//The 3 required lines of motion feature extractor stuff MotionFeatureExtractor m; //declare an object m.setup(); //set it up spork ~m.extract(); //start the extraction //Mandolin patch for synth Mandolin mm => dac; //Now we can use the functions to get accelerometer position! 1 => int i; 200 => float f; while (true) { m.lastX() => float x; m.lastY() => float y; m.lastZ() => float z; x + y + z => float sum; Math.fabs(x) => x; if (x == 0) { 1 => x; } if (x > 100) //100 is max I want 100 => x; i * f => mm.freq; i++; (.1 * x)$int => int ff; (i % ff) + 1 => i; 1 => mm.noteOn; x * .01 * .3::second => now; //.1::second => now; }