@string{colt88 = {Proceedings of the 1988 Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt89 = {Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt90 = {Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt91 = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt92 = {Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt93 = {Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt94 = {Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt95 = {Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt96 = {Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt97 = {Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt98 = {Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt99 = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt00 = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt01 = {Proceedings 14th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory and 5th European Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt02 = {15th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory}} @string{colt04 = {17th Annual Conference on Learning Theory}} @string{eurocolt93 = {Computational Learning Theory: EuroCOLT '93}} @string{eurocolt95 = {Computational Learning Theory: Second European Conference, EuroCOLT~'95}} @string{eurocolt99 = {Computational Learning Theory: Fourth European Conference, EuroCOLT~'99}} @string{focs79 = {20th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs80 = {21st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs81 = {22nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs82 = {23rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs83 = {24th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs84 = {25th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs85 = {26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs86 = {27th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs87 = {28th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs88 = {29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs89 = {30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs90 = {31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs91 = {32nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs92 = {33rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs93 = {34th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs94 = {35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs95 = {36th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{focs96 = {37th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science}} @string{soda90 = {Proceedings of the First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms}} @string{soda91 = {Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms}} @string{stoc80 = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc81 = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc82 = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc83 = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc84 = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc85 = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc86 = {Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc87 = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc88 = {Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc89 = {Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc90 = {Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc91 = {Proceedings of the Twenty Third Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc92 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc93 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc94 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc95 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc96 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{stoc97 = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}} @string{ml94 = {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference}} @string{ml95 = {Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning}} @string{ml96= {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference}} @string{ml97= {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference}} @string{ml98= {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference}} @string{ml99= {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference}} @string{ml00= { Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning}} @string{ml02= { Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Machine Learning}} @string{ecml94= {Machine Learning: ECML-94}} @string{aaai97= {Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}} @string{aaai99= {Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}} @string{anprob= {Annals of Probability}} @string{anappprob={Annals of Applied Probability}} @string{annstat={The Annals of Statistics}} @string{cacm = {Communications of the ACM}} @string{eurosam79={Symbolic and Algebraic Computation}} @string{icalp92 = {Automata, Languages and Programming: 19th International Colloquium}} @string{ijcai85 = {Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}} @string{infcomp={Information and Computation}} @string{infctrl={Information and Control}} @string{ieeeit= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}} @string{jacm = {Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery}} @string{jair = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research}} @string{jcss = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences}} @string{jmlr = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}} @string{mit = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}} @string{mitlcs= {MIT Laboratory for Computer Science}} @string{ml = {Machine Learning}} @string{sicomp ={SIAM Journal on Computing}} @string{symcomp={Journal of Symbolic Computation}} @string{tcs = {Theoretical Computer Science}} @string{ucsccrl={University of California Santa Cruz, Computer Research Laboratory}} @string{nips5= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5}} @string{nips7= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7}} @string{nips8= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8}} @string{nips10= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10}} @string{nips11= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11}} @string{nips12= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12}} @string{nips13= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13}} @string{nips14= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14}} @string{nips15= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}} @string{nips5eds={Stephen Jos\'e Hanson and Jack D. Cowan and C. Lee Giles}} @string{sigir88={Proceedings of the 11th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{sigir94={Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{sigir95={Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{sigir96={Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{sigir97={Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{sigir99={Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}} @string{wiley= {John Wiley \& Sons}} @inproceedings{Abe89, author = {Naoki Abe}, title = {Polynomial Learnability of Semilinear Sets (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = colt89, month= jul, year = {1989} } @InProceedings{AbeMa98, author = {Naoki Abe and Hiroshi Mamitsuka}, title = {Query Learning Strategies using Boosting and Bagging}, booktitle = ml98, year = 1998 } @inproceedings{AbeTaWa91, author= {Naoki Abe and {Jun-ichi} Takeuchi and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Polynomial Learnability of Probabilistic Concepts with Respect to the {K}ullback-{L}iebler Divergence}, year= 1991, month= aug, pages= {277--289}, booktitle= colt91 } @article{AbeWa92, author= {Naoki Abe and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {On the Computational Complexity of Approximating Distributions by Probabilistic Automata}, journal= ml, volume= 9, number= {2--3}, year= 1992, pages= {205--260} } @InProceedings{AbneyScSi99, author = {Steven Abney and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Boosting applied to tagging and {PP} attachment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}, year = 1999 } @article{AdlerPr92 ,author= {Michael Adler and Bhaskar Prasad} ,title= {On universal currency hedges} } @inproceedings{AielloMi91, author= {William Aiello and Milena Mihail}, title= {Learning the {F}ourier Spectrum of Probabilistic Lists and Trees}, year= 1991, month= jan, booktitle= soda91 } @Article{AizermanBrRo64, author = {M. A. Aizerman and E. M. Braverman and L. I. Rozonoer}, title = {Theoretical foundations of the potential function method in pattern recognition learning}, journal = {Automation and Remote Control}, year = 1964, volume = 25, pages = {821-837} } @inproceedings{AldousVa90, author= {David Aldous and Umesh Vazirani}, title= {A {M}arkovian Extension of {V}aliant's Learning Model}, booktitle= focs90, month= oct, year= 1990, pages= {392--404} } @inproceedings{AleliunasKaLiLoRa79, author= {Aleliunas, Romas and Richard M. Karp and Richard J. Lipton and Laszlo Lov\'asz and Charles Rackoff}, title= {Random Walks, Universal Traversal Sequences, and the Complexity of Maze Problems}, booktitle= focs79, year= 1979, month= Oct, pages= {218--223} } @article{Algoet92 ,author= {Paul Algoet} ,title= {Universal schemes for prediction, gambling and portfolio selection} } @article{Algoet94 ,author= {Paul H. Algoet} ,title= {The Strong Law of Large Numbers for Sequential Decisions Under Uncertainty} ,journal= ieeeit ,volume= 40 ,number= 3 ,year= 1994 ,month= may ,pages= {609--633} } @article{AlgoetCo88 ,author= {P. Algoet and T. M. Cover} ,title= {Asymptotic optimality and aymptotic equipartition property of log-optimal investment} ,journal= {Annals of Probability} ,volume= 16 ,pages= {876--898} ,year= 1988 } @article{AllweinScSi00, author = {Erin L. Allwein and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Reducing multiclass to binary: A unifying approach for margin classifiers}, journal = jmlr, pages= {113-141}, volume = 1, year = 2000 } @book {AlonSp92, AUTHOR = {Alon, Noga and Spencer, Joel H.}, TITLE = {The probabilistic method}, NOTE = {With an appendix by Paul Erd\H os, A Wiley-Interscience Publication}, PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons Inc.}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {xvi+254}, ISBN = {0-471-53588-5}, MRCLASS = {60-02 (05C80 11K99 60C05)}, MRNUMBER = {93h:60002}, MRREVIEWER = {Bert Fristedt}, } @Article{AmitGe97, author = {Yali Amit and Donald Geman}, title = {Shape quantization and recognition with randomized trees}, year = 1997 } @mastersthesis{Amsterdam88, author= {Amsterdam, Jonathan}, title= {The Valiant Learning Model: Extensions and Assessment}, school= mit, year= 1988, month= Jan } @inproceedings{Amsterdam88b, author = {Amsterdam, Jonathan}, title = {Some Philosophical Problems with Formal Learning Theory}, booktitle = {Proceedings AAAI-88}, year = {1988}, pages = {580--584}, organization = {American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Saint Paul, Minn.}, month = {aug}, comment = {A philosophical attack on computational learning theory} } @book{AndersonRo88, editor= {Anderson, James A. and Rosenfeld, Edward}, title= {Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1988 } @techreport{Andreae85, author= {Andreae, Peter Merrett}, title= {Justified Generalization: Acquiring Procedures from Examples}, institution= {MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}, year= 1985, month= Jan, number= {AI-TR-834}, comment= {Ph.D. thesis. Examines traces of a correct procedure (physical motion procedure) to infer loops, etc.} } @article{Angluin78, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {On the complexity of minimum inference of regular sets}, journal= infctrl, volume= 39, year= 1978, pages= {337--350} } @article{Angluin80, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Inductive Inference of Formal Languages from Positive Data}, journal= infctrl, year= 1980, month= May, volume= 45, number= 2, pages= {117--135}, comment= {Can be done iff each language Li contains a finite subset Ti such that Ti is a subset of Li and if i!=j and Ti is a subset of Lj, then Lj is not a proper subset of Li; and Ti is computable from i.} } @article{Angluin80b, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Finding patterns common to a set of strings}, journal= jcss, number= 1, volume= 21, month= aug, year= 1980, pages= {46--62} } @article{Angluin81, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {A note on the number of queries needed to identify regular languages}, journal= infctrl, volume= 51, year= 1981, pages= {76--87} } @article{Angluin82, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Inference of Reversible Languages}, journal= jacm, year= 1982, volume= 29, number= 3, month= Jul, pages= {741--765} } @techreport{Angluin86a, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Learning Regular Sets from queries and counter-examples}, institution= {Yale University Department of Computer Science}, number= {YALEU/DCS/TR-464}, year= 1986, month= Mar, comment= {Learning regular sets from a teacher who answers membership queries, and responds to false conjectures with counterexamples. Based on Gold's approach. Also learning context-free languages from teacher.} } @techreport{Angluin86b, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Types of queries for concept learning}, institution= {Yale University Department of Computer Science}, address= {New Haven, CT}, number= {YALEU/DCS/TR-479}, year= 1986, month= Jun, comment= {Surveys kinds of learning possible with equivalence, membership, subset, superset, and disjointness queries, and with random samplying.} } @article{Angluin87, author = {Angluin, Dana}, title = {Learning Regular Sets from Queries and Counterexamples}, journal = infcomp, year = 1987, month = Nov, volume = 75, pages = {87--106}, comment= {Learning regular sets from a teacher who answers membership queries, and responds to false conjectures with counterexamples. Based on Gold's approach. Also learning context-free languages from teacher.