COS 333 Projects (Spring 2008)
Sun Mar 30 09:01:52 EDT 2008
These are the projects, divided by TA but otherwise in random order.
If there's a catchy name I've used that, and otherwise summarized the
content. An asterisk indicates the project manager. If I got anything
wrong, please let me know. Feel free to discuss all aspects of
projects, and to help each other out, especially if you discover
something useful or figure out how to do something -- everyone benefits.
I'll upgrade this list as we go along, especially if people give me more
info, like url's.
I would like to post a very brief summary for each project,
basically no more than a paragraph, so that everyone can see what
everyone else is doing. This might be lifted from your design document,
perhaps abbreviated, and maybe mentioning likely implementation tools,
since I think it will be helpful if people can share what they learn
about Django or Rails or PHP or Ajax.
You should contact your assigned TA to work out a schedule for
weekly meetings, which begin the week after break. More
information on how to get the most out of these meetings will be posted
Anirudh Badam (abadam):
- Graphle:
Cecile Huttentower*, Philip Stern, Adam Sanders, Anson Hook.
A tool for browsing large, dense graphs, particularly for biologists.
- Course Selection: Eric Cohen*, Val Karpov, AJ Segdewick.
A web application that allows undergrads to easily organize
course selections for upcoming semesters.
- A Cappella Audition-Scheduling System:
Kyle Leiby, Will Schwarzenbach, Sean Stern*, Ciccy Yang.
Web-based tool for scheduling and managing a cappella auditions.
- Night of the Nine Ninja:
Tom Lieber*, Jeff Harris, Alina Ene, Dexter Doyle, Brian Biskeborn.
Multiplayer game framework for helping social scientists carry out experiments.
- Legions of Lore:
Peter Whalen*, Eric Whitman, Clara O'Farrell, Tom Ledbetter.
Online turn-based strategy game.
- Online Flash Cards:
Daniel Roberts*, Ota Amaize, Michale Hasling, Alberto Jurado.
Computer assisted learning tool for subjects like languages, chemistry, etc.
Jia Deng (jiadeng):
- Snakes on a CMS:
David Zaslavsky*, Andrew Schran, Jenny Drexler, Joel Thompson.
A collaborative content management system for producing a magazine or newspaper.
- "Cloud" Mobile Contact Storage System:
Chris Merrick*, Jingyuan Wu, Umar Javed, Srdjan Krstic.
Providing "cloud" storage of cell phone contacts and easy access to these
contact through a variety of media.
- Integrated Course [Selection] Engine (ICE):
Daniel Huang*, Gyeong-Sik Choi, Yoonju Kim, Becker Polverini, Alan Chin.
Integrate course selection resources from registrar and SCORE.
- Knights vs. Dragons:
Bettina Burgett*, Stephanie Chen, Todd Dale, Kaitlin Renaud.
Web-based version of Knights versus Dragons.
Bill Zeller (wzeller):
- iPhone Transit Maps:
Paul Cavallaro, Adam Ernst*, Mark Limperis, Dzhelil Rufat.
Viewing transit maps on a mobile device, with routing and schedule information
- Mobile Surveys :
Carter Cleveland, Andrew Ferguson*, Alex Limpaecher.
Cellphone based sruvey system.
- Brown Food Cooperative Schedule Optimizer:
Gordon Scharf, Gus Tate, Brian Geistwhite*, Hal Laidlaw.
Automate processes for scheduling cooks, guests, etc., for the
Brown Coop.
- Princeton Model United Nations Website:
Lalithra Fernando, Kathleen Li, Jacob Lewellen, Sajid Mehmood*.
Automate pre-conference coordination and management for the PMUNC.
- P-maps:
Abhishek Agrawal*, Hao Liu, Perry Morgan, Matt Sanders.
Centralized website to integrate different services on a common
Princeton map.