COS 126
Exercise Set 4

These programming exercises are intended help review the material on TOY programming and on recursion. Do not turn in solutions.

  1. Here's another implementation of the Fibonacci numbers (from /u/cs126/examples/fib4.c):
    int fib(int n, int p) {
    	int n2;
    	if (n < 2)
    		return 1 + p;
    	n2 = fib(n-2, p);
    	return fib(n-1, n2);
    fib(n,0) returns the nth Fibonacci number. Implement this version of fib in TOY machine language using the calling conventions for recursive functions described on pages 11-6 and 11-7 of lecture 11. See /u/cs126/toy/sum2.toy. Run your program with n = 20 (the answer should be 2AC2).
  2. Revise your solution to the previous exercise to eliminate the tail recursion in your TOY program.
  3. int itoa(int n, int b, char str[]) fills str with a null-terminated string giving the character representation of n in base b and returns the length of this string. For example:
    char buf[20];
    k = itoa(875, 5, buf);
    printf("%s\n", buf);
    Sets k to 5 and prints 12001. Implement itoa using recursion. You'll find it easiest to make itoa itself nonrecursive, and to have it call a recursive helper function that is a variant of convert. convert is described on page 10-4 of lecture 10 and is available in /u/cs126/examples/convert.c.
  4. Write a completely nonrecursive version of itoa.


Try to implement these programs before looking at the suggested solutions.

  1. fib2.toy
  2. fib3.toy
  3. itoa.c (recursive)
  4. itoa1.c (nonrecursive)

Copyright © 1996 David R. Hanson /
$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 1996/10/18 14:23:22 $