Interdisciplinary Computational Seminars

Fall 2003 - Spring 2004

These graduate student-oriented seminars provide a forum to present and learn about computationally-oriented research occurring in many different disciplines. Interaction is encouraged with an emphasis on sharing ideas and obtaining feedback regarding issues arising at any stage of the computational pipeline, from applications through models and methods to scalable parallel and distributed computing, storage and visualization. To make these talks accessible to a multi-disciplinary audience of researchers, no prior knowledge of the specific discipline area will be assumed by the speakers.


Spring 2004 Schedule

February 11
Scientific Computing in Product and Process Discovery:
Advances In Global Optimization, Scheduling of Operations, Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
Christodoulos A. Floudas, Chemical Engineering, Princeton University
February 18
No Seminar
February 25
Practical Considerations in Building Beowulf Clusters
Arch Davis,
March 3
Simulation of Plasma Flows for Spacecraft Propulsion
Kameshwaran Sankaran
, MAE, Princeton University
March 10
The lattice-Boltzmann Method, Background and Application to Large Scale Fluid Mechanics Problems
Andreas ten Cate,
Chemical Engineering, Princeton University
March 17
No Seminar
March 24
Numerical Modeling of Recombination Soft X-Ray Lasers
Yoav Avitzour
, MAE, Princeton University
March 31
Integrating Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics for Simulation-Based Aerodynamic Design
Arron Melvin
, MAE, Princeton University
April 7
Molecular Dynamics for Nonspherical Particles: Ellipses and Ellipsoids
Aleksandar Donev,
PACM, Princeton University
April 14
No Seminar
April 21
Successes of Computational Science with Application to Turbulent Flows
Pino Martin, MAE, Princeton University
April 28
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sand
Sung Joon Moon,
PACM, Princeton University

Fall 2003 Schedule

November 5
Discoveries made by Scientific Computation in Astrophysics
James M. Stone, Astrophysics, Princeton University
November 11
Grid-Based Parallel Data Streaming
Scott Klasky, PPPL, Princeton University
November 19
Numerical Algorithms for Solving the Gyrokinetic Equation for Plasma Turbulence
Emily Belli, Astrophysics, Princeton University
December 3
Wavelet-Based Intelligence that can Tell a Whale Song from an Earthquake Phase
Frederik Simons, Geosciences, Princeton University
December 10
Molecular Simulation of Liquids: Efficient, Parallelizable Monte Carlo Algorithms
M. Scott Shell, Chemical Engineering, Princeton University
MONDAYS, Computer Science Building, Room 302 (unless otherwise noted)
Seminars begin at 12:30 p.m.
These seminars are partially supported by the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE)
This seminar series consists of three types of talks:
PICASso "Successes" Seminar
Leading researchers are invited to present special sessions about key "Successes of Computational Science" in their field; i.e., areas of success in the science that could not have been (or easily been) achieved without scalable computation.
PICSciE Colloquium
Leading researchers are invited to present accessible overviews of their work, or tutorials on specific methods.
PICASso Research Seminar
Graduate students, post-docs and young faculty present overviews of their research projects and/or tutorials on computational methods they are using.

Interested in presenting a talk?

If you would like to be kept informed of computationally-oriented events in (and around) Princeton, please SUBSCRIBE to the PICASso mailing list by visiting This page also contains information on how to UNSUBSCRIBE.