Graph Representation

Shortest path representation

Edge relaxation

Manually performing Dijkstra's algorithm, Acyclic Shortest Paths algorithm, and Bellman-Ford algorithm. These should be very easy to manully execute.

Dijkstra's algorithm

Acyclic shortest paths

Bellman-Ford algorithm

Recommended Problems

C level

  1. Simulate Dijkstra's algorithm on the edge-weighted digraph below, starting from vertex 0.
    1. Give all the distTo[] and edgeTo[] values that result.
    2. What is the maximum number of items in the priority queue?
    3. What is the last vertex popped from the priority queue?
    4. What letter is spelled out by the edges of the shortest-path tree (SPT) computed by Dijksta's algorithm?
  2. Textbook 4.3.1 and 4.4.1

B level

  1. Spring 2012 Final, #5
  2. Fall 2012 Final, #5
  3. Suppose that you are running Dijkstra's algorithm on the edge-weighted digraph (table below), starting from a source vertex s. The table (second table below) gives the edgeTo[] and distTo[] values immediately after vertex 2 has been deleted from the priority queue and relaxed.
    edge weight edge weight
    0 --> 2 6.0 5 --> 1 12.0
    0 --> 4 6.0 5 --> 2 1.0
    0 --> 5 17.0 5 --> 4 3.0
    1 --> 3 17.0 5 --> 7 10.0
    2 --> 5 11.0 5 --> 8 4.0
    2 --> 7 6.0 6 --> 0 12.0
    3 --> 0 1.0 6 --> 1 5.0
    3 --> 10 3.0 6 --> 2 1.0
    3 --> 1 25.0 6 --> 4 9.0
    3 --> 6 13.0 6 --> 9 4.0
    3 --> 8 9.0 7 --> 1 7.0
    4 --> 5 3.0 7 --> 5 11.0
    4 --> 6 4.0 7 --> 9 6.0
    4 --> 7 3.0 10 --> 1 15.0
    4 --> 8 1.0 10 --> 5 2.0
    4 --> 9 15.0 10 --> 8 7.0
      Dijkstra in progress
      v distTo[] edgeTo[]
      0  1.0     3 --> 0
      1 17.0     5 --> 1
      2  6.0     5 --> 2
      3  0.0     null
      4  7.0     0 --> 4
      5  5.0    10 --> 5
      6 13.0     3 --> 6
      7 12.0     2 --> 7
      8  9.0     3 --> 8
      9  8       null
      10 3.0     3 --> 10
    1. Give the order in which the first 5 vertices were deleted from the priority queue and relaxed.
    2. Modify the table (just above, titled "Dijkstra in progress") to show the values of the edgeTo[] and distTo[] arrays immediately after the next vertex has been deleted from the priority queue and relaxed. Circle those values that changed.
  4. Think about how to solve the undirected version of the shortest paths problem. Why is it easy for graphs with positive edge weights? Why is it hard if we include negative edge weights?
  5. Textbook 4.4.25
  6. Since Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm are so similar, why do we need to check for cycles in Prim's, but not in Dijkstra's?
  7. Textbook 4.4.42 and 4.4.44

A level

  1. Textbook 4.4.34
  2. Textbook 4.4.37