesh Manocha, Tom Hudson and Kenneth E. Hoff

Real-time occlusion culling for models with large occluders
Satyan Coorg and Seth Teller

Faster 3D Game Graphics by Not Drawing What Is Not Seen (html)
Kenneth E. Hoff III
ACM Crossroads, 1997.

Hierarchical polygon tiling with coverage masks
Ned Greene,

Hierarchical Z-buffer visibility
Ned Greene, Michael Kass and Gavin Miller

Visibility preprocessing for interactive walkthroughs
Seth J. Teller and Carlo H. Séquin

The randomized z-buffer algorithm: interactive rendering of highly complex scenes
 Michael Wand, Matthias Fischer, Ingmar Peter, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide and Wolfgang Straßer

A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications,
Daniel Cohen-Or, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Cláudio T. Silva and Frédo Durand,
to appear in IEEE TVCG

Hierarchical Model Representations

Hierarchical Geometric Models for Visible Surface Algorithms,
James Clark,
Communications of the ACM, Vol 19, No 10, October, 1976.

Ray Tracing Complex Scenes,
Timothy Kay and James Kajiya,

Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing,
Jeffrey Goldsmith and John Salmon,
IEEE CG&A, May 1987.

Feature-Based Control of Visibility Error: A Multi-Resolution Clustering Algorithm for Global Illumination,
Francois Sillion and George Drettakis,

Hierarchical view-dependent structures for interactive scene manipulation
Normand Brière and Pierre Poulin,

Fast Rendering of Complex Environments Using A Spatial Hierarchy.
Bradford Chamberlain, Tony DeRose, Dani Lischinski, David Salesin, and John Snyder.
In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Graphics Interface Conference (GI'96), pages 132-141, May 1996.

Accelerated walkthrough of large spline models
Subodh Kumar, Dinesh Manocha, Hansong Zhang and Kenneth E. Hoff

Hierarchical Levels of Detail for Fast Display of Large Static and Dynamic Environments,
Erikson, C., and Manocha, D.
UNC Chapel Hill Computer Science Technical Report TR00-012, 2000.

3D Object Representations

Taxonomy of Geometric Representations
Bruce Naylor

Computational Representations of Geometry,
Bruce Naylor et al.,
SIGGRAPH `96 Course Notes, 1996.

A Primer on Shapes: Curves and Surfaces,
Ardy Gshtasby, Alyn Rockwood, Demetri Terzopolos,
Siggraph 2001 Course 7, August, 2001.

New Directions in Shape Representations,
Hanspeter Pfister, Alyn Rockwood, et al.
Siggraph 2001 Course 33, August, 2001.

Point-Based Modeling and Rendering

The Use of Points as a Display Primitive
Marc Levoy and Turner Whitted
Technical Report 85-022, Computer Science Department,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January, 1985.
[Paper link]

Point Sample Rendering,
Grossman, J.P. and Dally, William J.,
Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering,
June 29 - July 1, 1998, Vienna, Austria, pp. 181-192.

A Survey and Classification of Real Time Rendering Methods,
Matthias Zwicker, Markus Gross, Hanspeter Pfister,
MERL, TR2000-09,  April 2000.

Surfels: surface elements as rendering primitives
Hanspeter Pfister, Matthias Zwicker, Jeroen van Baar and Markus Gross,
[Surfels link]

QSplat: a multiresolution point rendering system for large meshes
Szymon Rusinkiewicz and Marc Levoy,
[QSplat link]

Capturing,Processing and Rendering Real-World Scenes.
Nyland, Lars and Lastra, Anselmo and McAllister, David K. and Popescu, Voicu and McCue, Chris,
(to appear in) Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurement,
Electronic Imaging 2001, Photonics West, January 22, 2001. SPIE Vol. 4309.
[UNC's laser scanning page] [UNC's point rendering page]

Interactive exploration of acquired 3D data.
Nyland, Lars, David McAllister, Voicu Popescu, Chris McCue, and Anselmo Lastra,
Proceedings of the SPIE Applied Image and Pattern Recognition Conference (AIPR99)
Washington, DC, October 13-15, 1999.

Ray Tracing Point Sampled Geometry
Gernot Schaufler and Henrik Wann Jensen
Proc. 2000 Eurographics Workshop on Rendering

Surface splatting
Matthias Zwicker, Hanspeter Pfister, Jeroen van Baar and Markus Gross

Spectral processing of point-sampled geometry
Mark Pauly and Markus Gross

Mesh Representations

Winged-Edge Polhedron Representation,
B. Baumgard,
Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, STAN-CS-320, 1972.

