- --- - - -- r-e-s-e-a-r-c-h-(!) -- - - --- -
(to boldly go... where no one wants to go)

(please visit Ge's homepage at Stanford for latest)

CV | projects | publications | teaching | musical works

p r o j e c t s
(all with advisor

concurrent, on-the-fly
audio programming language

on-the-fly programming
runtime-programmable systems and languages;
using code for expressive, real-time control

(video of conference attendance: here)

context-sensitive, on-the-fly
audio programming environ/mentality,
(with Ananya Misra and Philip Davidson)

analysis/synthesis of environmental sounds,
domestic and foreign

(with Ananya Misra)

real-time audio dsp + 3d visualization
sndpeek | rt_lpc | rt_pvc
(with Ananya Misra, also Paul and Ahmed)

the (completely insane)
princeton laptop orchestra

a light toolkit for building laptop instruments
(with Rebecca Fiebrink)

collaborative audio programming,
distributed real-time networked audio

(really old stuff)
sound lab | dated stuff
glove interface | darth

p u b l i c a t i o n s

Book chapter:

Wang, G. "A history of programming and music." Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music, N. Collins and J. D'escrivan Eds. Cambridge University Press. (coming in 2007)

Journal articles:

Wang, G., D. Trueman, S. Smallwood, and P. R. Cook. "The Laptop Orchestra as Classroom." Computer Music Journal. (forthcoming).

S. Smallwood, D. Trueman, P. R. Cook, and G. Wang. "Composing for Laptop Orchestra." Computer Music Journal. (forthcoming).

Kapur, A., G. Wang, P. Davidson, and P. R. Cook. 2005. "Interactive Network Media: A Dream Worth Dreaming?" Organized Sound. 10(3):209-219.

Misra, A., P. R. Cook, and G. Wang. 2006. "Musical Tapestry: Re-Composing Natural Sounds" Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. New Orleans. (winner: Swets & Zeitlinger Distinguished Paper Award, to be published in Journal of New Music Research)

Conference articles:

Wang, G., P. R. Cook. 2003. "ChucK: A Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language". In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Computer Music Association, pp 217-225.
(winner: 2003 ICMA Best Presentation Award)

Wang, G., P. R. Cook. 2004. "On-the-fly Programming: Using Code as an Expressive Musical Instrument". In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). June 2004.

Wang, G., P. R. Cook. 2004. "ChucK: A Programming Language for On-the-fly, Real-time Audio Synthesis and Multimedia." In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2004. October 2004.
(invited/winner: 2004 ACM Multimedia Open Source Software Competition)

Wang, G., P. R. Cook. 2004. "Audicle: A Context-sensitive, On-the-fly Audio Programming Environ/mentality" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Computer Music Association.
(winner: 2004 ICMA Best Presentation Award)

Wang, G., A. Misra, A. Kapur, and P. R. Cook. 2005. "Yeah ChucK It! => Dynamic Controllable Interface Mapping" In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), June 2005.

Misra, A., Wang, G., and P. R. Cook. 2005. "SndTools: Real-time Audio DSP and 3D Visualization" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Computer Music Association.

Wang, G., P. R. Cook., and A. Misra. 2005. "Designing and Implementing the ChucK Programming Language" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Computer Music Association.

Wang, G., A. Misra, P. Davidson, and P. R. Cook. 2005. "Co-Audicle: a Collaborative Audio Programming Space" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Computer Music Association.

Kapur, A, G. Tzantetakis, N. Virji-Babul, G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2005. "A Framework for Sonification of VICON Motion Capture Data" In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects. Madrid.

Wang, G., A. Misra, and P. R. Cook. 2006. "Building Colaborative interFaces in the Audicle" In Proceedings of the International Conference on New INterfaces for Musical Expression. Paris.

Misra, A., P. R. Cook, and G. Wang. 2006. "A New Paradigm for Sound Design." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects. Montreal.

Salazar, S., G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2006. "miniAudicle the ChucK Shell: New Interfaces for ChucK Development and Performance" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. New Orleans.

Trueman, D., P. R. Cook, S. Smallwood, and G. Wang. 2006. "PLOrk: Princeton Laptop Orchestra, Year 1" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. New Orleans.

Fiebrink, R., G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2007. "Don't Forget the Laptop: Using Native Input Capabilities for Expressive Musical Control" In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. New York City.

Wang, G., R. Fiebrink, and P. R. Cook. 2007. "Combining Analysis and Synthesis in the ChucK Programming Language" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Copenhagen.

t e a c h i n g

  • I am greatly interested in pedagogy for CS and computer music - especially in creating new, naturally integrated classrooms that teach computation and technology with art and aesthetics. For additional teaching experiences, please see CV, as well as PLOrk.

