Programming Assignment 3: Autocomplete /* ***************************************************************************** * Describe how your firstIndexOf() method in * finds the first index of a key that is equal to the search key. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * Identify which sorting algorithm (if any) that your program uses in the * Autocomplete constructor and instance methods. Choose from the following * options: * * none, selection sort, insertion sort, mergesort, quicksort, heapsort * * If you are using an optimized implementation, such as Arrays.sort(), * select the principal algorithm. **************************************************************************** */ Autocomplete() : allMatches() : numberOfMatches() : /* ***************************************************************************** * How many compares (in the worst case) does each of the operations in the * Autocomplete data type make, as a function of both the number of terms n * and the number of matching terms m? Use Big Theta notation to simplify * your answers. * * Recall that with Big Theta notation, you should discard both the * leading coefficients and lower-order terms, e.g., Theta(m^2 + m log n). **************************************************************************** */ Autocomplete(): Theta( ) allMatches(): Theta( ) numberOfMatches(): Theta( ) /* ***************************************************************************** * Known bugs / limitations. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * Describe any serious problems you encountered. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * List any other comments here. Feel free to provide any feedback * on how much you learned from doing the assignment, and whether * you enjoyed doing it. **************************************************************************** */