I.C. Braid, R.C. Hillyard, I.A. Stroud,
Stepwise Construction of Polyhedra in Geometric Modelling,
CAD Group Document No. 100, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, October, 1978.

Tony Woo,
A Combinatorial Analysis of Boundary Data Structure Schemata,
IEEE CG&A, March, 1985

Kevin Weiler,
Edge-Based Data Structures for Solid Modeling in Curved-Surface Environments,
IEEE CG&A, January, 1985.

Mesh Simplification

Adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame rates during visualization of complex virtual environments
Thomas A. Funkhouser and Carlo H. Séquin,

Polygonal Simplification: An Overview,
Carl Erikson,
Technical Report TR96-016, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1996.
[Carl Erikson's Simplification Page]

A Survey of Polygonal Simplification Algorithms,
David Luebke,
Technical Report TR97-045, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1997.

Survey of Surface Simplification Algorithms,
Paul Heckbert and Michael Garland,
SIGGRAPH 97 course on Multiresolution Surface Modeling, 1997.

Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics,
Michael Garland and Paul Heckbert,
[Michael Garland's page on simplification with quadric error measures]
[Michael Garland's Multiresolution Modeling Page]

A Developer’s Survey of Polygonal Simplification Algorithms
David Luebke,
IEEE Computer Graphics &Applications (May 2001).
[David Luebke's Simplification Page at UNC]

Level of Detail for 3D Graphics. 
David Luebke, Martin Reddy, Jonathan Cohen, Amitabh Varshney, Benjamin Watson, and Robert Huebner. 
Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco (July 2002).

Multiresolution Meshes

Matthias Eck, et al,
Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes,

Progressive Meshes,
Hugues Hoppe,

Dynamic View-Dependent Simplification of Polygonal Models,
Julie Xia and Amitabh Varshney, 
IEEE Visualization `96.

A. Certain, J. Popovic, T. Duchamp, D. Salesin, W. Stuetzle, and T. DeRose,
Interactive Multiresolution Surface Viewing,

Real-time, continuous level of detail rendering of height fields
Peter Lindstrom, David Koller, William Ribarsky, Larry F. Hodges, Nick Faust and Gregory A. Turner,

Progressive simplicial complexes,
Jovan Popovic and Hugues Hoppe,

Multiresolution Surfaces of Arbitrary Topological Type,
M. Lounsbery, T. DeRose, and J. Warren,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 16, 1, January, 1997, 34-73.

View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Hugues Hoppe

View-dependent simplification of arbitrary polygonal environments
David Luebke and Carl Erikson

Multiresolution Modeling: Survey & future opportunities,
M. Garland, Eurographics '99,
State of the Art Report, September 1999.

Parametric Surfaces

Subdivision Surfaces

Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach
Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer

Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
Denis Zorin, Peter Shroeder, Tony DeRose, Leif Kobbelt, Adi Levin, Wim Sweldens,
Course 23 Notes, SIGGRAPH 2000.

Implicit Surfaces

Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces
Terry Yoo, Greg Turk, H. Quynh Dinh, John Hart, James O'Brien, Ross Whitaker
Course 29 Notes, SIGGRAPH 2002.

Introduction to Implicit Surfaces 
J. Bloomenthal, ed., 
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.

Implicit Surfaces
Jules Bloomenthal,
to appear in the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (ã Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY).

Convolution Surfaces
Bloomenthal, J. and Shoemake, K. 

Implicit Surfaces that Interpolate,
Greg Turk, Huong Quynh Dinh, James O'Brien and Gary Yngve 
Shape Modelling International 2001
Genova, Italy, May 7-11, 2001, pp. 62-71.

Shape Transformation Using Variational Implicit Functions,
Greg Turk and James O'Brien, 
SIGGRAPH 99, August 1999, pp. 335-342.