} } @unpublished{Angluin87b, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {A Note on Diversity}, month= Dec, year= 1987, note= {Unpublished} } @techreport{Angluin88, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Negative results for equivalence queries}, institution= {Yale University Department of Computer Science}, number= {YALEU/DCS/RR-648}, year= 1988, month= Sep } @article{Angluin88b, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Queries and Concept Learning}, journal= ml, volume= 2, number= 4, month= apr, pages= {319--342}, year= 1988 } @article{Angluin90, author= {Angluin, Dana}, title= {Negative results for equivalence queries}, journal= ml, year= 1990, volume= 5, number= 2, pages= {121--150} } @inproceedings{AngluinFrPi90, author= {Dana Angluin and Michael Frazier and Leonard Pitt}, title= {Learning Conjunctions of {H}orn Clauses}, booktitle= focs90, pages= {186--192}, month= oct, year= 1990 } @article{AngluinFrPi92, author= {Dana Angluin and Michael Frazier and Leonard Pitt}, title= {Learning Conjunctions of {H}orn Clauses}, journal= ml, volume= 9, number= {2/3}, pages= {147--164}, year= 1992 } @techreport{AngluinGaSm87, author= {Angluin, Dana and William I. Gasarch and Carl H. Smith}, title= {Training Sequences}, institution = {University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies}, number= {UMIACS-TR-87-37}, year= 1987, month= Aug, comment = {Shows how to learn hard total functions by being taught relevant other functions first.} } @Book{boyd, author = {Boyd Stephen and Vandenberghe Lieven}, OPTALTeditor = {}, title = {Convex Optimization}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2006}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTedition = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @techreport{AngluinHeKa89, author= "Angluin, Dana and Lisa Hellerstein and Marek Karpinski", title= "Learning Read-Once Formulas with Queries", institution= "University of California Berkeley, Computer Science Division", number= "UCB/CSD 89/528", year= 1989, month= aug, note= {To appear, {\it Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery}} } @article{AngluinHeKa93, author= "Angluin, Dana and Lisa Hellerstein and Marek Karpinski", title= "Learning Read-Once Formulas with Queries", journal= jacm, year= 1993, volume= 40, number= 1, pages= {185--210} } @inproceedings{AngluinKh91 ,author= {Dana Angluin and Michael Kharitonov} ,title= {When won't membership queries help?} ,booktitle= stoc91 ,year= 1991 ,month= may ,pages= {444--454} } @techreport{AngluinLa86, author= {Angluin, Dana and P. D. Laird}, title= {Identifying k-CNF formulas from noisy examples}, institution= {Yale University Department of Computer Science}, number= {YALEU/DCS/TR-478}, year= 1986, month= Jun, comment= {Error model assumes random error rate < 1/2 in classifications provided for examples. Algorithm tries to minimize number of examples which are misclassified by chosen hypothesis.} } @article{AngluinLa88, author= {Angluin, Dana and Philip Laird}, title= {Learning from noisy examples}, journal= ml, year= 1988, volume= 2, number= 4, pages= {343--370}, comment= {Error model assumes random error rate < 1/2 in classifications provided for examples. Algorithm tries to minimize number of examples which are misclassified by chosen hypothesis.} } @inproceedings{AngluinSl91, author= {Dana Angluin and Donna K. Slonim}, title= {Learning Monotone {DNF} with an Incomplete Membership Oracle}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991, pages= {139--146} } @article{AngluinSm83, author= {Angluin, Dana and Carl H. Smith}, title= {Inductive Inference: Theory and Methods}, journal= {Computing Surveys}, year= 1983, month= Sep, volume= 15, number= 3, pages= {237--269}, comment= {Comprehensive survey of inductive inference a la Gold [Go67].} } @article{AngluinVa79, author= {Angluin, Dana and Leslie G. Valiant}, title= {Fast probabilistic algorithms for {H}amiltonian circuits and matchings}, journal= jcss, volume= 18, number= 2, pages= {155--193}, year= 1979, month= Apr, comment= {States nice form of Chernoff bounds.} } @Article{AnlaufBi89, author = {J. K. Anlauf and M. Biehl}, title = {The AdaTron: an adaptive perceptron algorithm}, journal = {Europhysics Letters}, year = 1989, volume = 10, number = 7, month = {Dec}, pages = {687--692} } @inproceedings{ApteDaWe94, author = {Chidanand {Apt\'e} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss}, booktitle = sigir94, pages = {23--30}, title = {Towards Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models}, year = {1994} } @inproceedings{ArLiRuSu92, author= {Sigal Ar and Richard J. Lipton and Ronitt Rubinfeld and Madhu Sudan}, title= {Reconstructing Algebraic Functions from Mixed Data}, booktitle= focs92, year= 1992, month= oct, pages= {503--512} } @InProceedings{AslamDh91, author = {Aslam, Javed A. and Dhagat, Aditi}, title = {Searching in the Presence of Linearly Bounded Errors}, booktitle = stoc91, year= 1991, month= may } @article {AslamDh93, AUTHOR = {Aslam, Javed A. and Dhagat, Aditi}, TITLE = {On-line algorithms for $2$-coloring hypergraphs via chip games}, JOURNAL = {Theoret. Comput. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, VOLUME = {112}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {355--369}, ISSN = {0304-3975}, CODEN = {TCSDI}, MRCLASS = {05C85 (68R10 90D35)}, MRNUMBER = {94b:05178}, MRREVIEWER = {J. Spencer}, } @techreport{AslamDe94 ,author= {Javed A. Aslam and Scott E. Decatur} ,title= {Improved noise-tolerant learning and generalized statistical queries} } @phdthesis{Aslam95, author= {Aslam, Javed}, title= {Noise Tolerant Algorithms for Learning and Searching}, school= {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year= 1995, note= {{MIT} technical report {MIT/LCS/TR-657}} } @unpublished{AslamDe95 ,author= {Javed A. Aslam and Scott E. Decatur} ,title= {General bounds on statistical query learning and {PAC} learning with noise via hypothesis boosting} ,year= 1995 } @Article{AslamDe96, title={On the sample complexity of noise-tolerant learning}, author={Javed A. Aslam and Scott E. Decatur}, pages={189--195}, journal=ipl, month={26~} # feb, year=1996, volume=57, number=4 } @inproceedings{AuerCeFrSc95 ,author= {Peter Auer and Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi and Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Gambling in a rigged casino: The adversarial multi-armed bandit problem} ,pages= {322-331} ,booktitle= focs95 ,year= 1995 } @book{AumannHa92 ,editor= {Robert J. Aumann and Sergiu Hart} ,title= {Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications} ,year= 1992 ,publisher= {North-Holland} ,volume= 1 } @inproceedings{AzarBrKaLiPh92, author= {Yossi Azar and Andrei Z. Broder and Anna R. Karlin and Nathan Linial and Steven Phillips}, title= {Biased Random Walks}, booktitle= stoc92, pages= {1--9}, month= may, year= 1992 } @Article{AzouryWa01, author = {Katy S. Azoury and M. K. Warmuth}, title = {Relative Loss Bounds for On-Line Density Estimation with the Exponential Family of Distributions}, journal = ml, year = 2001, volume = 43, pages = {211-246} } @article{BahlJeMe83, author= {Bahl, Lalit R. and Frederick Jelinek and Robert L. Mercer}, title= {A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Continuous Speech Recognition}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year= 1983, month= Mar, volume= {PAMI-5}, number= 2, pages= {179--190}, comment= {Describes Markov modeling and analysis techniques.} } @incollection{Bainbridge77, author= {E. S. Bainbridge}, title= {The fundamental duality of system theory}, editor= {W. E. Hartnett}, booktitle= {Systems: Approaches, Theories, Applications}, pages= {45--61}, publisher= {Reidel}, year= 1977 } @article{Banos68 ,author= {Alfredo Ba{\~{n}}os} ,title= {On pseudo-games} ,journal= {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics} ,volume= {39} ,number= {6} ,pages= {1932--1945} ,year= {1968} } @article{BarkaiSeSo94 ,author= {N. Barkai and H. S. Seung and H. Sompolinsky} ,title= {On-line learning of dichotomies} } @unpublished{BarkaiSo?? ,author= {N. Barkai and H. Sompolinsky} ,title= {Statistical mechanics of maximum-likelihood density estimation} } @Article{Barron93, author = {Andrew R. Barron}, title = {Universal approximation bounds for superposition of a sigmoidal function}, journal = ieeeit, year = 1993, volume = 39, number = 3, pages = {930--945} } @unpublished{Barron97 ,author= {Andrew R. Barron} ,title= {Information theory in probability, statistics, learning, and neural nets} } @article {BarronRiYu98, AUTHOR = {Barron, Andrew and Rissanen, Jorma and Yu, Bin}, TITLE = {The minimum description length principle in coding and modeling}, NOTE = {Information theory: 1948--1998}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, VOLUME = 44, YEAR = 1998, NUMBER = 6, PAGES = {2743--2760}, } @inproceedings{BartellCoBe94, Author = "Brian T. Bartell and Garrison W. Cottrell and Richard K. Belew", Title = "Automatic combination of multiple ranked retrieval systems", Booktitle=sigir94, Year=1994 } @article{Bartlett52, author= {Bartlett, M. S.}, title= {The Statistical Significance of Odd Bits of Information}, journal= {Biometrika}, year= 1952, volume= 39, pages= {228--237}, comment= {Variation on likelihood measure proposed.} } @InProceedings{Bartlett96, author = "Peter L. Bartlett", title = "For valid generalization, the size of the weights is more important than the size of the network", booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9", year = "1997", } @article{Bartlett98, author = "Peter L. Bartlett", title = "The sample complexity of pattern classification with neural networks: the size of the weights is more important than the size of the network", journal = ieeeit, volume = 44, number= 2, month= mar, pages={525-536}, year = 1998 } @article{Barzdin70, author= {Ya. M. Barzdin'}, title= {Deciphering of Sequential Networks in the Absence of an Upper Limit on the Number of States}, journal= {Soviet Physics Doklady}, volume= 15, number= 2, month= aug, year= 1970, pages= {94--97} } @article{BarzdinFr72, author = {J. M. Barzdin and R. V. Frievald}, title = {On the prediction of general recursive functions}, journal = {Soviet Mathematics Doklady}, year = {1972}, volume = {13}, pages = {1224--1228}, comment = {Introduces the on-line mistake bound learning model (although in a Gold-style framework)} } @article{BauerKo99, author = {Eric Bauer and Ron Kohavi}, title = {An empirical comparison of voting classification algorithms: Bagging, boosting, and variants}, journal= ml, year = 1999, volume= 36, number= {1/2}, pages= {105-139} } @article{Baum72, author= {Baum, Leonard E. and J. A. Eagon}, title= {An Inequality with Applications to Statistical Estimation for Probabilistic Functions of Markov Processes and to a Model for Ecology}, journal= {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society}, year= 1967, volume= 73, pages= {360--363}, comment= {Gives a technique for maximizing a polynomial with nonnegative coefficients and homogeneous of degree d.} } @unpublished{Baum89b, author= {Baum, Eric B.}, title= {The Perceptron Algorithm Is Fast for Non-malicious Distributions}, year= 1989, month= Jul, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @article{Baum90, author= {Baum, Eric B.}, title= {On Learning a Union of Half Spaces}, journal= {Journal of Complexity}, month= mar, year= 1990, volume= 6, number= 1, pages= {67--101} } @Article{BaumHa89, author = {Baum, Eric B. and David Haussler}, title = {What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 1989, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = {151--160} } @article{BearCoEb87, author = {Mark F. Bear and Leon N. Cooper and Ford F. Ebner}, title = {A Physiological Basis for a Theory of Synapse Modification}, journal = {Science}, volume = 237, year = 1987, month = {July 3}, pages = {42--48}, comment = {Proposes that change in weight w_ij from i to j goes as d(w_ij)/dt = \phi(a_i,avg(a_i)) a_j where \phi is negative below (say) avg(a_i)**2, and positive above it.} } @phdthesis{Beer89, author = {Randall Dean Beer}, title = {Intelligence as Adaptive Behavior: An Experiment in Computational Neuroethology}, school = {Case Western Reserve University}, year = 1989, month = Aug, comment = {Simulates a cockroach using specially-designed neural circuitry} } @inproceedings{Ben-DavidChGoLu89, author= {Shai Ben-David and Benny Chor and Oded Goldreich and Michael Luby}, title= {On the Theory of Average Case Complexity}, booktitle= stoc89, month= May, year = 1989, pages= {204--216} } @article{Ben-DavidChGoLu92, author= {Shai Ben-David and Benny Chor and Oded Goldreich and Michael Luby}, title= {On the Theory of Average Case Complexity}, journal= jcss, volume= 44, number= 2, year= 1992, pages= {193--219} } @techreport{Ben-TalRo94 ,author= {Aharon Ben-Tal and Gil Roth} ,title= {A truncated log barrier algorithm for large scale convex programming and minmax problems: implementation and computational results} ,year= 1994 } @article{BenderWi85, author= {Edward A. Bender and Herbert S.Wilf}, title= {A theoretical analysis of backtracking in the graph coloring problem}, journal= {Journal of Algorithms}, volume= 6, number= 2, month= jun, year= 1985, pages= {275--282} } @unpublished{Benedek88, author= {Benedek, Gyora M.}, title= {Ph.D. dissertation, in preparation}, year= 1988, note = {(To appear.)} } @inproceedings{BenedekIt88, author= {Benedek, Gyora M. and Alon Itai}, title= {Nonuniform Learnability}, booktitle= {ICALP}, month= Jul, year= 1988, pages= {82--92} } @inproceedings{BenedekIt88a, author = {Gyora M. Benedek and Alon Itai}, title = {Learnability by Fixed Distributions}, booktitle = colt88, year = {1988}, month = aug, pages = {80--90}, } @article{BenedekIt91, author = {Gyora M. Benedek and Alon Itai}, title = {Learnability with Respect to Fixed Distributions}, journal= tcs, year = 1991, volume= 86, number= 2, month = sep, pages = {377--389} } @techreport{Bennett92 ,author= {Kristin P. Bennett} ,title= {Decision tree construction via linear programming} } @InProceedings{BennettDeMa02, author = {Kristin P. Bennett and Ayhan Demiriz and Richard Maclin}, title = {Exploiting Unlabeled Data in Ensemble Methods}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, year = 2002 } @inproceedings{BenorTi88, author= {Michael Ben-Or and Prasoon Tiwari}, title= {A deterministic algorithm for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation}, booktitle= stoc88, year= 1988, month= may, pages= {301--309} } @Article{BergerDeDe96, author = {Adam L. Berger and Stephen A. Della Pietra and Vincent J. Della Pietra}, title = {A maximum entropy approach to natural language processing}, journal = {Computational Linguistics}, year = 1996, volume = 22, pages= {39-71}, number = 1 } @article{BerlekampMcTi78, author= {E. Berlekamp and R. McEliece and H. van Tilborg}, title= {On the inherent intractability of certain coding problems}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= 24, year= 1978 } @techreport{BerlinerGo84, author= {Berliner, Hans and Gordon Goetsch}, title= {A Quantitative Study of Search Methods and the Effect of Constraint Satisfaction}, institution= {CMU Computer Science Department}, year= 1984, month= Jul, number= {CMU-CS-84-147}, comment= {Empirical comparative study of search heuristics for Superpuzz, a card solitaire game.