COS 435
Resources for Projects

Please help keep this list useful!  Suggest free, stable, preferably open-source software and free, open data sets.  It is best if you can give a recommendation from personal experience, but we will take other suggestions subject to further exploration.  Thanks!

Data Sets
Here are some data sets of possible value.  Some have been used in past COS435 projects.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Other members of the faculty have data sets that they are willing to share.  If you need something - either a specific data set or a specific kind of data - ask, and we'll see if it is available in the department.


Here are some free (as far as I know) software tools of possible value.  Some have been used in past COS435 projects.

lists last updated Fri Feb 17 14:03:58 EST 2012
Copyright  2008-2012  Andrea S. LaPaugh