INPUT VARIABLES: P1 total persons P2 total families P3 total HH-olds (Households) P4.1 %-tage living inside urbanized area P4.2 %-tage living outside urbanized area (but still urban) P4.3 %-tage living inside rural P4.4 %-tage living elsewhere P5.1 %-tage male P5.2 %-tage female P6.1 %-tage white P6.2 %=tage black P6.3 %-tage American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut (indian) P6.4 %-tage Asian or Pacific Inslander (asian) P6.5 %-tage other race P8 %-tage of hispanic origin (hispanic) P11.1 %-tage (0:11] years old P11.2 %-tage [12:24] years old P11.3 %-tage [25:64] years old P11.4 %-tage [65:\infty] years old P14.1 %-tage males never married P14.2 %-tage males married, not separated P14.3 %-tage males separated P14.4 %-tage males widowed P14.5 %-tage males divorced P14.6 %-tage females never married P14.7 %-tage females married, not separated P14.8 %-tage females separated P14.9 %-tage females widowed P14.10 %-tage females divorced P15.1 %-tage of people in family HH-s P15.2 %-tage of people in non-family HH-s P15.3 %-tage of people in group quarters (incl jails) P16.1 %-tage of HH-lds with 1 person P16.2 %-tage of HH-lds with 2 or more persons which are family HH-lds P16.3 %-tage of HH-lds which are non-family P17 %-tage of peoples in families P17a average family size P18.1 %-tage of HH-lds with 1+ persons under 18 which are family HH-lds P18.2 %-tage of HH-lds with 1+ persons under 18 which are non-family HH-lds P18.3 %-tage of HH-lds with no persons under 18 which are family HH-lds P18.4 %-tage of HH-lds with no persons under 18 which are non-family HH-lds P19.1 %-tage of HH-lds with white HH-lder P19.2 %-tage of HH-lds with black HH-lder P19.3 %-tage of HH-lds with indian HH-lder P19.4 %-tage of HH-lds with asian HH-lder P19.5 %-tage of HH-lds with other HH-lder P20.1 %-tage of HH-lds with Hispanic HH-lder P25.1 %-tage of HH-lds with 1+ persons 65 and over P25.2 %-tage of HH-lds with no persons 65 and over P26.1 %-tage of HH-lds with 1+ non-relatives P26.2 %-tage of HH-lds with no non-relatives P27.1 %-tage of HH-lds which are small family HH-lds [2-4] persons P27.2 %-tage of HH-lds which are large family HH-lds 5+ persons P27.3 %-tage of HH-lds which have one person P27.4 %-tage of HH-lds which are non-family with 2+ persons H1 Total num of Housing Units(HU) H2.1 %-tage of HU occupied H2.2 %-tage of HU vacant H3.1 %-tage of occupied HU owner occupied (ownOcc) H3.2 %-tage of occupied HU renter occ-ed (rentOcc) H4.1 %-tage of HU inside urban area H4.2 %-tage of HU outside urban area (but still within Urban) H4.3 %-tage of HU in rural area H4.4 %-tage of HU in other areas H5.1 %-tage of vacant HU for rent H5.2 %-tage of vacant HU for sale only H5.3 %-tage of vacant HU rented, sold not occ-ed H5.4 %-tage of vacant HU for seasonal, rec or occasional use H5.5 %-tage of vacant HU for migrant workers H5.6 %-tage of vacant HU other H7.1 %-tage of vacant HU with usual home elsewhere H8.1 %-tage of occ-ed HU with white HH-lder H8.2 %-tage of occ-ed HU with black HH-lder H8.3 %-tage of occ-ed HU with indian HH-lder H8.4 %-tage of occ-ed HU with asian HH-lder H8.5 %-tage of occ-ed HU with other HH-lder H9.1 %-tage of ownOcc HU with white HH-lder H9.2 %-tage of ownOcc HU with black HH-lder H9.3 %-tage of ownOcc HU with indian HH-lder H9.4 %-tage of ownOcc HU with asian HH-lder H9.5 %-tage of ownOcc HU with other HH-lder H9.6 %-tage of rentOcc HU with white HH-lder H9.7 %-tage of rentOcc HU with black HH-lder H9.8 %-tage of rentOcc HU with indian HH-lder H9.9 %-tage of rentOcc HU with asian HH-lder H9.10 %-tage of rentOcc HU with other HH-lder H10.1 %-tage of occ-ed HU with HH-lder not of Hispanic origin H10.2 %-tage of occ-ed HU with HH-lder of Hispanic origin H12.1 Average age of HH-lder in ownOcc HU's H12.2 Average age of HH-lder in rentOcc HU's H13.1 %-tage of HU with 1-4 rooms H13.2 %-tage of HU with 5+ rooms H14 Average number of rooms in a HU H15.1 Average number of rooms in a ownOcc HU H15.2 Average number of rooms in a rentOcc HU H17.1 %-tage of occ-ed HU with 1-4 persons H17.2 %-tage of occ-ed HU with 5+ persons H18.1 %-tage of ownOccHU with 1-4 persons H18.2 %-tage of ownOcc HU with 5+ persons H18.3 %-tage of rentOcc HU with 1-4 persons H18.4 %-tage of rentOcc HU with 5+ persons H18.A average number of persons per ownOcc HU H18.A average number of persons per rentOcc HU H19 average num of persons in HU H40.1 %-tage of vacant-for-rent HU vacant less then 2 months H40.2 %-tage of vacant-for-rent HU vacant more then 6 months H40.3 %-tage of vacant-for-sale HU vacant less then 2 months H40.4 %-tage of vacant-for-sale HU vacant more then 6 months OUTPUT VARIABLE TO BE PREDICTED: H23.B median HU price