} } @book{BermanPl79, author= {Abraham Berman and Robert J. Plemmons}, title= {Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= 1979 } @Manual{AbramowitzSt70, title = {Handbook of Mathematical Functions}, author = {Abramowitz and Stegun}, organization = {National Bureau of Standards}, year = 1970 } @Article{Bernardo79, author = {J. M. Bernardo}, title = {Reference posterior distributions for Bayesian inference}, journal = {J. Roy. Statistic. Soc. Ser. B.}, year = 1979, volume = 41, pages = {113-147} } @inproceedings{BernsteinVa93 ,author= {Ethan Bernstein and Umesh Vazirani} ,title= {Quantum complexity theory} ,booktitle= stoc93 ,year= 1993 ,month= may ,pages= {11--20} } @inproceedings{BiebricherFuLuScKn88 ,author= {Peter Biebricher and Norbert Fuhr and Gerhard Lustig and Michael Schwantner and Gerhard Knorz} ,title= {The automatic indexing system {AIR/PHYS} --- from research to application} ,booktitle= sigir88 ,pages= {333-342} ,year= 1988 } @book{Billingsley86, author= {Patrick Billingsley}, title= {Probability and Measure}, edition= {second}, publisher= {Wiley}, year= 1986, comment= {addess= New York} } @article{Blackwell56 ,author= {David Blackwell} ,title= {An analog of the minimax theorem for vector payoffs} ,year= 1956 ,journal= {Pacific Journal of Mathematics} ,volume= 6 ,number= 1 ,month= {Spring} ,pages= {1--8} } @Misc{Blackwell56b, author = {David Blackwell}, title = {Controlled random walks}, howpublished = {invited address, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Meeting, Seattle, Washington}, year = 1956 } @Book{BlackwellGi54, author = {David Blackwell and M.A. Girshick}, title = {Theory of games and statistical decisions}, publisher = {dover}, year = 1954 } @Article{Block62, author = {H. D. Block}, title = {The Perceptron: A Model for Brain Functioning}, journal = {Reviews of Modern Physics}, year = 1962, volume = 34, pages = {123--135}, note = {Reprinted in "Neurocomputing" by Anderson and Rosenfeld} } @mastersthesis{Blum89, author= {Blum, Avrim}, title= {On the Computational Complexity of Training Simple Neural Networks}, school= {MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}, year= 1989, month= May, note = {(Published as Laboratory for Computer Science Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-445 (May, 1989).)} } @inproceedings{Blum90, author= {Avrim Blum}, title= {Separating Distribution-free and Mistake-bound Learning Models over the {B}oolean Domain}, booktitle= focs90, pages= {211--218}, month= oct, year= 1990 } @inproceedings{Blum90b, author= {Avrim Blum}, title= {Some Tools for Approximate 3-Coloring}, booktitle= focs90, pages= {554--562}, month= oct, year= 1990 } @article{Blum92, author= {Avrim Blum}, title= {Learning Boolean Functions in an Infinite Attribute Space}, journal= ml, volume= 9, number= 4, year= 1992, pages= {373--386} } @article{Blum95, author = {Avrim Blum}, title = {Empirical support for Winnow and Weighted-Majority based algorithms: results on a calendar scheduling domain}, journal = "Machine Learning", volume = 26, pages = {5-23}, year = 1997 } @article{BlumBl75, author= {Blum, Lenore and Manuel Blum}, title= {Toward a Mathematical Theory of Inductive Inference}, journal= InfCtrl, year= 1975, month= Jun, volume= 28, number= 2, pages= {125--155}, comment= {Recursion-theoretic, a la Gold [Go67].} } @article{BlumBlSh86 ,author= {L. Blum and M. Blum and M. Shub} ,title= {A simple unpredictable pseudo-random number generator} ,journal= sicomp ,volume= 15 ,number= 2 ,pages= {364--383} ,month= may ,year= 1986 } @inproceedings{BlumCh92, author= {Avrim Blum and Prasad Chalasani}, title= {Learning Switching Concepts}, booktitle= colt92, year= 1992, month= jul, pages= {231--242} } @inproceedings{BlumFuKeLi93, author= {Avrim Blum and Merrick Furst and Michael Kearns and Richard J. Lipton}, title= {Cryptographic Primitives Based on Hard Learning Problems}, booktitle= {Pre-Proceedings of CRYPTO~'93}, year= 1993, pages= {24.1--24.10} } @InProceedings{BlumKa97, author = {Avrim Blum and Adam Kalai}, title = {Universal Portfolios With and Without Transaction Costs}, booktitle = colt97, year = 1997, pages = {309-313} } @incollection{BlumRi89, author = {Blum, Avrim and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = {Training a 3-node neural net is {NP-Complete}}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems I}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, year = 1989, editor = {David S. Touretzky}, pages = {494--501} } @InProceedings{BlumMi98, author = {Avrim Blum and Tom Mitchell}, title = {Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data with Co-Training}, booktitle = colt98, pages = {92-100}, year = 1998 } @inproceedings{BlumSi90, author= {Avrim Blum and Mona Singh}, title= {Learning functions of {$k$} terms}, booktitle= colt90, year= 1990, month= aug, pages= {144--153} } @inproceedings{BlumerEhHaWa86a, author= {Blumer, Anselm and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Classifying Learnable Geometric Concepts with the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, booktitle= stoc86, address= {Berkeley, California}, year= 1986, month= May, pages= {273--282}, comment= {Shows equivalence between finite VC dimension and learnability of geometric concepts.} } @techreport{BlumerEhHaWa86b, author= {Blumer, Anselm and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Occam's Razor}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-86-2}, year= 1986, month= Feb, comment= {Defines `Occam-algorithm' which may produce a hypothesis of complexity $n^c m^\alpha$ for fixed $c$ and $\alpha < 1$, and shows that Occam-algorithms need only polynomially many samples.} } @article{BlumerEhHaWa87, author= {Blumer, Anselm and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Occam's Razor}, journal= {Information Processing Letters}, volume= 24, number= 6, year= 1987, month= Apr, pages= {377--380}, comment= {Defines `Occam-algorithm' which may produce a hypothesis of complexity $n^c m^\alpha$ for fixed $c$ and $\alpha < 1$, and shows that Occam-algorithms need only polynomially many samples.} } @techreport{BlumerEhHaWa87b, author= {Blumer, Anselm and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Learnability and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-87-20}, year= 1987, month= Nov, } @article{BlumerEhHaWa89, author= {Blumer, Anselm and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Learnability and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, journal= jacm, month= Oct, year= 1989, volume= 36, number= 4, pages= {929--965}, comment= {An earlier version is available as U. C. Santa Cruz Computer Science Laboratory Tech.\ Report UCSC-CRL-87-20, November, 1987.} } @phdthesis{Board90 ,author= {Raymond Acton Board} ,title= {Topics in computational learning theory and graph algorithms} ,year= 1990 ,month= jul ,school= {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign} ,note= {Available as technical report UIUCDCS-R-90-1611} } @inproceedings{BoardPi90, author= {Board, Raymond and Leonard Pitt}, title= {On the Necessity of {O}ccam Algorithms}, booktitle= stoc90, year= 1990, month= May, pages= {54--63} } @article{BoardPi92, author= {Board, Raymond and Leonard Pitt}, title= {On the Necessity of {O}ccam Algorithms}, journal= tcs, year= 1992, volume= 100, number= 1, pages= {157--184} } @article{BohanecBr94 ,author= {Marko Bohanec and Ivan Bratko} ,title= {Trading accuracy for simplicity in decision trees} } @book{Bongard??, author= {Bongard, M.}, title= {Pattern Recognition}, publisher= {Spartan Books}, year= {19??} } @inproceedings{Boppana85, author= "Boppana, Ravi B.", title= "Amplification of Probabilistic {B}oolean Formulas", booktitle= focs85, year= 1985, month= Oct, pages= "20--29" } @phdthesis{Boppana86, author= {Ravi Babu Boppana}, title= {Lower Bounds for Monotone Circuits and Formulas}, year= 1986, school= mit } @incollection{Boppana89, author= "Boppana, Ravi B.", title= "Amplification of Probabilistic {B}oolean Formulas", booktitle= {Advances in Computing Research 5: Randomness and Computation}, editor= {S. Micali}, year= 1989, publisher= {JAI Press}, pages= {27--45} } @unpublished{BorgersSa94 ,author= {Tilman B\"orgers and Rajiv Sarin} ,title= {Learning through reinforcement and replicator dynamics} } @unpublished{BorgersSa95 ,author= {Tilman B\"orgers and Rajiv Sarin} ,title= {Naive reinforcement learning with endogenous aspirations} } @Book{BorweinLe00, author = {Jonathan M. Borwein and Adrian S. Lewis}, title = {Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{BoserGuVa92, author = {Bernhard E. Boser and Isabelle M. Guyon and Vladimir N. Vapnik}, title = {A Training Algorithm for Optimal Margin Classifiers}, booktitle = colt92, year = 1992, pages = {144-152} } @unpublished{Boucheron88, author = {St\'ephane Boucheron}, title = {Learnability from positive examples in the {V}aliant framework}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, year = {1988} } @inproceedings{BoucheronSa88, author= {Boucheron, St\'ephane and Jean Sallantin}, title= {Some remarks about space-complexity of learning, and circuit complexity of recognizing}, booktitle= colt88, month= Aug, year= 1988, pages = {125--138} } @article{BoultonWa73, author= {Boulton, D. M. and C. S. Wallace}, title= {An information measure for hierarchic classification}, journal= {The Computer Journal}, volume= 16, number= 3, year= 1973, month= Aug, pages= {254--261} } @article{BoultonWa75, author= {Boulton, D. M. and C. S. Wallace}, title= {An information measure for single-link classification}, journal= {The Computer Journal}, volume= 18, number= 3, year= 1973, month= Aug, pages= {236--238} } @inproceedings{BousquetEl01, author={Olivier Bousquet and Andr\'e Elisseeff}, title={Algorithmic Stability and Generalization Performance}, booktitle=nips13, YEAR={2001}} @techreport{BoyanFrJo94, Author = "Justin Boyan and Dane Freitag and Thorsten Joachims", Title = "A machine learning architecture for optimizing web search engines", Booktitle="Internet-based information systems", Number="WS-96-05", Institution="American Association of Artificial Intelligence", Year=1994 } @article{BoylanEl91 ,author= {Richard T. Boylan and Mahmoud A. El-Gamal} ,title= {Fictitious play: a statistical study of multiple economic experiments} } @article{BradtkeBa?? ,author= {Steven J. Bradtke and Andrew G. Barto} ,title= {New Algorithms for temporal difference learning} } @Article{Bregman67, author = {L. M. Bregman}, title = {The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming}, journal = {U.S.S.R. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics}, year = 1967, volume = 7, number = 1, pages = {200-217} } @inproceedings{BreeseHeKa98, author = "John S. Breese and David Heckerman and Carl Kadie", title = "Empirical analysis of predictive algorithms for collaborative filtering", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence", pages = "43--52", year = 1998 } @Book{Breiman92, author = {Leo Breiman}, title = {Probability}, publisher = {SIAM}, year = 1992, edition = {Classics}, note = {Original edition first published in 1968} } @techreport{Breiman96 ,author= {Leo Breiman} ,title= {Bias, variance, and arcing classifiers} ,institution= {Statistics Department, University of California at Berkeley} ,year= 1996 ,number= 460 ,comment= {Available from ftp://ftp.stat.berkeley.edu/pub/users/breiman/arcall.ps.Z.} } @article{Breiman96b ,author= {Leo Breiman} ,title= {Bagging predictors} ,journal= ml ,volume= 24 ,number= 2 ,pages= {123-140} ,year= 1996 } @Article{Breiman96c, author = {Leo Breiman}, title = {The heuristics of instability in model selection}, journal = annstat, year = 1996, volume = 24, pages = {2350-2383} } @TechReport{Breiman97, author = {Leo Breiman}, title = {Prediction games and arcing classifiers}, institution = {Statistics Department, University of California at Berkeley}, year = 1997, number = 504 } @TechReport{Breiman97b, author = {Leo Breiman}, title = {Arcing the Edge}, institution = {Statistics Department, University of California at Berkeley}, year = 1997, number = 486 } @Article{Breiman98, author= {Leo Breiman}, title= {Arcing classifiers}, journal = annstat, volume= 26, number= 3, pages= {801-849}, year = 1998 } @article{Breiman99, author = {Leo Breiman}, title = {Prediction games and arcing classifiers}, journal= {Neural Computation}, volume= 11, number = 7, pages= {1493-1517}, year = 1999 } @book{BreimanFrOlSt84, author= {Breiman, Leo and Jerome H. Friedman and Richard A. Olshen and Charles J. Stone}, title= {Classification and Regression Trees}, publisher= {Wadsworth \& Brooks}, year= 1984, comment= {Review of procedures for inferring decision trees from data.} } @inproceedings{Brill92 ,author= {Eric Brill} ,title= {A simple rule-based part of speech tagger} } @article{BrownNe?? ,author= {G. W. Brown and J. von Neumann} ,title= {Solutions of games by differential equations} } @Proceedings{BrussFeSa90, title = {Strategies for sequential Search and Selection in Real Time}, year = 1990, editor = {F. Thomas Bruss, Thomas S. Ferguson, Stephen M. Samuels}, volume = 125, series = {Contemporary Mathematics}, publisher = {American Mathematical Society} } @inproceedings{Bshouty93, author= {Nader H. Bshouty}, title= {Exact Learning via the Monotone Theory}, booktitle= focs93, month= nov, year= 1993 } @inproceedings{BshoutyGoHaMa93 ,author= {Nader H. Bshouty and Sally A. Goldman and Thomas R. Hancock and Sleiman Matar} ,title= {Asking questions to minimize errors} ,booktitle= colt93 ,month= jul ,year= 1993 ,pages= {41--50} } @inproceedings{BshoutyHaHe92, author= {Nader H. Bshouty and Thomas R. Hancock and Lisa Hellerstein}, title= {Learning Arithmetic Read-Once Formulas}, booktitle= stoc92, year= 1992, month= may, pages= {370--381} } @Article{BshoutyGr02, author = {Nader H. Bshouty and Dmitry Gavinsky}, title = {On Boosting with Polynomially Bounded Distributions}, journal = jmlr, year = 2002, volume = 3, pages = {483-506}, month = nov } @inproceedings{BshoutyHaHe92b, author= {Nader H. Bshouty and Thomas R. Hancock and Lisa Hellerstein}, title= {Learning Boolean Read-Once Formulas with Arbitrary Symmetric and Constant Fan-in Gates}, booktitle= colt92, pages= {1--15}, month= jul, year= 1992 } @unpublished{BshoutyHaHeKa91, author= {Nader H. Bshouty and Thomas R. Hancock and Lisa Hellerstein and Marek Karpinski}, title= {Read-Once Threshold Formulas, Justifying Assignments, and Generic Transformations}, year= 1991, note = {Unpublished manuscript} } @inproceedings{BuckleySaAl94 ,author= {Chris Buckley and Gerard Salton and James Allan} ,title= {The effect of adding relevance information in the relevance feedback environment} } @incollection{Buehler70, author= {Buehler, Robert J.