COS 333 Potential External Projects
Wed Feb 20 14:19:01 EST 2008
Here are some very sketchy facts on potential projects from other
parts of the university that might be of interest to some group in 333.
I definitely don't know the full scope of what the potential customers
have in mind, but I would be happy to talk to you and to the person(s)
on the other end to help make connections and to ensure that the project
will be suitable from the COS 333 end.
If any of these sound like they might be appealing, please start
by talking to me; this is mainly to avoid having multiple people pile
up on someone, but also to make sure that all parties have a general
understanding of what to expect. I also have a handful of other ideas
that are even less fleshed out, but that might have potential.
OIT has several applications that they wind up doing over and over
again; the interesting challenge would be to try for some kind of meta
system that would automate some or all of the creation of these fairly
stereotyped systems. The two on the top of their list are
- An online application form with references, the sort of site
that is used to collect applications and references for things like RA
and similar student positions.
- An event registration system that allows people to register for
events, maintain applicant info, allow attendees to enroll in program
events, etc.
OIT also has a list of other projects that might well profit from a
group doing a pilot. For more information, contact Dave Herrington (daveh).
Donna Liu, WWS, runs the
University Channel
story 1/12/07)
and is looking for ways to make the site easier to run and scale up.
There are interesting problems in upload of data in various formats,
canonicalization according to rules by provider and PU, a need to wrap
content up in uniform style, etc. It would be nice to have some
redundancy and backup, and also to deal with distributed sites.
Design and implement a website for the department of athletics
at Princeton, to show news, staff members, activities, scores for the
recent sport events, and links to related websites. There are many
similarities to a real, commercial enterprise, including frequent
activity announcements, and advertisements of significant events
(currently mostly done manually). Ideally, it should provide scores of
the recent Ivy League competitions. It requires collecting membership
and ticket fees online. There's no need to be compatible with the past,
so it can be designed from scratch.
Contacts: Jamie Zaninovich (senior
associate director of athletics) or Kai
Li, Chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Athletics).
Philip Stern gave me a list of potential
of interest to USG; talk to Philip for more details if any of
these appeal.
- Anonymous Course Comment - a new version of the current
application which would allow students to anonymously communicate with
faculty and administrators
- Campus Walking Map - computes shortest path between locations
across campus and displays routes
- Course Selection - an application which allows students to request
assistance from other students and communicate with them about courses they
are interested in taking
- Crush 2.0 - a new and improved version of the crushfinder website
with additional functionality like the inclusion of anonymous messages,
ability to change crush lists, CAS integration
- I'm Hungry - an application which allows students to schedule
meals with other students on campus and keep track of interclub and
university meal exchanges
- Point Features - new modules, features, and section to the Point
web portal
- Student Works Database - a repository for creative student work
like poems, songs, essays, photos, and video. These works could be rated,
tagged, etc.