CS 291 - 1st Paper


Write a paper 5-8 pages in length on one of the topics below. Or, you may select your own topic. If you do, be sure to discuss this in advance with the preceptor or instructor.

  1. A challenge is issued to the ACM Code of Ethics (See Course Reader pages 1-13) saying that the code includes clauses that are distasteful to some members of the computer community. In your essay, evaluate this challenge. You may choose to focus on the merits of this particular challenge, or you may use this challenge as a way to tackle more general criticisms of the idea of a code of professional ethics, or you may do some of both. If you focus on the merits of this particular challenge, you may find it useful to look ahead to the article by Richard Stallman in the readings for March 25.

  2. Imagine that you are writing on behalf of a citizen's group that has been asked to evaluate a proposal for computer-equipped cars and automated highways. (See attached description.) In preparing your evaluation you should refer to discussions about computer-related risks as well as discussions about maintaining accountability in a computerized society.

  3. Analyze and evaluate Gotterbarn's claims about the nature of computer ethics. (You may draw on materials from that week's readings, or any other that seem relevant to your case.)

  4. Discuss scenario 3.1 or 7.1 from D.G. Johnson's Computer Ethics. Refer to the relevant chapters in Johnson's book as well as to other articles on the reading list dealing with professional responsibility and general responsibility, respectively.

DUE DATE: March 1, 5 pm in Julian's mailbox in 2-N-2 Green Hall

Grade penalties will be assessed for late papers.

Papers will be accepted in concrete, dead-tree form only!
