Seam Carving Leaderboard

Number of calls per second for finding and removing seams of a 736-by-584 picture.

rank nickname horizontal vertical
1shai avidan 61.78 77.85
2Jackett Stirk 57.97 55.76 47.54 36.97
4happy thanksgiving 34.68 52.14
5N8 Dawg & Chen Burger 20.08 21.14
6computer? i hardly know 'er 19.37 21.89
7{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2580 \cocoatextsca 19.77 18.74
8finer than the discrete topology 17.95 20.5
9faster_enough 18.42 16.79
10loosepher 13.96 19.77
11thebois 16.59 16.39
12udontknowmeQAQ 18.51 13.73
13loosepher 13.78 17.76
1413 12.78 15.83
15Club Frisbee 13.68 13.62
16baller 11.07 16.78
17CLUB 13.3 13.01
18COS BROS 8.72 18.18
19StdRandom.nickname() 8.44 17.69
20ihopeicanstillsubmitthis 8.29 17.61
21java-algs4 MakesMyHeadHurt 8.05 17.13
22fast_enough 7.58 17.56
23B97RCC 7.93 16.43
24BOSS 7.38 16.06
25JGAC 14.76 6.57
26Tigerking 7.51 15.05
27Kevin Wayne Fan Club 7.65 14.57
28226 Master 7.38 14.1
29an_attempt 7.11 14.36
30khu 7.09 13.91
31IllegalArgumentInception 6.74 14.31
32Bowl of Submerged Carrots 7.19 13.73
33Applesauce 7.66 12.95
34WAYNEHOLIC 7.23 13.28
35:) 7.47 12.56
36bored 9.07 10.29
37Kevin's Strongest Soldiers 6.52 13.44
38beepbeep 7.38 11.96
39sigma_males 6.45 12.98
40gotigers 7.43 11.22
41iq2lo 6.02 12.79
42anonymous 6.19 12.32
43CKCT 6.69 11.5
44Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 8.65 8.77
45IllegalArgumentException 5.85 11.95
46NullPointerException 5.96 11.62
47why not 6.16 9.62
48please be fast 5.14 10.18
49GD 5.24 9.77
50rip in the chat 4.6 5.49
5131 4.56 4.92
52go_tigers 4.52 4.74
53test 3.58 4.29
54Humphrey and the Humpers 3.29 4.43
55testing 3.48 4.1
56Penguino 2.2 3.23