Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 598d
Advanced Topics in CS: Data Visualization


Spring 2000

General Information | Schedule | Readings | Projects

About Projects in This Course

Projects can be done individually or in groups.  Given the variety of interesting topics we would
like to encourage people to spread over available topics and not all concentrate on one or two.

Data Repository

In order to explore various ways to visualize data, we are building a data repository consisting
several kinds of data.  We will have at least five kinds of data sets in the collection: If you have ideas about what data to put in the repository, please let us know.

Suggested Projects

We are actively soliciting additions to the following list. What do you think would make a good project?
Send your ideas to


Stefanos Damianakis snd@cs
Adam Finkelstein      af@cs
Tom Funkhouser        funk@cs
Anoop Gupta   
Scott Klasky    
Kai Li                        li@cs
Zhiyan Liu                 zhiyan@cs
Robert Osada            rosada@cs
S. Jordan Parker
Lena Petrovic            lenap@cs
Yilei Shao                 yshao@cs
Ben Shedd                 benshedd@cs
Mona Singh               mona@cs
S. Morrow Petigrew
Grant Wallace           gwallace@cs
Curtis Wright