import sys, os, cgi, urllib, re form = cgi.FieldStorage() class CASClient: def __init__(self): self.cas_url = '' def Authenticate(self): # If the request contains a login ticket, try to validate it if form.has_key('ticket'): netid = self.Validate(form['ticket'].value) if netid != None: return netid # No valid ticket; redirect the browser to the login page to get one login_url = self.cas_url + 'login' \ + '?service=' + urllib.quote(self.ServiceURL()) print 'Location: ' + login_url print 'Status-line: HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect' print "" sys.exit(0) def Validate(self, ticket): val_url = self.cas_url + "validate" + \ '?service=' + urllib.quote(self.ServiceURL()) + \ '&ticket=' + urllib.quote(ticket) r = urllib.urlopen(val_url).readlines() # returns 2 lines if len(r) == 2 and re.match("yes", r[0]) != None: return r[1].strip() return None def ServiceURL(self): if os.environ.has_key('REQUEST_URI'): ret = 'http://' + os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + os.environ['REQUEST_URI'] ret = re.sub(r'ticket=[^&]*&?', '', ret) ret = re.sub(r'\?&?$|&$', '', ret) return ret #$url = preg_replace('/ticket=[^&]*&?/', '', $url); #return preg_replace('/?&?$|&$/', '', $url); return "" # this works if this is just a file -- i haven't figured out # how to get the python program to produce html after doing auth # # validate?ticket=ST-3555-McPZ4NKfx6S0EhnCEkHc # &service= def main(): print "CASClient does not run standalone" if __name__ == '__main__': main()