Implicit Surfaces for Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics
Jai Menon, Brian Wyvill, et al.
Course 11 Notes, SIGGRAPH 96

Brian Wyvill, Geoff Wyvill
Field Functions for Implicit Surfaces
Visual Computer, Issue 5 1989

Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces
Jules Bloomenthal
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Issue 5, 1988

Brian Wyvill, Craig McPheeters, Geoff Wyvill
Animating Soft Objects
The Visual Computer, Issue 4 1986

Brian Wyvill, Craig McPheeters, Geoff Wyvill
Soft Objects
Advanced Computer Graphics (Proc. CG Tokyo 1986)

Nelson L. Max
Computer Representation of Molecular Surfaces
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Aug 1983

James F. Blinn
A Generalization of Algebraic Surface Drawing
ACM Transactions on Graphics, July 1982

A Bibliography of Implicit Surfaces

Another Bibliograph of Implicit Surfaces

Voxel Representations

Display of Surfaces from Volume Data,
Marc Levoy,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,Vol. 8, No. 3, May, 1988
[Volume Rendering at Stanford]

Volume Graphics,
A. Kaufman, D. Cohen and R. Yagel,
IEEE Computer, Vol. 26, No. 7, July 1993, pp. 51-64.
[SUNY at Stoney Brook Visualization Lab]

Volume-Sampled 3D Modeling,
S. Wang and A. Kaufman,
IEEE Computer Graphics & Appplications 14(5), September 1994, pp.26-32.

Voxels as a Computational Representation of Geometry,
A. Kaufman,
SIGGRAPH `96 Course Notes.

Mesh Processing

Geometric Signal Processing on Large Polygonal Meshes,
Leif Kobbelt, Gabriel Taubin,
Siggraph 2001 Course 17, August, 2001.


Physically Based Modeling,
Andy Witkin, David Baraff, Michael Kass,
Siggraph 2001 Course 25 August, 2001.

On-line Computer Animation Course (Jessica Hodgins)

U. Wisconsin, Madison -- Mike Gleicher's Animation Course

U. Washington -- Zoran Popovic's Animation Course

UNC - Ming Lin's Animation Course

UCSC - Jane Wilhelms' Animation Course

Brown - Nancy Pollard's Animation Course

MIT - Jovan Popovic's Animation Course

Motion Capture

Making motion capture useful
Michael Gleicher et al, 
Siggraph 2001 Course 51, August, 2001.

Motion texture: a two-level statistical model for character motion synthesis
Yan Li, Tianshu Wang, Heung-Yeung Shum

Motion graphs
Lucas Kovar, Michael Gleicher, Frédéric Pighin

Interactive motion generation from examples
Okan Arikan, D. A. Forsyth

Interactive control of avatars animated with human motion data
Jehee Lee, Jinxiang Chai, Paul S. A. Reitsma, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard

Motion capture assisted animation: texturing and synthesis
Katherine Pullen, Christoph Bregler

Passive Dynamics

Robust treatment of collisions, contact and friction for cloth animation
Robert Bridson, Ronald Fedkiw, John Anderson

Stable but responsive cloth
Kwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko

Fast contact force computation for nonpenetrating rigid bodies
David Baraff,

Dynamic simulation of non-penetrating flexible bodies
David Baraff and Andrew Witkin

Active Dynamics, Controllers, Learning, Planning

Integrated Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters
Bruce Blumberg, Marc Downie, Yuri Ivanov, Matt Berlin, Michael Patrick Johnson, Bill Tomlinson,

Interaction with Groups of Autonomous Characters
Craig Reynolds
Game Developers Conference, 2000.

Building Control Systems for Robot Locomotion
Jessica Hodgins
Game Developers Conference, 2000.

Cognitive modeling: knowledge, reasoning and planning for intelligent characters
John Funge, Xiaoyuan Tu and Demetri Terzopoulos,

View-dependent culling of dynamic systems in virtual environments
Stephen Chenney and David Forsyth

Improv: a system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worlds
Ken Perlin and Athomas Goldberg,

Multi-level direction of autonomous creatures for real-time virtual environments
Bruce M. Blumberg and Tinsley A. Galyean,

Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model
Craig W. Reynolds

Human animation

Behavioral control for real-time simulated human agents
John P. Granieri, Welton Becket, Barry D. Reich, Jonathan Crabtree and Norman I. Badler

Interactive behaviors for bipedal articulated figures
Cary B. Phillips and Norman I. Badler

Animation of dynamic legged locomotion
Marc H. Raibert and Jessica K. Hodgins

Goal-directed, dynamic animation of human walking
A. Bruderlin and T. W. Calvert

Remote Rendering (streaming)

Streaming QSplat: A Viewer for Networked Visualization of Large, Dense Models,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz and Marc Levoy,

Accelerated MPEG compression of dynamic polygonal scenes
Dan S. Wallach, Sharma Kunapalli and Michael F. Cohen,

Deep Compression for Streaming Texture Intensive Animations,
Daniel Cohen-Or and Yair Mann and Shachar Fleishman,

Visibility Streaming for Network-based Walkthroughs,
Daniel Cohen-Or and Eyal Zadicario,
Graphics Interface '98, June 1998, pp. 1-7.