  • Fall 2006: Composing for Laptop Orchestra
    Princeton University, CS + Music, with Perry Cook.

  • Fall 2006: DSP + Software Design for Computer Music
    Dartmouth College, Electro-acoustic Music Program.
    (I drove a lot that semester)

  • Fall 2005 + Spring 2006: Princeton Laptop Orchestra, Year 1
    Princeton University, with Dan Trueman, Perry Cook, and Scott Smallwood

s e l e c t e d   p e r f o r m a n c e s   &   c o m p o s i t i o n s

"Gigapop Ritual", Montreal/Princeton Internet2/CA2Net concert, for Sitar and EDholak (Montreal, Ajay Kapur), DigitalDoo (Montreal, Perry Cook), Electronic Spoon (Montreal, Ge Wang), Graphics (Montreal, Philip Davidson), Tabla and EDholak (Princeton, Manjul Bhargava), Electric Violin and RBow (Princeton, Dan Trueman), and Bass (Princeton, Tae Hong Park). International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Montreal, May 2003.

"On-the-fly Counterpoint" for two laptops and two laptop projectors, with Perry Cook.

  • Listening in the Sound Kitchen Festival, Princeton, NJ, November 2003.
  • (juried) International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 2004.
  • Cross Currents Music Festival, Penn State University, April 2006.
  • (juried) SIGGRAPH 2006 Art Gallery Performance, August 2006.

"Non-Specific Gamelan Taiko Fusion" for Princeton Laptop Orchestra, with Perry Cook. This is an experiment in human-controlled, but machine-synchronized percussion ensemble performance, for 15 laptops/humans.

  • PLOrk Debut, January 2006. (listen | stream)
  • Richardson Auditorium, Princeton University, April 2006.
  • Dartmouth College, May 2006.

"CliX" for Princeton Laptop Orchestra. In this piece, human operators type to make sounds, while their machines synthesize, synchonize, and spatialize the audio. Every key on the computer keyboard (upper/lower-case letters, numbers, symbols) is mapped to a distinct pitch (using the key's ASCII representation) and when pressed, emits a clicking sound that is synchronized in time to a common pulse. A (human) conductor coordinates frequency range, texture, movement, and timing. For 15 laptops/fervent typists.

"ChucK ChucK Rocket" for Princeton Laptop Orchestra, with Scott Smallwood (special thanks to Ananya Misra for additional programming). This game piece is a study that reflects our interest in creating games scenarios in which the sounds produced are part of an interactive sound composition. In this game, based on Chu Chu Rocket, mice are released onto a large grid. Each player has a piece of this grid, and is able to cause the running mice to change direction by placing arrows in their path, and they are also able to place objects in their path, which make sound when the mice run over them, synchronized with those of other players. Thus, a player can create a kind of instrument with their piece of the grid, trapping groups of mice into loops that contain sound objects of their choosing. They can also send mice to and receive mice from their neighbors through network portals, thus the mice are shared throughout the entire group.

"Loom (Etude II pour un enfant soul)", with Perry Cook and Ananya Misra. For 8-channel tape. A "Musical Tapestry" created with TAPESTREA

  • International Computer Music Conference, Concert.
  • (listen: mp3 stereo)

"Crystalis" for Princeton Laptop Orchestra. This is a sonic rumination of crystal caves in the clouds, where the only sounds are those of the wind and the resonances of the crystals. It uses two simple instruments called the crystalis and wind-o-lin. These instruments make use of the laptop keyboard (which controls pitch and resonance) and the trackpad (which the players "bow" in various patterns to generate sound).

  • PLOrk in New York, October 13th, 2006.
  • PLOrk Winter Concert, January 18th, 2007.
  • (see instrument guide, pdf)

"Joy of Chant" for Princeton Laptop Orchestra, by Rebecca Fiebrink, Ge Wang, and Perry Cook. A scored and improvisatory work for laptop ensemble, using joystick- and keyboard-controlled real-time singing synthesis.

  • PLOrk Winter Concert, January 18th, 2007.

"PLOrk Beat Science", duet performed and composed by Rebecca Fiebrink and Ge Wang. An electro-acoustic structured improvisation for 1 flute, 2 humans, 5 laptops, 5 pressure-sensitve finger drum pads, and 30 audio channels distributed among 5 hemispherical speakers.

  • PLOrktasitc Chamber Music, ffmup, November 2006.
  • PLOrk Winter Concert, January 2007
  • (see website)
