CS 291 - 2nd Paper


Write a paper 5-8 pages in length on one of the topics below. Or, you may select your own topic. If you do, be sure to discuss this in advance with the preceptor or instructor.

Note: many of the topics are larger in scope than can be handled, thoroughly, in 5-8 pages. It is fine to limit your attention to a sub-part of the question but be sure to state this at the outset and explain clearly how you have limited the scope.

  1. Discuss the Netscape/Hot Java security flaw from the point of view of accountability and professional responsibility. Use the questions below as a guide: You need only provide a level of detail about the bug and the various responses by Sun and Netscape that is necessary for your discussion about responsibility, professional responsibility, accountability, etc. The attached news articles give a good overview. Also, refer to the relevant web link on the course web site. You will find your lecture notes from Professor Felten's in-class presentation very useful.

  2. Choose any scenario from the chapters you have read in Computer Ethics and construct Utilitarian and Deontological moral arguments to support or oppose suggested courses of action. So for example, if the agent A must decide between action x or y, construct Utilitarian and Deontological arguments in favor and against and then give your "on balance" judgment as to what A ought to do. (Note: you may couch Deontological arguments in terms of rights or duties and if applicable, bring in considerations of justice.)

  3. Evaluate arguments for and against granting copyrights for computer program interfaces in reference to Lotus Development Corp v. Paperback Corp.

  4. Critically evaluate Richard Stallman's position. Be sure to refer to articles in Chapter 3 of CESV.

  5. A teacher in a public school in a poor neighborhood of the Bronx thinks that Math-Ace, a computer program, will greatly enhance the mathematical skills of his (or her) students. The school, however, cannot afford to pay the price tag for group use. The teacher decides to buy a personal copy to install on all of the school's machines. Write a paper that considers whether his action is morally defensible. Draw on articles about software ownership as well as ethical theory.

  6. Choose from Paper 1 topics a) and c) given in Course Web page.

DUE DATE: April 1, 5 pm in Julian's mailbox in 2-N-2 Green Hall

Grade penalties will be assessed for late papers.

Papers will be accepted in concrete, dead-tree form only!