Vadim Abadjev and Miguel del Rosario and Alexei Lebedev and Alexander Migdal and Victor Paskhaver,
VRML 99: Fourth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language,
February 1999, Paderborn, Germany, pp. 53-62.

An adaptive framework for 3D graphics over networks,
Bengt-Olaf Schneider and Ioana M. Martin,
Computers & Graphics, 23(6),  December 1999,
Pergamon Press / Elsevier Science, pp. 867-874.

Progressive Compression of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes,
Daniel Cohen-Or and David Levin and Offir Remez,
IEEE Visualization '99,  October 1999, San Francisco, California, pp. 67-72.

Collision detection

Fast Proximity Queries for Large Game Environments
Ming Lin
Game Developers Conference, 2000.

Partitioning and Handling Massive Models for Interactive Collision Detection (ps),
Andrew Wilson, Eric Larsen, Dinesh Manocha, and Ming Lin
Proceedings of Eurographics, 1999.  Selected as best sudent paper of conference, runner-up for all papers.
more info

OBBTree: a hierarchical structure for rapid interference detection
S. Gottschalk, M. C. Lin and D. Manocha,

I-COLLIDE: An Interactive and Exact Collision Detection System for Large-Scaled Environments
Jonathan Cohen, Ming Lin, Dinesh Manocha, and Krish Ponamgi
Proceedings of ACM Interactive 3D Graphics Conference, pp. 189-196, 1995.
more info

Collision detection and response for computer animation
M. Moore and J. Wilhelms

Viewpoint navigation

Walking walking-in-place flying, in virtual environments
Martin Usoh, Kevin Arthur, Mary C. Whitton, Rui Bastos, Anthony Steed, Mel Slater and Frederick P. Brooks

Context sensitive flying interface
Colin Ware and Daniel Fleet

Guided navigation of virtual environments
Tinsley A. Galyean

CamDroid: a system for implementing intelligent camera control
Steven M. Drucker and David Zeltzer

Manipulating the future: predictor based feedback for velocity control in virtual environment navigation
Dale Chapman and Colin Ware

Automatic viewing control for 3D direct manipulation
Cary B. Phillips, Norman I. Badler and John Granieri

Interactive viewpoint control and three-dimensional operations
Michael McKenna

Through-the-lens camera control
Michael Gleicher and Andrew Witkin

Rapid controlled movement through a virtual 3D workspace
Jock D. Mackinlay, Stuart K. Card and George G. Robertson

Interaction techniques

Moving objects in space: exploiting proprioception in virtual-environment interaction
Mark R. Mine, Frederick P. Brooks and Carlo H. Sequin

An evaluation of techniques for grabbing and manipulating remote objects in immersive virtual environments
Doug A. Bowman and Larry F. Hodges

Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Andrew S. Forsberg, Matthew J. Conway, Seung Hong, Robert C. Zeleznik and Mark R. Mine

Object associations: a simple and practical approach to virtual 3D manipulation
Richard W. Bukowski and Carlo H. Séquin

An interactive 3D toolkit for constructing 3D widgets
Robert C. Zeleznik, Kenneth P. Herndon, Daniel C. Robbins, Nate Huang, Tom Meyer, Noah Parker and John F. Hughes,

Implementation of flying, scaling and grabbing in virtual worlds
Warren Robinett and Richard Holloway

Sound rendering

Sound rendering
Tapio Takala and James Hahn

Computer graphics visualization for acoustic simulation
A. Stettner and D. P. Greenberg

Walkthrough Systems

Walkthrough--a dynamic graphics system for simulating virtual buildings
Frederick P. Brooks

An Environment for Real-time Urban Simulation, Computer Graphics
William Jepson, Robin Liggett and Scott Friedman,
I3D 95.
[Bill Jepson's home page]

Net Immerse (NDL):
Designing a PC Game Engine
Lars Bishop, Dave Eberly, Turner Whitted, Mark Finch, and Michael Shantz,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, January, 1998 [Numerical Design Ltd.]

MMR: an interactive massive model rendering system using geometric and image-based acceleration
Daniel Aliaga, Jon Cohen, Andrew Wilson, Eric Baker, Hansong Zhang, Carl Erikson, Kenny Hoff, Tom Hudson, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Rui Bastos, Mary Whitton, Fred Brooks and Dinesh Manocha
I3D 99

Quake Engine (Id Software):
Ramblings in Realtime, Michael Abrash
Quake pages

Real-Time Rendering
Tomas Möller and Eric Haines,
A.K. Peters Ltd., ISBN 1-56881-101-2.

