Wednesday, Jan 12
8:20AM: Opening Remarks
8:30AM -- 9:30AM: Invited talk: Interpreting the Data, Rob Pike (Google)
10AM Session:
- Associated Types with Class
- Manuel Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Simon Peyton-Jones, Simon Marlow
- Environmental Acquisition Revisited
- Richard Cobbe, Matthias Felleisen
- Polymorphic Bytecode: Compositional Compilation for Java-like Languages
- Davide Ancona, Ferrucio Damiani, Sophia Drossopoulou, Elena Zucca
- A Simple Typed Intermediate Language for Object-Oriented Languages
12noon -- 1:30PM: Lunch
1:30PM Session:
- Parametric Polymorphism for XML
- Haruo Hosoya, Alain Frisch, Giuseppe Castagna
- A Bisimulation for Type Abstraction and Recursion
- Eijiro Sumii, Benjamin Pierce
- A Syntactic Approach to Eta Equality in Type Theory
- Slot Games: A Quantitative Model of Computation
3:30PM -- 4PM: Break
4PM Session:
- Synthesis of Interface Specifications for Java Classes
- Rajeev
Alur, Pavol Cerny, P. Madhusudan, Wonhong Nam
- Dynamic Partial-Order Reduction for Model Checking Software
- Cormac
Flanagan, Patrice Godefroid
- Proof-Guided Underapproximation-Widening for Multi-Process Systems
- Orna Grumberg, Flavio Lerda, Ofer Strichman, Michael Theobald
- Transition Predicate Abstraction and Fair Termination
- Andreas
Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko
6PM: Business meeting / PC report
Thursday, Jan 13
8:30AM: Invited talk: Programming Languages for Quantum
Computing, Peter Selinger (University of Ottawa)
9:30AM -- 10AM: Break
10AM Session:
- Communicating Quantum Processes
- Simon Gay, Rajagopal Nagarajan
- Downgrading Policies and Relaxed Noninterference
- A Probabilistic Language Based Upon Sampling Functions
- Sungwoo
Park, Frank Pfenning, Sebastian Thrun
- Mutatis Mutandis: Safe and Predictable Dynamic Software Updating
- Gareth Stoyle, Michael Hicks, Gavin Bierman, Peter Sewell, Iulian Neamtiu
12noon: Lunch
1:30PM Session:
- Transactors: A Programming Model for Maintaining Globally Consistent
Distributed State in Unreliable Environments
- John Field, Carlos Varela
- Theoretical Foundations for Compensations in Flow Composition Languages
- Roberto Bruni, Hernan Melgratti, Ugo Montanari
- From Sequential Programs to Multi-Tier Applications by Program
- Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann
- Combinators for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations: A Linguistic
Approach to the View Update Problem
- Nathan Foster, Michael Greenwald, Jonathan Moore, Benjamin Pierce, Alan
3:30PM -- 4PM: Break
4PM Guided tour and dinner on the Queen Mary ocean liner.
- At the conference dinner, SIGPLAN will announce the
Most Influential POPL Paper Award for POPL 1994.
Friday, Jan 14
8:30AM: Invited talk: How should we program graphics
hardware? Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
9:30AM -- 10AM: Break
10AM Session:
- Separation Logic and Abstraction
- Matthew Parkinson, Gavin Bierman
- Permission Accounting in Separation Logic
- Richard Bornat,
Cristiano Calcagno, Peter O'Hearn, Matthew Parkinson
- Context Logic and Tree Update
- Cristiano Calcagno, Philippa
Gardner, Uri Zarfaty
- Connecting Effects and Uniqueness with Adoption
- John Tang Boyland,
William Retert
12noon: Lunch
1:30PM Session:
- A Semantics for Procedure-Local Heaps and its Abstractions
- Noam
Rinetzky, Jörg Bauer, Thomas Reps, Mooly Sagiv, Reinhard Wilhelm
- Region-Based Shape Analysis with Tracked Locations
- Brian Hackett, Radu Rugina
- Precise Interprocedural Analysis using Random Interpretation
- Sumit
Gulwani, George Necula
- Numeric Analysis of Array Operations
- Denis Gopan, Thomas Reps,
Mooly Sagiv
3:30PM -- 4PM: Break
4PM Session:
- Scalable Error Detection using Boolean Satisfiability
- Automated Soundness Proofs for Dataflow Analyses and Transformations
via Local Rules
- Sorin Lerner, Todd Millstein, Erika Rice, Craig Chambers
- The Java Memory Model
- Jeremy Manson, William Pugh, Sarita Adve
5:30PM Adjourn