}, title= {Measuring Information and Uncertainty}, booktitle= {Foundations of Statistical Inference}, editor= {V. P. Godambe and D. A. Sprott}, year= 1970, publisher= {Holt, Rinehard, and Winston}, comment= {General study of payoff functions that encourage honesty for someone making probabilistic predictions (e.g. a weatherman).} } @phdthesis{Buntine90 ,author= {Wray Lindsay Buntine} ,title= {A Theory of Learning Classification Rules} ,school= {University of Technology, Sydney} ,year= 1990 } @article{Buntine92 ,author= {Wray Buntine} ,title= {Learning Classification Trees} ,journal= {Statistics and Computing} ,volume= 2 ,year= 1992 ,pages= {63--73} } @article{BuntineNi92 ,author= {Wray Buntine and Tim Niblett} ,title= {A further comparison of splitting rules for decision-tree induction} ,journal= ml ,year= 1992 } @inproceedings{CarbonellG87, author= {Carbonell, Jaime G. and Yolanda Gil}, title= {Learning by Experimentation}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning}, month= Jun, year= 1987, editor= {Pat Langley}, pages= {256--266}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann} } @inproceedings{CaruanaBaMi96, author = "Rich Caruana and Shumeet Baluja and Tom Mitchell", title = {Using the Future to ``Sort Out'' the Present: {R}ankprop and Multitask Learning for Medical Risk Evaluation}, booktitle = nips8, pages = {959-965}, year = 1996 } @inproceedings{Catlett9? ,author= {Jason Catlett} ,title= {Overpruning large decision trees} } @Article{CensorLe81, author = {Y. Censor and A. Lent}, title = {An Iterative Row-Action Method for Interval Convex Programming}, journal = {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications}, year = 1981, volume = 34, number = 3, pages = {321-353}, month = jul } @Book{CensorZe97, author = {Yair Censor and Stavros A. Zenios}, title = {Parallel Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 1997 } @inproceedings{CesabianchiFrHeHaScWa92, author= {Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi and Yoav Freund and David P. Helmbold and David Haussler and Robert E. Schapire and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {How to use expert advice}, booktitle= stoc93, year= 1993, pages= {382--391}, } @Article{CesabianchiFrHeHaScWa97, title={How to Use Expert Advice}, author={Nicol{\`o} Cesa-Bianchi and Yoav Freund and David Haussler and David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire and Manfred K. Warmuth}, journal=jacm, pages={427--485}, month=may, year=1997, volume=44, number=3 } @Article{CesabianchiFrHeWa96, author = {Nicol{\`o} Cesa-Bianchi and Yoav Freund and David P. Helmbold and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {On-line Prediction and Conversion Strategies}, journal = ml, year = 1996, volume = 25, pages = {71-110} } @Article{CesabianchiLu99, author = {Nicol{\`o} Cesa-Bianchi and G\'{a}bor Lugosi}, title = {On prediction of individual sequences}, journal = {Annals of Statistics}, year = 1999, volume = 27, number = 6, pages = {1865-1895} } @Article{CesabianchiKrWa94, author = {Nicol{\`o} Cesa-Bianchi and Anders Krogh and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Bounds on Approximate Steepest Descent for Likelihood Maximization in Exponential Families}, journal = ieeeit, year = 1994, volume = 40, number = 4, pages = {1215-1220}, month = jul } @inproceedings{CesabianchiLoWa93, author= {Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi and Philip M. Long and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Worst-case Quadratic Loss Bounds for a Generalization of the {W}idrow-{H}off Rule}, booktitle= colt93, month= jul, year= 1993, pages= {429--438} } @inproceedings{CestnikKoBr87, author= {Cestnik, B, I. Kononenkko, and I. Bratko}, title= {Assistant 86: A Knowledge-Elicitation Tool for Sophisticated Users}, booktitle= {Progress in Machine Learning--Proceedings of EWSL 87: 2nd European Working Session on Learning}, address= {Bled, Yogoslavia}, year= 1987, editor= {Bratko, I. and N. Lavrac}, month= may, pages= {31--45} } @book{ChambersHa92 ,author= {John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie} ,title= {Statistical Models in {S}} ,year= 1992 ,publisher= {Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole} } @unpublished{Charniak??, author= {Charniak, Eugene}, title= {The Bayesian Basis of Common Sense Medical Diagnosis}, year= {??}, comment= {Where was this published??. Argues in favor of Bayesian approach for medical diagnosis.} } @inproceedings{Charniak00, AUTHOR = {Charniak, Eugene}, TITLE = {A Maximum-Entropy-Inspired Parser}, PAGES = {132--139}, YEAR = {2000}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics} } @inproceedings{Cheeseman83, author= {Cheeseman, Peter C.}, title= {A Method of Computing Generalized Bayesian Probability Values for Expert Systems}, booktitle= {Proceedings Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Karlruhe, West Germany)}, year= 1983, month= Aug, pages= {198--202}, comment= {Describes iterative graph-oriented method for computing a maximum-entropy distribution subject to constraints.} } @inproceedings{Cheeseman84, author= {Cheeseman, Peter C.}, title= {Learning of Expert Systems from Data}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems}, year= 1984, month= Dec, pages= {115--122}, comment= {Describes a `message-length' approach to inferring significant contingencies in a contingency table.} } @inproceedings{Cheeseman85, author= {Cheeseman, Peter C.}, title= {In Defense of Probability}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1985, pages= {1002--1009}, comment= {Argues in favor of subjective Bayesianism by refuting some common misconceptions.} } @article{Cheeseman88, author = {Cheeseman, Peter C.}, title = {An inquiry into computer understanding}, journal = {Computational Intelligence}, year = 1988, month = Feb, volume = 4, number = 1, pages = {58--66}, comment = {More defense of Bayesian inference} } @inproceedings{Cheeseman88b, author = {Cheeseman, Peter C. and Matthew Self and Jim Kelly and Will Taylor and Don Freeman and John Stutz}, title = {Bayesian Classification}, booktitle = {AAAI 88 Proceedings}, year = 1988, pages = {607--611} } @InProceedings{ChelbaJe98, author={Ciprian Chelba and Frederick Jelinek}, title={Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Seventeenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year=1998 } @PhdThesis{Chen96, author = {Stanley F. Chen}, title = {Building probabilistic models for natural language}, school = {Harvard University}, year = 1996, month = may } @phdthesis{Chen97 ,author= {Lei Chen} ,title= {Applications of play against past strategies in repetitions of a game} } @TechReport{ChenGo98, author={Stanley Chen and Joshua Goodman}, title={An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling}, year=1998, institution = {Harvard University}, number = {TR-10-98}, month = aug } @inproceedings{ChoiHiHiMaNaPeSiWh98, author = "J. Choi and D. Hindle and J. Hirschberg and I. Magrin-Chagnolleau and C. Nakatani and F. Pereira and A. Singhal and S. Whittaker", title = "{SCAN} - speech content based audio navigator: A systems overview", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing", year = 1998 } @article{ChorGo88, author= {B. Chor and O. Goldreich}, title= {Unbiased bits from sources of weak randomness and probabilistic communication complexity}, journal= sicomp, volume= 17, year= 1988, pages= {230--261} } @inproceedings{Chung94 , author = "Thomas H. Chung" , title = "Approximate methods for sequential decision making using expert advice" , booktitle = colt94 , year = 1994 , pages = {183--189} } @phdthesis{Chung94b ,author= {Thomas H. Chung} ,title= {Minimax learning in iterated games via distributional majorization} } @Article{ChurchGa91, author = {Kenneth W. Church and William A. Gale}, title = {A comparison of the enhanced {Good-Turing} and deleted estimation methods for estimating probabilities of {English} bigrams}, journal = {Computer Speech and Language}, year = 1991, volume = 5, pages = {19-54} } @unpublished{ChurchGa?? ,author= {Kenneth W. Church and William A. Gale} ,title= {Poisson mixtures} } @article{Chvatal79, author= {V. Chvatal}, title= {A greedy heuristic for the set covering problem}, journal= {Mathematics of Operations Research}, volume= 4, number= 3, year= 1979, pages= {233--235} } @Article{ClarkeBar94, author = {Bertrand S. Clarke and Andrew R. Barron}, title = {Jeffrey's prior is asymptotically least favorable under entropic risk}, journal = {J. Stat Planning and Inference}, year = 1994, volume = 41, pages = {37--60} } @unpublished{ClarkNi87, author= {Peter Clark and Tim Niblett}, title= {The CN2 Induction Algorithm}, year= 1987, institution= {The Turing Institute}, comment= {Experimental study of rule induction, with accomodation for noise.} } @inproceedings{ClarkNi87b, author= {Clark, P. and T. Niblett}, title= {Induction in Noisy Domains}, booktitle= {Progress in Machine Learning--Proceedings of EWSL 87: 2nd European Working Session on Learning}, address= {Bled, Yogoslavia}, year= 1987, editor= {Bratko, I. and N. Lavrac}, month= may, pages= {11--30} } @article{ClausenDrGrKa91, author= {Michael Clausen and Andreas Dress and Johannes Grabmeier and Marek Karpinski}, title= {On zero-testing and interpolation of {$k$}-sparse multivariate polynomials over finite fields}, journal= tcs, volume= 84, year= 1991, pages= {151--164} } @inproceedings{Cohen95 ,author= {William Cohen} ,title= {Fast Effective Rule Induction} ,booktitle= {Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning} ,pages= {115-123} ,year= 1995 } @inbook{CohenFe68, editor= {Cohen, Paul R. and Edward A. Feigenbaum}, title= {The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence}, volume= 3, year= 1968, chapter= {XIV: {\em Learning and Inductive Inference}}, publisher= {William Kaufman, Inc.}, address= {Los Altos, California}, pages= {324--511} } @InProceedings{CohenScSi97, author = {William W. Cohen and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Learning to order things}, booktitle = nips10, year = 1998 } @Article{CohenScSi99, author = {William W. Cohen and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Learning to order things}, journal = jair, year = 1999, volume = 10, pages = {243-270}, } @InProceedings{CohenSi96, author = {William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer}, title = {Context-sensitive learning methods for text categorization}, booktitle = sigir96, year = 1996, pages = {307-315} } @InProceedings{CohenSi99, author = {William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer}, title = {A Simple, Fast, and Effective Rule Learner}, booktitle = aaai99, year = 1999 } @Article{CohnAtLa94, author = {David Cohn and Les Atlas and Richard Ladner}, title = {Improving generalization with active learning}, journal = ml, year = 1994, volume = 15, number = 2, pages = {201-221} } @inproceedings{Collins97, author={Michael Collins}, title={Three Generative, Lexicalised Models for Statistical Parsing}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the ACL}, year={1997}} @InProceedings{Collins00, author = {Michael Collins}, title = {Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing}, booktitle = ml00, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{CollinsScSi00, author = {Michael Collins and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Logistic regression, {AdaBoost} and {Bregman} distances}, booktitle = colt00, year = 2000 } @article{CollinsScSi02, author = {Michael Collins and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {Logistic regression, {AdaBoost} and {Bregman} distances}, journal= ml, volume= 48, number= {1/2/3}, year= 2002 } @InProceedings{CollinsSi99, author = {Michael Collins and Yoram Singer}, title = {Unsupervised Models for Named Entity Classification}, booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}, year = 1999 } @article{Conlisk93 ,author= {John Conlisk} ,title= {Adaptation in games: Two solutions to the {Crawford} puzzle} ,year= 1993 } @article{Conlisk93b ,author= {John Conlisk} ,title= {Adaptive tactics in games: Further solutions to the {Crawford} puzzle} ,year= 1993 } @article{Cooper62, author = {P. Cooper}, title = {The hypersphere in pattern recognition}, journal = infctrl, year = 1962, volume = 5, pages = {324--346} } @book{CormenLeRi90, author= {Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest}, title= {Introduction to Algorithms}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= {1990} } @Article{CortesVa95, author = {Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik}, title = {Support-Vector Networks}, journal = ml, year = 1995, volume = 20, number = 3, month = {September}, pages = {273--297} } @article{Cover65, author = {Cover, Thomas M.}, title = {Geometrical and Statistical Properties of Systems of Linear inequalities with applications to pattern recognition}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers}, volume = {EC-14}, year = 1965, number = 3, pages = {326--334} } @article{Cover67, author= {Cover, T.M. and P.E. Hart}, title= {Nearest Neighbor Pattern Classification}, journal= {IEEE Transactions in Information Theory}, year= 1967, month= jan, volume= {IT-13}, number= 1, pages= {21--27} } @incollection {Cover67b, AUTHOR = {Cover, Thomas M.}, TITLE = {Behavior of sequential predictors of binary sequences}, BOOKTITLE = {Trans. Fourth Prague Conf. on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes (Prague, 1965)}, PAGES = {263--272}, PUBLISHER = {Academia}, ADDRESS = {Prague}, YEAR = {1967} } @incollection{Cover69, author= {Cover, Thomas M.}, title= {Learning in Pattern Recognition}, booktitle= {Methodologies of Pattern Recognition}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= 1969, pages= {111--132}, comment= {Bayesian classification procedures. Learning with finite memory.} } @article{Cover84 ,author= {Thomas M. Cover} ,title= {An algorithm for maximizing expected log investment return} } @article{Cover91 ,author= {Thomas M. Cover} ,title= {Universal Portfolios} ,journal= {Mathematical Finance} ,volume= 1 ,number= 1 ,month= jan ,year= 1991 ,pages= {1--29} } @Article{CoverOr96, author = {T. M. Cover and E. Ordentlich}, title = {Universal Portfolios With Side Information}, journal = ieeeit, year = 1996, month = {March} } @article{CoverSh77 ,author= {Thomas M. Cover and Aaron Shenhar} ,title= {Compound {B}ayes predictors for sequences with apparent {M}arkov structure} ,journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics} ,volume= {SMC-7} ,number= 6 ,month= jun ,year= 1977 ,pages= {421--424} } @book{CoverTh91, author= {Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas}, title= {Elements of Information Theory}, publisher= {Wiley}, year= 1991 } @incollection{CoverWa76, author= {Cover, T. M. and T. J. Wagner}, title= {Topics in Statistical Pattern Recognition}, booktitle= {Communication and Cybernetics: Digital Pattern Recognition}, chapter= 2, editor= {K. S. Fu}, year= 1976, volume= 10, publisher= {Springer-Verlag}, comment= {Learning classifiers. Distribution-free techniques. Modelling by gambling games. Finite memory learning.