Performer (SGI):
IRIS performer: a high performance multiprocessing toolkit for real-time 3D graphics
John Rohlf and James Helman,

Optimizer (SGI):
[OpenGL Optimizer link] [Technical info] [White paper]

Vega (Paradigm)
[Vega link] [Glossy brochure]

World Toolkit (SENSE8)
[Technical Overview] [Reference Manual]

Links to 3D Game Engines

Software Systems

Alice (CMU):
Alice: Easy-to-Learn 3D Scripting for Novices
Matthew Conway
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1997.
[Alice link]

TBAG: a high level framework for interactive, animated 3D graphics applications
Conal Elliott, Greg Schechter, Ricky Yeung and Salim Abi-Ezzi,

Inventor (SGI):
An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit
Paul S. Strauss and Rikk Carey

UGA (Brown):
An object-oriented framework for the integration of interactive animation techniques
Robert C. Zeleznik, D. Brookshire Conner, Matthias M. Wloka, Daniel G. Aliaga, Nathan T. Huang, Philip M. Hubbard, Brian Knep, Henry Kaufman, John F. Hughes and Andries van Dam

Java3D (SUN)
[Java3D link] [Overview] [Data Sheet]

Panda3D (Disney)
[Panda3D link] [Overview]

RING (Funk)
[RING link]

Networking for distributed virtual environments

Networked Virtual Environments - Design and Implementation,
Sandeep Singhal & Michael Zyda, ACM Press 1999.

Half-Life and TeamFortress Networking: Closing the Loop on Scaleable Network Gaming Backend Services
Yahn Bernier
Game Developers' Conference, 2000.

A distributed 3D graphics library
Blair MacIntyre and Steven Feiner

Geometric algorithms for message filtering in decentralized virtual environments
Yohai Makbily, Craig Gotsman and Reuven Bar-Yehuda

NPSNET: a multi-player 3D virtual environment over the Internet
Michael R. Macedonia, Donald P. Brutzman, Michael J. Zyda, David R. Pratt, Paul T. Barham, John Falby and John Locke

NPSNET: constructing a 3D virtual world
Michael J. Zyda, David R. Pratt, James G. Monahan and Kalin P. Wilson


Presence, Immersion, etc.

Disney's Aladdin: first steps toward storytelling in virtual reality
Randy Pausch, Jon Snoddy, Robert Taylor, Scott Watson and Eric Haseltine,

Quantifying immersion in virtual reality
Randy Pausch, Dennis Proffitt and George Williams

Model acquisition

Capturing,Processing and Rendering Real-World Scenes.
Nyland, Lars and Lastra, Anselmo and McAllister, David K. and Popescu, Voicu and McCue, Chris,
(to appear in) Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurement,
Electronic Imaging 2001, Photonics West, January 22, 2001. SPIE Vol. 4309.

Interactive exploration of acquired 3D data.
Nyland, Lars, David McAllister, Voicu Popescu, Chris McCue, and Anselmo Lastra,
Proceedings of the SPIE Applied Image and Pattern Recognition Conference (AIPR99)
Washington, DC, October 13-15, 1999.

The Impact of Dense Range Data on Computer Graphics.
Nyland, Lars, David McAllister, Voicu Popescu, Chris McCue, Anselmo Lastra, Paul Rademacher, Manuel Oliveira, Gary Bishop, Gopi Meenakshisundaram, Matt Cutts, and Henry Fuchs.
Proceedings of Multi-View Modeling and Analysis Workshop (MVIEW99), (Part of CVPR99),
(Fort Collins, CO), June 23-26, 1999.

Capturing Dense Environmental Range Information with a Panning, Scanning Laser Rangefinder,
Lars Nyland,, 1999.

Inverse global illumination: recovering reflectance models of real scenes from photographs
Yizhou Yu, Paul Debevec, Jitendra Malik and Tim Hawkins,

Scanning physical interaction behavior of 3D objects
Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van den Doel, Doug L. James, Jochen Lang, John E. Lloyd, Joshua L., Richmond and Som H. Yau

Other Stuff

Multi-pass pipeline rendering: realism for dynamic environments
Paul J. Diefenbach and Norman I. Badler

Frameless rendering: double buffering considered harmful
Gary Bishop, Henry Fuchs, Leonard McMillan and Ellen J. Scher Zagier,