} } @article{Cox46 ,author= {R. T. Cox} ,title= {Probaility, Frequency and Reasonable Expectation} ,year= 1946 } @book{CoxeterMo72, author= {H. S. M. Coxeter and W. O. J. Moser}, title= {Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups}, publisher= {Springer-Verlag}, year= {1972}, address= {New York}, edition= {third}, comment= {high-powered book on groups with, among other things, good discussion of Cayley graphs.} } @inproceedings{CrammerSi00, author = "Koby Crammer and Yoram Singer", title = "On the Learnability and Design of Output Codes for Multiclass Problems", booktitle = colt00, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{CrammerSi02, author = "Koby Crammer and Yoram Singer", title = "Pranking with Ranking", booktitle = nips14, year = 2002 } @PhdThesis{Craven96, author = {Mark W. Craven}, title = {Extracting Comprehensible Models from Trained Neural Networks}, school = {University of Wisconsin-Madison}, year = 1996, note = {Also appears as UW Technical Report CS-TR-96-1326} } @article{Csiszar75, author= {Csisz\'ar, I.}, title= {I-Divergence Geometry of Probability Distributions and Minimization Problems}, journal= {The Annals of Probability}, year= 1975, volume= 3, number= 1, pages= {146--158}, comment= {Generalized proof of iterative techniques for computing maximum-entropy distributions.} } @Article{Csiszar84, author = {I. Csisz\'ar}, title = {Sanov property, generalized {I}-projection and a conditional limit theorem}, journal = {Annals of Probability}, year = 1984, volume = 12, pages = {768-793} } @article{Csiszar89 ,author= {Imre Csisz\'ar} ,title= {A geometric interpretation of {D}arroch and {R}atcliff's generatlized iterative scaling} } @article{Csiszar89b ,author= {Imre Csisz\'ar} ,title= {Why least squares and maximum entropy? {An} axiomatic approach to inference for linear inverse problems} ,year= 1991 ,volume= 19 ,number= 4 ,pages= {2032-2066} ,journal= annstat } @InProceedings{Csiszar95, author = {I. Csisz\'ar}, title = {MaxEnt, Mathematics, and Information Theory}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods}, pages = {35-50}, year = 1995 } @Article{Csiszar95b, author = {I. Csisz\'ar}, title = {Generalized projections for non-negative functions}, journal = {Acta Mathematica Hungarica}, year = 1995, volume = 68, number = {1-2}, pages = {161-185} } @article{CsiszarTu84 ,author= {I. Csisz\'ar and G. Tusn\'ady} ,title= {Information geometry and alternating minimization procedures} ,journal= {Statistics and Decisions, Supplement Issue} ,volume= {1} ,pages= {205--237} ,year= 1984 } @article{CurramMi94 ,author= {Stephen P. Curram and John Mingers} ,title= {Neural networks, decision tree induction and discriminant analysis: an empirical comparison} } @inproceedings{CuttingKuPeSi92 ,author= {Doug Cutting and Julian Kupiec and Jan Pedersen and Penelope Sibun} ,title= {A practical part-of-speech tagger} } @unpublished{Cybenko88, author = {G. Cybenko}, title = {Approximation by Superpositions of a Sigmoidal Function}, year = 1989, note = {To appear.} } @unpublished{Cybenko88b, author = {G. Cybenko}, title = {Continuous-Valued Neural Networks with Two Hidden Layers are Sufficient}, year = 1989, note = {To appear.} } @unpublished{DaganEn95 ,author= {Ido Dagan and Sean P. Engelson} ,title= {Committee-based sampling for training probabilistic classifiers} } @techreport{Dalkey85, author= {Dalkey, Norman C.}, title= {Prior Probabilities Revisited}, institution= {UCLA Computer Science Department}, number= {CSD-850007}, year= 1985, comment= {Justification of maximum-entropy via proper scoring rules for probability distributions. Some consequences.} } @article{DarrochRa72 ,author= {J. N. Darroch and D. Ratcliff} ,title= {Generalized iterative scaling for log-linear models} ,year= 1972 ,journal= {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics} ,volume= 43 ,number= 5 ,pages= {1470-1480} } @book{David81, author= {H. A. David}, title= {Order Statistics}, publisher= {John Wiley \& Sons}, year= 1981, edition= {second} } @Article{Davisson73, author = {L. D. Davisson}, title = {Universal noiseless coding}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, year = 1973, volume = 19, pages = {783-795} } @article{Dawid84 ,author= {A. P. Dawid} ,title= {Statistical theory: The prequential approach} ,journal= {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A} ,year= 1984 ,volume= 147 ,pages= {278-292} } @article{Dawid92 ,author= {A. P. Dawid} ,title= {Prequential analysis, stochastic complexity and {B}ayesian inference} } @article{Dayan92, author= {Peter Dayan}, title= {The Convergence of {$TD(\lambda)$} for General~{$\lambda$}}, journal= ml, volume= 8, number= {3/4}, month= may, year= 1992, pages= {341--362} } @Unpublished{Dasgupta99, author = {Sanjoy Dasgupta}, title = {Learning Mixtures of Gaussians}, note = {(In preparation)} } @article{DayanHiNeZe95 ,author= {Peter Dayan and Geoffrey E. Hinton and Radford M. Neal and Richard S. Zemel} ,title= {The {Helmholtz} Machine} } @techreport{DayanSe93, author= {Peter Dayan and Terrence J. Sejnowski}, title= {{$TD(\lambda)$} Converges with Probability~1}, institution= {CNL, The Salk Institute}, year= 1993 } @article{DayanSe94 ,author= {Peter Dayan and Terrence J. Sejnowski} ,title= {{$TD(\lambda)$} Converges with Probability~1} ,journal= ml ,volume= 14 ,number= 3 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {295--301} } @Book{DeBruijn58, author = {Bruijn, N. G. de }, title = {Asymptotic Methods in Analysis}, publisher = {Dover}, year = {1958,1981} } @book{DeSaintExupery43, author= {Saint-Exup\`ery, Antoine de}, title= {The Little Prince}, publisher= {Harcourt, Brace, \& World}, year= 1943 } @inproceedings{DeanAnBaEnKaKoMa92, author= {Thomas Dean and Dana Angluin and Kenneth Basye and Sean Engelson and Leslie Kaelbling and Evangelos Kokkevis and Oded Maron}, title= {Inferring Finite Automata with Stochastic Output Functions and an Application to Map Learning}, booktitle= {Proceedings Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, pages= {208--214}, month= jul, year= 1992 } @article{DeerwesterDuFuLaHa90 ,author= {Scott Deerwester and Susan T. Dumais and George W. Furnas and Thomas K. Landauer and Richard Harshman} ,title= {Indexing by latent semantic analysis} } @article{DellaDeLa97, author = "Della Pietra, Stephen and Della Pietra, Vincent and John Lafferty", title = "Inducing features of random fields", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", volume = 19, number = 4, pages = "1--13", year = 1997, month = apr } @TechReport{DellaDeLa01, author = {Della Pietra, Stephen and Della Pietra, Vincent and John Lafferty}, title = {Duality and Auxiliary Functions for {Bregman} Distances}, institution = {School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University}, year = 2001, number = {CMU-CS-01-109} } @article{DemingSt40, author= {Deming, W. Edwards and Frederick F. Stephan}, title= {On a Least Squares Adjustment of a Sampled Frequency Table when the Expected Marginal Totals are Known}, journal= {Annals Mathematical Statistics}, year= 1940, volume= 11, pages= {427--444}, comment= {Introduces iterative updating procedure; useful for computing maximum-entropy solution.} } @article{Dennis84, author= {Dennis, J.E., Jr.}, title= {A User's Guide to Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms}, journal= {Proceedings of the IEEE}, year= 1984, month= Dec, volume= 72, number= 12, pages= {1765--1776}, comment= {Brief survey with bibliography.} } @Article{DemirizBeSh02, author = {Ayhan Demiriz and Kristin P. Bennett and John Shawe-Taylor}, title = {Linear Programming Boosting via Column Generation}, journal = ml, year = 2002, volume = 46, number = {1/2/3}, pages = {225-254} } @inproceedings{DesantisMaWe88 ,author= {Alfredo DeSantis and George Markowsky and Mark N. Wegman} ,title= {Learning probabilistic prediction functions} ,booktitle= colt88 ,pages= {312--328} ,year= 1988 } @Article{Devroye82, author = {Luc Devroye}, title = {Bounds for the uniform deviation of empirical measures}, journal = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, year = 1982, volume = 12, pages = {72-79} } @article{Devroye88, author = {Luc Devroye}, title = {Automatic Pattern Recognition: A Study of the Probability of Error}, journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, volume = 10, number = 4, year = 1988, month = Jul, pages = {530--543} } @Book{DevroyeGyLu96, author = {Luc Devroye and L\'{a}zl\'{o} Gy\"{o}rfi and G\'{a}bor Lugosi}, title = {A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings {DhagatGa92, AUTHOR = {Dhagat, Aditi and G{\'a}cs, P{\'e}ter and Winkler, Peter}, TITLE = {On playing ``twenty questions'' with a liar}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Orlando, FL, 1992)}, PAGES = {16--22}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1992}, MRCLASS = {68P99 (62C99 62L99 68Q99)}, MRNUMBER = {93f:68022}, MRREVIEWER = {Allen Klinger}, } @article{Diaconis87 ,author= {Persi Diaconis} ,title= {A generalization of spectral analysis with application to ranked data} } @article{DiaconisSt91 ,author= {Persi Diaconis and Daniel Stroock} ,title= {Geometric bounds for eigenvalues of Markov chains} ,journal= annapprob ,volume= 1 ,number= 1 ,year= 1991 ,pages= {36--61} } @phdthesis{Diep95 ,author= {Thanh Am Diep} ,title= {Capacity of multi-level threshold devices} } @inproceedings{Dietterich84, author= {Dietterich, Thomas G.}, title= {Learning About Systems That Contain State Variables}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1984, month= Aug, pages= {96--100} } @incollection{Dietterich90, author= {Thomas G. Dietterich}, title= {Machine Learning}, booktitle= {Annual Review of Computer Science}, volume= 4, year= {1990}, editor= {Joseph F. Traub and Barbara J. Grosz and Butler W. Lampson and Nils J. Nilsson}, publisher= {Annual Reviews}, pages= {255--306}, comment= {address= Palo Alto} } @article{Dietterich00, author = {Thomas G. Dietterich}, title = {An experimental comparison of three methods for constructing ensembles of decision trees: Bagging, boosting, and randomization}, journal= ml, year = {2000}, pages = {139--158}, volume = 40, number = 2 } @inproceedings{DietterichBa91 ,author= {Thomas G. Dietterich and Ghulum Bakiri} ,title= {Error-correcting output codes: a general method for improving multiclass inductive learning programs} } @article{DietterichBa95 ,author= {Thomas G. Dietterich and Ghulum Bakiri} ,title= {Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via Error-Correcting Output Codes} ,journal= jair ,year= 1995 ,month= jan ,pages= {263--286} ,volume= 2 } @inproceedings{DietterichKeMa96 ,author= {Tom Dietterich and Michael Kearns and Yishay Mansour} ,title= {Applying the Weak Learning Framework to Understand and Improve {C4.5}} ,booktitle= ml96 ,year= 1996 } @techreport{DietterichKo95 ,title= "Machine Learning Bias, Statistical Bias, and Statistical Variance of Decision Tree Algorithms" ,author= {Tom Dietterich and Eun Bae Kong} ,institution= {Oregon State University} ,year= 1995 ,note= {Available via the WWW at http://www.cs.orst.edu:80/~tgd/cv/tr.html} } @inproceedings{DifabbrizioDuGuHoRaRiScSc02, author = {Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio and Dawn Dutton and Narendra Gupta and Barbara Hollister and Mazin Rahim and Giuseppe Riccardi and Robert Schapire and Juergen Schroeter}, title = {{AT\&T} Help Desk}, booktitle= {7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing}, year = 2002 } @book{Dobson90, author= {Annette J. Dobson}, title= {An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models}, publisher= {Chapman and Hall}, year= 1990 } @phdthesis{Dolan89, author = {Charles Patrick Dolan}, title = {Tensor Manipulation Networks: Connectionist and Symbolic Approaches to Comprehension, Learning, and Planning}, school = {UCLA Computer Science Department}, month = Jun, year = 1989 } @Article{DonahueGuDaSa97, author = {M. J. Donahue and L. Gurvits and C. Darken and E. Sontag}, title = {Rates of convex approximation in non-{H}ilbert spaces}, journal = {Constructive Approximation}, year = 1997, volume = 13, pages = {187--220} } @InProceedings{Domingos97, author = {Pedro Domingos}, title = {Knowledge Acquisition from Examples Via Multiple Models}, booktitle = {ml97}, pages = {98--106}, year = 1997 } @InProceedings{DomingoWa00, author = {Carlos Domingo and Osamu Watanabe}, title = {Scaling up a boosting-based learner via adaptive sampling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, year = 2000 } @Article{DonohoJo95, author = {David L. Donoho and Iain M. Johnstone}, title = {Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage}, } @Book{Doukhan94, author = {Paul Doukhan}, title = {Mixing, Properties and Examples}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 1994, number = 85, series = {Lecture Notes in Statistics}, note = {This book was recommended by Avi Wyner, he sais it has a good summary of "exponential bounds" which are a generalization of Hoeffding/Chernoff bounds to non-IID processes. Currently (3/99) the book is out of print.} } @techreport{Drescher80, author= {Drescher, Gary L.}, title= {Suggestions for Genetic A.I.}, institution= {MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}, year= 1980, number= 198, month= Feb } @mastersthesis{Drescher85, author= {Drescher, Gary L.}, title= {The Schema Mechanism: A Conception of Constructivist Intelligence}, school= {MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}, year= 1985, month= Feb, comment= {Constructivist version of Piagetian theory.} } @techreport{Drescher86, author= {Drescher, Gary L.}, title= {Genetic {AI} --- Translating {P}iaget into {L}isp}, institution= {MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}, year= 1986, number= 890, month= Feb } @inproceedings{Drescher87, author = {Gary L. Drescher}, title = {A Mechanism for Early {Piagetian} Learning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-87: Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Seattle, Washington}, month = Jul, year = 1987, pages = {290--294} } @book{Drescher91, author= {Gary L. Drescher}, title= {Made-up Minds: A Constructivist Approach to Artificial Intelligence}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1991 } @article{DressGr91, author= {Andreas Dress and Johannes Grabmeier}, title= {The Interpolation Problem for $k$-sparse Polynomials and Character Sums}, journal= {Advances in Applied Mathematics}, volume= 12, year= 1991, pages= {57--75} } @unpublished{Drucker95 ,author= {Harris Drucker} ,title= {Fast decision tree ensembles for optical character recognition} } @inproceedings{Drucker97 ,author= {Harris Drucker} ,title= {Improving regressors using boosting techniques} ,year= 1997 ,booktitle= ml97 ,pages= {107-115} } @inproceedings{DruckerBuKaSmVa97 ,author= {Harris Drucker and Chris J. C. Burges and Linda Kaufman and Alex Smola and Vladimir Vapnik} ,title= {Support Vector Regression Machines} } @unpublished{DruckerCo95b ,author= {Harris Drucker and Corinna Cortes} ,title= {Improving Pattern Classification Performance Using Boosting Techniques} ,year= 1995 } @inproceedings{DruckerCo96 ,author= {Harris Drucker and Corinna Cortes} ,title= {Boosting Decision Trees} ,year= 1996 ,booktitle= nips8 ,pages= {479-485} } @article{DruckerCoJaLeVa94 ,author= {Harris Drucker and Corinna Cortes and L. D. Jackel and Yann LeCun and Vladimir Vapnik} ,title= {Boosting and other ensemble methods} ,journal= {Neural Computation} ,volume= 6 ,number= 6 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {1289--1301} } @inproceedings{DruckerScSi93 ,author= {Harris Drucker and Robert Schapire and Patrice Simard} ,title= {Improving performance in neural networks using a boosting algorithm} ,booktitle= nips5 ,year= 1993 ,comment= {,publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann},editor= nips5eds} ,pages= {42--49} } @article{DruckerScSi93b ,author= {Harris Drucker and Robert Schapire and Patrice Simard} ,title= {Boosting Performance in Neural Networks} ,journal= {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence} ,year= {1993} ,pages= {705--719} ,volume= 7 ,number= 4 } @book{DudaHa73, author = {Richard O. Duda and Peter E. Hart}, title = {Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {1973} } @article{Dudley78, author= {Dudley, R. M.}, title= {Central Limit Theorems for Empirical Measures}, journal= {The Annals of Probability}, year= 1978, volume= 6, number= 6, pages= {899--929}, comment= {Generalization and proofs of Vapnik-Chervonenkis results.} } @article{Dudley79 ,author= {R. M. Dudley} ,title= {Balls in {$R^k$} do not cut all subsets of {$k+2$} points} } @article{Dudley87, author= {R. M. Dudley}, title= {Universal {D}onsker classes and metric entropy}, journal= {Annals of Probability}, volume= 15, number= 4, pages= {1306--1326}, year= 1987 } @inproceedings{DuffyHe99, author = "N. Duffy and D. Helmbold", title = "A Geometric Approach to Leveraging Weak Learners", booktitle = eurocolt99, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{DuffyHe99b, author = {Nigel Duffy and David Helmbold}, title = {Potential Boosters?}, booktitle = nips11, year = 1999 } @Article{DuffyHe02, author = {Nigel Duffy and David Helmbold}, title = {Boosting Methods for Regression}, journal = ml, year = 2002, volume = 49, number = {2/3} } @slides{Dumouchel97 ,author= {William duMouchel} ,title= {Statistical analysis of categorical data} } @article{DurGr93, author= {A. D\"ur and J. Grabmeier}, title= {Applying Coding Theory to Sparse Interpolation}, journal= sicomp, volume= 22, number= 4, pages= {695--704}, month= aug, year= 1993 } @article{Duttweiler78 ,author= {Donald L. Duttweiler} ,title= {A twelve-channel digital echo canceler} ,year= 1978 } @article{DyerFrKa91, author= {Martin Dyer and Alan Frieze and Ravi Kannan}, title= {A Random Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Approximating the Volume of Convex Bodies}, journal= jacm, volume= 38, number= 1, pages= {1--17}, month= jan, year= 1991 } @book{EfronTi93 ,author= {Bradley Efron and Robert J. Tibshirani} ,title= {An Introduction to the Bootstrap} ,year= 1993 ,publisher= {Chapman \& Hall} } @inproceedings{EhrenfeuchtHa88, author= {Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej and David Haussler}, title= {Learning Decision Trees from Random Examples}, booktitle= colt88, publisher= {Morgan Kaufman}, address= {San Mateo, CA}, month= Aug, year= 1988, pages = {182--194} } @techreport{EhrenfeuchtHaKeVa87, author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and D. Haussler and M. Kearns and L. Valiant}, title = {A General Lower Bound on the Number of Examples Needed for Learning}, institution = ucsccrl, year = 1987, number = {UCSC-CRL-87-26} } @inproceedings{EhrenfeuchtHaKeVa88, author = {Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and David Haussler and Michael Kearns and Leslie Valiant}, title = {A General Lower Bound on the Number of Examples Needed for Learning}, booktitle = colt88, year = {1988}, month = aug, pages = {139--154} } @article{EichbergerHaMi93 ,author= {J. Eichberger and H. Haller and F. Milne} ,title= {Naive {B}ayesian learning in $2\times 2$ matrix games} ,year= 1993 } @InCollection{Elith02, author = {Jane Elith}, title = {Quantitative Methods for Modeling Species Habitat: Comparative Performance and an Application to {Australian} Plants}, booktitle = {Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology}, pages = {39-58}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = 2002, editor = {Scott Ferson and Mark Burgman} } @inproceedings{EtzioniHaJiKaMaWa96, Author = "O. Etzioni and S. Hanks and T. Jiang and R. M. Karp and O. Madani and O. Waarts", title = "Efficient information gathering on the internet", booktitle = focs96, year = 1996 } @InProceedings{EscuderoMaRi00, author = {Gerard Escudero and Llu\'is M\`arquez and German Rigau}, title = {Boosting applied to word sense disambiguation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {129-141}, year = 2000 } @article{FaberMy91 ,author= {V. Faber and J. Mycielsky} ,title= {Applications of learning theorems} } @book{FangPu93, author= {Shu-Cherng Fang and Sarat Puthenpura}, title= {Linear Optimization and Extensions: Theory and Algorithms}, year= 1993, publisher= {Prentice Hall} } @techreport{FarmerSi88, author= {Farmer, J. Doyne and John J. Sidorowich}, title= {Exploiting Chaos to Predict the Future and Reduce Noise}, institution= {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, year= 1988, month= mar, number= {LA-UR-88-901} } @article{FederMeGu92, author= {M. Feder and N. Merhav and M. Gutman}, title= "Universal Prediction of individual sequences", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", volume= 38, pages= "1258--1270", year= 1992 } @book{Feller68, author= {Feller, William}, title= {An Introduction to Probability and its Applications}, publisher= {John Wiley and Sons}, year= 1968, edition= {third}, volume= 1 } @book{Ferguson67 ,author= {Thomas S. Ferguson} ,title= {Mathematical Statistics: A Decision Theoretic Approach} ,year= 1967 ,publisher= {Academic Press} } @book{Feyerabend81, author= {Feyerabend, P. K.}, title= {Philosophical Papers: Realism, Rationalism, \& Scientific Method}, publisher= {Cambridge University Press}, year= 1981, volume= 1 } @article{FiatRaRa94 ,author= {A. Fiat and Y. Rabani and Y. Ravid} ,title= {Competitive {$k$}-Server Algorithms} ,journal= jcss ,volume= 48 ,number= 3 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {410-428} } @article{Fiedler72, author= {Fiedler, Miroslav}, title= {Bounds for Eigenvalues of Doubly Stochastic Matrices}, journal= {Linear Algebra and its Applications}, year= 1972, month= Jul, volume= 5, number= 3, pages= {299--310} } @article{Field75 ,author= {B. J. Field} ,title= {Towards automatic indexing: automatic assignment of controlled-language indexing and classification from free indexing} ,journal= {Journal of Documentation} ,volume= 31 ,number= 4 ,month= dec ,year= 1975 ,pages= {246-265} } @article{Fienberg70, author= {Fienberg, Stephen E.}, title= {An Iterative Procedure for Estimation in Contingency Tables}, journal= {Journal of Mathematical Statistics}, year= 1970, volume= 41, number= 3, pages= {907--917}, comment= {Proves convergence of Deming/Stephan iterative procedure for finding maximum entropy solution} } @article{Fill91, author= {James Allen Fill}, title= {Eigenvalue bounds on convergence to stationarity for nonreversible {M}arkov chains, with an application to the exclusion process}, journal= {The Annals of Applied Probability}, volume= 1, number= 1, year= 1991, pages= {62--87} } @inproceedings{FischerSi90, author= {Paul Fischer and Hans Ulrich Simon}, title= {On learning ring-sum-expansions}, booktitle= colt90, year= 1990, month= aug, pages= {130--143} } @article{FischerSi92, author= {Paul Fischer and Hans Ulrich Simon}, title= {On learning ring-sum-expansions}, journal= sicomp, volume= 21, number= 1, pages= {181--192}, month= feb, year= 1992 } @article{FischhoffBM83, author= {Fischhoff, Baruch and Ruth Beyth-Marom}, title= {Hypothesis Evaluation from a Bayesian Perspective}, journal= {Psychological Review}, year= 1983, volume= 90, number= 3, pages= {239--260}, comment= {Taxonomy of ways people might deviate from Bayesianism.} } @article{FlannaganFrHo86, author= {Flannagan, Michael J. and Lisbeth S. Fried and Keith J. Holyoak}, title= {Distributional Expectations and the Induction of Category Structure}, journal= {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition}, year= 1986, volume= 12, number= 2, pages= {241--256}, comment= {Experimental evidence in favor of idea that people expect exemplars of a category to follow the normal distribution} } @book{Fletcher87, author = "R. Fletcher", title = "Practical Methods of Optimization", edition = "Second", publisher = "John Wiley", year = 1987 } @inproceedings{Floyd89, author= {Floyd, Sally}, title= {Space-bounded learning and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, booktitle= colt89, month= Jul, year= 1989, pages = {349--364} } @phdthesis{Floyd89b, author= {Floyd, Sally}, title= {On Space-bounded learning and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, school= {University of California at Santa Cruz}, month= dec, year= 1989, note= {Available as Technical Report TR-89-061, International Computer Science Institute} } @Article{FloydWa95, author = {Sally Floyd and Manfred Warmuth}, title = {Sample compression, learnability, and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis dimension}, journal = ml, year = 1995, volume = 21, number = 3, pages = {269-304} } @unpublished{Flynn88 ,author= {Anita Flynn (ed.)} ,title= {Olympic robot building manual} ,year= 1988 } @Article{ForsterWa??, author = {J\"urgen Forster and Manfred Warmuth}, title = {Relative Expected Instantaneous Loss Bounds}, journal = jcss, year = {to appear} } @article{Forsyth81 ,author= {Richard Forsyth} ,title= {{BEAGLE} --- {A} {Darwinian} approach to pattern recognition} ,journal= {Kybernetes} ,year= 1981 ,volume= 10 ,pages= {159--166} } @inproceedings{FortnowWh94 ,author= {Lance Fortnow and Duke Whang} ,title= {Optimality and domination in repeated games with bounded players} ,booktitle= stoc94 } @article{Foster91 ,author= {Dean P. Foster} ,title= {Prediction in the worst case} ,journal= {The Annals of Statistics} ,volume= 19 ,number= 2 ,pages= {1084--1090} ,year= 1991 } @article{FosterVo93 ,author= {Dean P. Foster and Rakesh V. Vohra} ,title= {A randomization rule for selecting forecasts} ,journal= {Operations Research} ,volume= 41 ,number= 4 ,month= {July--August} ,year= 1993 ,pages= {704--709} } @unpublished{FosterVo97 ,author= {Dean P. Foster and Rakesh Vohra} ,title= {Regret in the On-line Decision Problem} ,note= {unpublished manuscript} ,year= 1997 } @article {FosterVo99, AUTHOR = {Foster, Dean P. and Vohra, Rakesh}, TITLE = {Regret in the on-line decision problem}, NOTE = {Learning in games: a symposium in honor of David Blackwell}, JOURNAL = {Games and Economic Behavior}, VOLUME = 29, YEAR = 1999, NUMBER = {1-2}, PAGES = {7--35} } @article{FosterVo98 ,author= {Dean P. Foster and Rakesh V. Vohra} ,title= {Asymptotic calibration} ,journal= {Biometrika} ,volume= 85 ,year= 1998 ,number= 2 ,pages= {379--390} } @article{FranklWi81 ,author= {P. Frankl and R. M. Wilson} ,title= {Intersection theorems with geometric consequences} ,journal= {Combinatorica} ,volume= 1 ,year= 1981 ,pages= {357--368} } @book{Franklin68 ,author= {Joel N. Franklin} ,title= {Matrix Theory} ,publisher= {Prentice-Hall} ,year= {1968} } @unpublished{FranklinGaYu93 ,author= {Matthew Franklin and Zvi Galil and Moti Yung} ,title= {An overview of secure distributed computing} } @techreport{FreanDo98 ,author= "Frean, Marcus and Downs, Tom" ,title= "A simple cost function for boosting" ,institution= "Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland" ,year= 1998 } @inproceedings{Freund90, author= {Freund, Yoav}, title= {Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority}, month= aug, year= 1990, booktitle= colt90, pages= {202--216}, note= {To appear, {\it Information and Computation}} } @inproceedings{Freund92, author= {Freund, Yoav}, title= {An improved boosting algorithm and its implications on learning complexity}, month= jul, year= 1992, pages= {391--398}, booktitle= colt92 } @phdthesis{Freund93 ,author= "Yoav Freund" ,title= "Data Filtering and Distribution Modeling Algorithms for Machine Learning" ,school= "University of California at Santa Cruz" ,year = 1993 ,note= "Retrievable from: ftp.cse.ucsc.edu/pub/tr/ucsc-crl-93-37.ps.Z" } @article{Freund95 ,author= "Yoav Freund" ,title= "Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority" ,journal= infcomp ,year= 1995 ,volume= 121 ,number= 2 ,pages= {256--285} } @inproceedings{Freund96 ,author= "Yoav Freund" ,title= "Predicting a binary sequence almost as well as the optimal biased coin" ,booktitle= colt96 ,year= 1996 } @article{Freund?? ,author= "Yoav Freund" ,title= "Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority" ,journal= "Information and Computation" ,year= "To appear" ,note= {An extended abstract appeared in {\it Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory}, 1990.} } @InProceedings{FreundIyScSi98, author = {Yoav Freund and Raj Iyer and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {An efficient boosting algorithm for combining preferences}, booktitle = ml98, year = 1998 } @inproceedings{FreundKeMaRoRuSc95 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Michael Kearns and Yishay Mansour and Dana Ron and Ronitt Rubinfeld and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Efficient Algorithms for Learning to Play Repeated Games Against Computationally Bounded Adversaries} ,booktitle= focs95 ,pages= {332-341} ,year= 1995 } @inproceedings{FreundKeRoRuScSe93 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Michael Kearns and Dana Ron and Ronitt Rubinfeld and Robert E. Schapire and Linda Sellie} ,title= {Efficient learning of typical finite automata from random walks} ,booktitle= stoc93 ,month= may ,year= 1993 ,pages= {315--324} } @inproceedings{FreundRo95 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Dana Ron} ,title= {Learning to model sequences generated by switching distribution s} ,booktitle= colt95 ,year= 1995 ,pages= {41--50} } @inproceedings{FreundSc95 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting} ,booktitle= eurocolt95 ,year= 1995 ,pages= {23--37} ,publisher= {Springer-Verlag} ,comment= {,note= {A draft of the journal version is available electronically (on our web pages, or by email request).}} } @unpublished{FreundSc95b ,author= {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting} ,note= {Unpublished manuscript available electronically (on our web pages, or by email request). An extended abstract appeared in {\it Computational Learning Theory: Second European Conference, EuroCOLT~'95}, pages~23--37, Springer-Verlag, 1995} } @inproceedings{FreundSc96 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Experiments with a New Boosting Algorithm} ,booktitle= ml96 ,year= 1996 ,pages= {148-156} } @inproceedings{FreundSc96b ,author= {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Game Theory, On-line Prediction and Boosting} ,booktitle= colt96 ,year= 1996 ,pages= {325-332} } @article{FreundSc97 ,author= {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting} ,journal= jcss ,year= 1997 ,volume= 55 ,number= 1 ,month= aug ,pages= {119-139} } @Article{FreundSc99, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Adaptive game playing using multiplicative weights}, journal = {Games and Economic Behavior}, year = 1999, volume= 29, pages= {79-103} } @Article{FreundSc99b, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Large margin classification using the perceptron algorithm}, journal = ml, year = 1999, volume = 37, number = 3, pages = {277-296}, month = dec } @Article{FreundSc99c, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {A Short introduction to Boosting}, journal = {Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1999, volume = 14, number = 5, pages = {771-780}, month = sep, note= {Appearing in Japanese, translation by Naoki Abe} } @InProceedings{FreundSc98, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Large margin classification using the perceptron algorithm}, booktitle = colt98, year = 1998, note = {To appear, {\it Machine Learning}} } @inproceedings{FreundScSiWa97, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Using and Combining Predictors that Specialize}, booktitle = stoc97, pages = {334--343}, year = 1997 } @Article{FreundSeShTi97, author = {Yoav Freund and H. Sebastian Seung and Eli Shamir and Naftali Tishby}, title = {Selective Sampling Using the Query by Committee Algorithm}, journal = ml, year = 1997, volume = 28, pages = {133-168} } @InProceedings{Freund99, author = {Yoav Freund}, title = {An adaptive version of the boost by majority algorithm}, booktitle = colt99, year = 1999, pages = {102-113} } @InProceedings{FreundMa99, author = {Yoav Freund and Llew Mason}, title = {The alternating decision tree learning algorithm}, booktitle = ml99, pages = {124--133}, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{FreundOp00, author = {Yoav Freund and Manfred Opper}, title = {Continuous Drifting Games}, booktitle = colt00, year = 2000, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, pages = {126--132} } @Article{FreundOp02, author = {Yoav Freund and Manfred Opper}, title = {Continuous Drifting Games}, journal = jcss, year = 2002, pages = {113-132} } @Article{Freund01, author = {Yoav Freund}, title = {An adaptive version of the boost by majority algorithm}, journal = ml, year = 2001, volume = 43, number = 3, pages = {293--318}, month = {June}, } @unpublished{Friedman95 ,author= {Jerome H. Friedman} ,title= {Introduction to computational learning and statistical prediction} ,comment= {Slides from ml-95} } @unpublished{Friedman96 ,author= {Jerome H. Friedman} ,title= {Another approach to polychotomous classification} } @unpublished{Friedman96b ,author= {Jerome H. Friedman} ,title= {On Bias, Variance, 0/1-loss, and the Curse-of-Dimensionality} ,note= {Available electronically from http://stat.stanford.edu/$\sim$jhf} } @article{Friedman97 ,author= {Jerome H. Friedman} ,title= {On Bias, Variance, 0/1-loss, and the Curse-of-Dimensionality} ,journal= {Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery} ,volume= 1 ,number= 1 ,pages= {55-77} ,year=1997 } @Article{Friedman01, author = {Jerome H. Friedman}, title = {Greedy function approximation: {A} gradient boosting machine}, journal = annstat, year = 2001, volume = 29, number = 5, month = oct } @article{FriedmanBeFi77, author = {Jerome J. Friedman and Jon Louis Bentley and Raphael Ari Finkel}, title = {An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software}, year = {1977}, month = Sep, volume = 3, number = 3, pages = {209--226} } @Unpublished{FriedmanHaTi98, author = {Jerome Friedman and Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani}, title = {Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting}, note = {Technical Report}, year = 1998 } @article{FriedmanHaTi00, author = {Jerome Friedman and Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani}, title = {Additive logistic regression: {A} statistical view of boosting}, journal= annstat, volume= 38, number= 2, pages= {337-374}, month = apr, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{FriessCrCa98 ,author= {Thilo Friess and Nello Cristianini and Colin Campbell} ,title= {The Kernel-Adatron: A Fast and Simple Learning Procedure for Support Vector Machines} ,booktitle= ml98 ,year= 1998 } @article{FuBo75a, author= {Fu, King-Sun and Taylor L. Booth}, title= {Grammatical Inference: Introduction and Survey -- Part I}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, year= 1975, month= Jan, volume= {SMC-5}, number= 1, pages= {95--111}, comment= {Inference of finite-state and context-free grammars reviewed.} } @article{FuBo75b, author= {Fu, King-Sun and Taylor L. Booth}, title= {Grammatical Inference: Introduction and Survey -- Part II}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, year= 1975, month= Jul, volume= {SMC-5}, number= 4, pages= {409--423}, comment= {Inference of stochastic finite-state and context-free grammars.} } @article{FudenbergLe93 ,author= {Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine} ,title= {Steady State Learning and Nash Equilibrium} ,year= 1993 } @article{FudenbergLe95 ,author= {Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine} ,title= {Consistency and cautious fictitious play} ,year= 1995 ,volume= 19 ,journal= {Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control} ,pages= {1065--1089} } @book{FudenbergTi91 ,author= {Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole} ,title= {Game Theory} ,year= 1991 ,publisher= {MIT Press} } @article{FuhrPf94 ,author= {Norbert Fuhr and Ulrich Pfeifer} ,title= {Probabilistic information retrieval as a combination of abstraction, inductive learning, and probabilistic assumptions} ,journal= {ACM Transactions on Information Systems} ,volume= 12 ,number= 1 ,month= jan ,year= 1994 ,pages= {92-115} } @book{Fukunaga90 ,author= {Keinosuke Fukunaga} ,title= {Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition} ,edition= {second} ,year= 1990 ,publisher= {Academic Press} } @inproceedings{FurnkranzWi94 ,author= {Johannes F\"urnkranz and Gerhard Widmer} ,title= {Incremental Reduced Error Pruning} ,booktitle= {Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference} ,year= 1994 ,pages= {70-77} } @techreport{FurstJaSm90, author= {Merrick Furst and Jeffrey Jackson and Sean Smith}, title= {Learning {$AC^0$} Functions Sampled Under Mutually Independent Distributions}, institution= {Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science}, number= {CMU-CS-90-183}, month= oct, year= 1990 } @inproceedings{FurstJaSm91, author= {Merrick L. Furst and Jeffrey C. Jackson and Sean W. Smith}, title= {Improved Learning of {$AC^0$} Functions}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991, pages= {317--325} } @article{Gaines79, author= {Gaines, B.R.}, title= {Maryanski's Grammatical Inferencer}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, year= 1979, month= Jan, volume= {C-27}, number= 1, pages= {62--66}, comment= {Corrects some typographical errors in the Maryanski-Booth algorithm for inferring a probabilistic finite-state grammar from a given set of strings.} } @book{Gallager68 ,author= {Robert G. Gallager} ,title= {Information Theory and Reliable Communication} ,publisher= {John Wiley \& Sons} ,year= 1968 } @InProceedings{Gallant86, author = {S. I. Gallant}, title = {Optimal Linear Discriminants}, booktitle = {Eighth International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, pages = {849-852}, year = 1986, organization = {IEEE} } @inproceedings{GamsLa87, author= {Gams, M. and N. Lavrac}, title= {Review of Five Empirical Learning Systems Within a Proposed Schemata}, booktitle= {Progress in Machine Learning--Proceedings of EWSL 87: 2nd European Working Session on Learning}, address= {Bled, Yogoslavia}, year= 1987, editor= {Bratko, I. and N. Lavrac}, month= may, pages= {46--66} } @book{Gantmacher59, author= {F. R. Gantmacher}, title= {Applications of the Theory of Matrices}, publisher= {Interscience}, year= 1959 } @thesis{Garsia?? ,author= {A. M. Garsia} ,title= {On the distribution function of a geometric series whose terms have random changes of sign} } @Book{Gardiner85, author = {C.W. Gardiner}, title = {Handbook of Stochastic Methods}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = 1985, edition = {2nd} } @book{GareyJo79, author= {Garey, M. and D. Johnson}, title= {Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Com\-plete\-ness}, publisher= {W. H. Freeman}, year= 1979, address= {San Francisco} } @inproceedings{Geisser70, author= {Geisser, Seymour}, title= {The Inferential Use of Predictive Distributions}, booktitle= {Foundations of Statistical Inference}, editor= {Godambe, V. P. and D. A. Sprott}, year= 1970, publisher= {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, comment= {Argues for deriving probability density of future observations (a predictive distribution) from prior observations.} } @incollection{Geman86, author= {Geman, Stuart}, title= {Stochastic Relaxation Methods for Image Restoration and Expert Systems}, booktitle= {Automated Image Analysis: Theory and Experiments}, editor= {D.B. Cooper and R.L.Launer and D.E. McClure}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= 1986, comment= {Describes stochastic relaxation technique for maximum entropy computations and for image restoration.} } @article{GemmellSu92, author= {Peter Gemmell and Madhu Sudan}, title= {Highly Resilient Correctors for Polynomials}, journal= ipl, volume= 43, number= 4, month= sep, date= 28, year= 1992, pages= {169--174} } @article{George57, author= {George, F. H.}, title= {Logical Networks and Probability}, journal= {Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics}, year= 1957, volume= 19, pages= {187--199}, comment= {Extends McCulloch-Pitts networks with counters for probabilities.} } @article{George59, author= {George, F. H.}, title= {Inductive machines and the problem of learning}, journal= {Cybernetica}, year= 1959, volume= {II}, pages= {109--126}, comment= {Discussion of learning; machines which learn associations.} } @incollection{GeorgeffWa84, author= {Georgeff, M. P. and C. S. Wallace}, title= {A General Selection Criterion for Inductive Inference}, booktitle= {ECAI 84: Advances in Artificial Intelligence}, publisher= {Elsevier Science Publishers}, year= 1984, pages= {473--482} } @article{GilboaSa89 ,author= {Itzhak Gilboa and Dov Samet} ,title= {Bounded versus unbounded rationality: the tyranny of the weak} ,year= 1989 } @article{GinzburgSo?? ,author= {Iris Ginzburg and Haim Sompolinsky} ,title= {Theory of correlations in stochastic neural networks} } @book{Gittins89 ,author= {J. C. Gittins} ,title= {Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices} ,publisher= wiley ,year= 1989 } @article{GoemansWi95 ,author= {Michel X. Goemans and David P. Williamson} ,title= {Improved Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Cut and Satisfiability Problems Using Semidefinite Programming} ,pages= {1115-1145} ,volume= 42 ,number= 6 ,month= nov ,year= 1995 ,journal= jacm } @techreport{Goetsch86, author= {Goetsch, Gordon J.}, title= {CONSENSUS: A Statistical Learning Procedure in a Connectionist Network}, institution= {Carnegie-Mellon Computer Science Department}, year= 1986, month= May, number= {CMU-CS-86-131}, comment= {Layered network built out of communities of units, each with a supervisor.} } @article{Gold67, author= {Gold, E. Mark}, title= {Language Identification in the Limit}, journal= infctrl, year= 1967, volume= 10, pages= {447--474}, comment= {Classic paper, introducing computer science theory into learning.} } @article{Gold72, author= {Gold, E. Mark}, title= {System Identification via State Characterization}, journal= {Automatica}, volume= 8, year= 1972, pages= {621--636} } @article{Gold78, author= {Gold, E. Mark}, title= {Complexity of Automaton Identification from Given Data}, journal= infctrl, year= 1978, volume= 37, pages= {302--320}, comment= {Proves that finding an automaton of $n$ or fewer states which agrees with a given list of input/output pairs.} } @phdthesis{Goldman90, author= {Sally Ann Goldman}, title= {Learning Binary Relations, Total Orders, and Read-Once Formulas}, school= mit, month= sep, year= 1990, note= {Available as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-483, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science} } @inproceedings{GoldmanKe91, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Michael J. Kearns}, title= {On the Complexity of Teaching}, booktitle= colt91, pages= {303--314}, month= aug, year= 1991 } @inproceedings{GoldmanKeSc90, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Exact Identification of Circuits Using Fixed Points of Amplification Functions}, booktitle= focs90, pages= {193--202}, month= oct, year= 1990, note= {To appear, {\it SIAM Journal on Computing}} } @inproceedings{GoldmanKeSc90b, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {On the Sample Complexity of Weak Learning}, booktitle= colt90, pages= {217--231}, month= aug, year= 1990 } @article{GoldmanKeSc93, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Exact Identification of Read-once Formulas Using Fixed Points of Amplification Functions}, journal= sicomp, pages= {705--726}, month= aug, year= 1993, volume= 22, number= 4 } @article{GoldmanKeSc95, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {On the Sample Complexity of Weakly Learning}, journal= infcomp, pages= {276-287}, month= mar, year= 1995, volume= 117, number= 2 } @inproceedings{GoldmanRiSc89, author= {Sally A. Goldman and Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Learning Binary Relations and Total Orders}, booktitle= focs89, month= oct, year= 1989, pages= {46--51}, note= {Available as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TM-413, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.} } @article{GoldmanRiSc93 ,author= {Sally A. Goldman and Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Learning Binary Relations and Total Orders} ,volume= 22 ,journal= sicomp ,number= 5 ,year= 1993 ,pages= {1006--1034} } @article{GoldmannHaRa92, author = "Mikael Goldmann and Johan H\aa stad and Alexander Razborov", title = "Majority Gates vs. General Weighted Threshold Gates", journal = "Computational Complexity", volume = "2", year = "1992", pages= {277-300} } @techreport{Goldreich88, author= {Oded Goldreich}, title= {Towards a Theory of Average Case Complexity (A Survey)}, institution= {Technion Computer Science Department}, year= 1988, month= dec, number= {531} } @article{GoldreichGoMi86, author= {Goldreich, Oded and Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali}, title= {How to Construct Random Functions}, journal = jacm, volume = 33, number = 4, year= 1986, month= Oct, pages= {792--807} } @inproceedings{GoldreichGoRo96 ,author= {Oded Goldreich and Shafi Goldwasser and Dana Ron} ,title= {Property Testing and its connection to Learning and Approximation} ,booktitle= focs96 ,pages= {339-348} ,year= 1996 } @inproceedings{GoleaBaLeMa98 ,author= {Mostefa Golea and Peter L. Bartlett, Wee Sun Lee and Llew Mason} ,title= {Generalization in decision trees and {DNF}: Does size matter?} ,booktitle= nips10 ,pages= {259--265} ,year= 1998 } @Article{Good53, author = {Good, I. J.}, title = {The population frequencies of species and the estimation of population parameters}, journal = {Biometrika}, year = 1953, volume = 40, number = 16, pages = {237-264}, month = dec } @article{Good59, author= {Good, I. J.}, title= {Kinds of Probability}, journal= {Science}, year= 1959, month= Feb, volume= 129, number= 3347, pages= {443--447} } @article{Good63, author= {Good, I.J.}, title= {Maximum entropy for hypothesis formulation, especially for multidimensional contingency tables}, journal= {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, year= 1963, volume= 34, pages= {911-934}, comment= {Uses maximum entropy to judge order of interactions, and the order of a Markov chain.} } @article{Good66, author= {Good, I.J.}, title= {A Derivation of the Probabilistic Explication of Information}, journal= {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B)}, year= 1966, volume= 28, pages= {578--581}, comment= {Argues from an axiomatic framework that I(H:E|G), the information concerning H provided by E given G, should be log( P(H.E|G) / (P(H|G)P(E|G)) ) or some monotonic variation of this.} } @inproceedings{Good70, author= {Good, I. J.}, title= {The Probabilistic Explication of Information, Evidence, Surprise, Causality, Explanation, and Utility}, booktitle= {Foundations of Statistical Inference}, year= 1971, publisher= {Holt, Reinhart, and Winston}, editor= {V. P. Godame and D. A. Sprott}, pages= {108--141} } @Article{Good00, author = {Good, I. J.}, title = {Turing's anticipation of emprical {Bayes} in connection with the cryptanalysis of the {Naval} {Enigma}}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation}, year = 2000, volume= 66, number= 2, pages= {101-112} } @article{Goodman01, author= {Joshua Goodman}, title = {A Bit of Progress in Language Modeling}, journal={Computer Speech and Language}, year={2001}, month={October}, pages = {403-434} } @article{GordonSh85, author= {Gordon, Jean and Edward H. Shortliffe}, title= {A Method for Managing Evidential Reasoning in a Hierarchical Hypothesis Space}, journal= {Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1985, month= Jul, volume= 26, number= 3, pages= {323--357}, comment= {Dempster-Shafer theory explained and generalized.} } @article{Gorin95 ,author= {Allen Gorin} ,title= {On automated language acquisition} } @inproceedings{GorinPaSaWi96, author = "A. L. Gorin and B. A. Parker and R. M. Sachs and J. G. Wilpon", title = "How may {I} help you?", booktitle = "Proceedings Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications (IVTTA)", year = 1996, pages = "57--60" } @article{GorinRiWr97, author = "A. L. Gorin and G. Riccardi and J. H. Wright", title = "How may {I} help you?", journal = "Speech Communication", year = "1997", volume=23, number={1-2}, month= oct, pages={113-127} } @article{GormanSe88, author = {R. Paul Gorman and Terrence J. Sejnowski}, title = {Analysis of Hidden Units in a Layered Network Trained to Classify Sonar Targets}, journal = {Neural Networks}, volume = 1, year = 1988, pages = {75--89} } @techreport{GravesLa94 ,author= {Todd Graves and Tze Leung Lai} ,title= {Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive Choice of Control Laws in Controlled Markov Chains} ,year= 1994 } @book{Grenander81, author= {Grenander, Ulf}, title= {Abstract Inference}, publisher= {John WIley \& Sons, Inc.}, year= 1981 } @TechReport{GrigoriadisKh91, author = {Michael D. Grigoriadis and Leonid G. Khachiyan}, title = {Approximate solution of matrix games in parallel}, institution = {DIMACS}, year = 1991, number = {91-73}, month = jul } @TechReport{GrigoriadisKh94, author = {Michael D. Grigoriadis and Leonid G. Khachiyan}, title = {A sublinear-time randomized approximation algorithm for matrix games}, institution = {Rutgers University Department of Computer Science}, year = 1994, number = {LCSR-TR-222}, month = {April} } @Article{GrigoriadisKh95, author = {Michael D. Grigoriadis and Leonid G. Khachiyan}, title = {A sublinear-time randomized approximation algorithm for matrix games}, journal = {Operations Research Letters}, year = 1995, volume = 18, number = 2, month = {Sep}, pages = {53-58} } @article{GrigorievKaSi90, author= {Dima Yu. Grigoriev and Marek Karpinski and Michael F. Singers}, title= {Fast Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation over Finite Fields}, journal= sicomp, volume= 19, number= 6, pages= {1059--1963}, month= dec, year= 1990 } @book{GrossmanMa64, author = {Israel Grossman and Wilhelm Magnus}, title = {Groups and Their Graphs }, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, year = {1964}, volume = {14}, series = {New Mathematical Library}, address = {Washington}, comment = {A low level introduction to group theory via Cayley graphs} } @InProceedings{GroveSc98, author = {Adam J. Grove and Dale Schuurmans}, title = {Boosting in the limit: Maximizing the margin of learned ensembles}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1998 } @inproceedings{Gurevich87, author= {Yuri Gurevich}, title= {Complete and Incomplete Randomized {NP} Problems}, booktitle= focs87, month= Oct, pages= {111--117}, year= 1987 } @article{Gurevich89, author= {Yuri Gurevich}, title= {The Challenger-Solver game: Variations on the theme of {P=?NP}}, journal= {Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science}, year= 1989, month= Oct } @unpublished{Gurevich89b, author= {Yuri Gurevich}, title= {Matrix Correspondence Problem is Complete for the Average Case}, month= Nov, year= 1989, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @article{Gurevich91, author= {Yuri Gurevich}, title= {Average Case Completeness}, journal= jcss, year= 1991, volume= 42, number= 3, pages= {346--398} } @article{Gurevich??, author= {Yuri Gurevich}, title= {Average Case Completeness}, journal= jcss, year= {To appear} } @unpublished{GurevichMc87, author= {Yuri Gurevich and David McCauley}, title= {Average Case Complete Problems}, month= Apr, year= 1987, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @InProceedings{GuruswamiSa99, author = {Venkatesan Guruswami and Amit Sahai}, title = {Multiclass Learning, Boosting, and Error-Correcting Codes}, booktitle = colt99, year = 1999, pages= {145-155} } @article{Gurvits95 ,author= {Leonid Gurvits} ,title= {Stability of discrete linear inclusion} } @inproceedings{GyorgiTi89, author = {G. Gy\"orgi and N. Tishby}, title = {Statistical Theory of Learning a Rule}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the STATPHYS-17 Workshop on Neural Networks and Spin Glasses}, year = 1989 } @Article{Hagelbarger56, author = {D. W. Hagelbarger}, title = {{SEER}, {A} {SE}quence {E}xtrapolating {R}obot}, journal = {IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers}, year = 1956, month = mar, pages = {1-7} } @Article{HagerupRu90, author = {Torben Hagerup and Christine R\"{u}b}, title = {A guided tour of Chernoff bounds}, journal = {Information Processing Letters}, year = 1990, volume = 33, pages = {305--308} } @inbook{Halmos73, author = {Paul R. Halmos}, title = {How to Write Mathematics}, pages = {19--48}, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, year = 1973, note = {In book entitled {\sl How to Write Mathematics}, by N.E. Steenrod, Paul R. Halmos, M.M. Schiffer, and J.A. Dieudonn\'e} } @inproceedings{Hancock90, author= {Hancock, Thomas R.}, title= {Identifying $\mu$-Formula Decision Trees with Queries}, booktitle= colt90, pages= {23--37}, month= Aug, year= 1990 } @techreport{Hancock90b, author= {Hancock, Thomas R.}, title= {Identifying $\mu$-Formula Decision Trees with Queries}, institution= {Harvard University, Center for Research in Computing Technology}, number= {TR-16-90}, year= 1990 } @inproceedings{HancockHe91, author= {Thomas Hancock and Lisa Hellerstein}, title= {Learning Read-Once Formulas over Fields and Extended Bases}, year= 1991, month= aug, booktitle= colt91, pages= {326--336} } @inproceedings{HancockMa91, author= {Thomas Hancock and Yishay Mansour}, title= {Learning Monotone {$k\mu$ DNF} Formulas on Product Distributions}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991, pages= {179--183} } @incollection{Hannan57 ,author= {James Hannan} ,title= {Approximation to {B}ayes risk in repeated play} ,booktitle= {Contributions to the Theory of Games} ,volume= {III} ,editor= {M. Dresher and A. W. Tucker and P. Wolfe} ,publisher= {Princeton University Press} ,year= 1957 ,pages= {97--139} } @book{HardyWr60, author = {G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright}, title= {An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers}, edition= {4th}, year = 1960, publisher= {Oxford University Press} } @techreport{Hart85, author= {Hart, George W.}, title= {Prototype Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitor}, institution= {MIT Energy Laboratory}, year= 1985, month= Sep, number= {Progress Report #2}, comment= {Finite-state automaton inference to determine appliances present.} } @phdthesis{Hart87, author= {Hart, George W.}, title= {Minimum Information Estimation of Structure}, school= {MIT Dept.\ of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}, year= 1987, month= Apr, note= {Appears as LIDS-TH-1664.}, comment= {Studies and applies Rissanen's MDLP.} } @article {HartMa00, AUTHOR = {Hart, Sergiu and Mas-Colell, Andreu}, TITLE = {A simple adaptive procedure leading to correlated equilibrium}, JOURNAL = {Econometrica}, FJOURNAL = {Econometrica. Journal of the Econometric Society}, VOLUME = 68, YEAR = 2000, NUMBER = 5, PAGES = {1127--1150}, } @Article{HartMa01, author = {Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Coell}, title = {A General Class of Adaptive Strategies}, journal = {Journal of Economic Theory}, year = 2001, volume = 98, pages = {26-54} } @book{HartmanisSt66, author= {Hartmanis, J.\ and R. E. Stearns}, title= {Algebraic Structure Theory of Sequential Machines}, publisher= {Prentice-Hall}, year= 1966 } @Article{HarunoShOo99, author = {Masahiko Haruno and Satoshi Shirai and Yoshifumi Ooyama}, title = {Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser}, journal = {Machine Learning}, year = 1999, volume = 34, pages = {131-149} } @article{HashlamounVaSa94 ,author= {W. A. Hashlamoun and P. K. Varshney and V. N. S. Samarasooriya} ,title= {A tight upper bound on the {Bayesian} probability of error} } @unknown{HastieTi95 ,author= {Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani} ,title= {Generalized additive models} ,year= 1995 } @article{HastieTi98 ,author= {Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani} ,title= {Classification by pairwise coupling} ,journal= annstat ,year= 1998 ,volume= 26 ,number= 2 ,pages= {451-471} } @Book{HastieTiFr01, author = {Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman}, title = {The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = 2001 } @techreport{HastiePr90 ,author= {Trevor Hastie and Daryl Pregibon} ,title= {Shrinking Trees} ,year= 1990 ,institution= {AT\&T Bell Laboratories} } @inproceedings{Haussler86, author= {Haussler, David}, title= {Quantifying the inductive bias in concept learning}, booktitle= {Proceedings AAAI-86}, organization= {American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1986, month= aug, pages= {485--489}, comment= {Defines bias= Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Algorithms for learning k-CNF, k-DNF. Many ideas for extensions, generalizations.} } @inproceedings{Haussler87a, author= {Haussler, David}, title= {Bias, Version Spaces and {Valiant's} Learning Framework}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning}, address= {University of California, Irvine}, year= 1987, month= Jun, pages= {324--336} } @techreport{Haussler87b, author= {Haussler, David}, title= {Learning Conjunctive Concepts in Structural Domains}, institution= ucsccrl, year= 1987, month= Feb, number= {UCSC-CRL-87-1} } @article{Haussler88, author = {Haussler, David}, title = {Quantifying Inductive Bias: {AI} Learning Algorithms and {V}aliant's Learning Framework}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1988, volume = 36, pages = {177--221} } @techreport{Haussler88b, author= {Haussler, David}, title= {Space Efficient Learning Algorithms}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-88-2}, year= 1988, month= Mar } @inproceedings{Haussler89, author = {Haussler, David}, title = {Generalizing the {PAC} Model: Sample Size Bounds from Metric Dimension-based Uniform Convergence Results}, booktitle= focs89, pages= {40--45}, month= Oct, year= 1989 } @techreport{Haussler89b, author = {Haussler, David}, title = {Generalizing the {PAC} Model for Neural Net and Other Learning Applications}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-89-30}, year= 1989, month= Sep, note= {To appear, {\it Information and Computation}} } @inproceedings{Haussler90, author= {David Haussler}, title= {Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the {PAC} Learning Model}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory}, year= {1990}, pages= {21--41}, comment= {address=Tokyo, pub=Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence} } @inproceedings{Haussler90b, title= "Probably Approximately Correct Learning", author= "David Haussler", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence", publisher= "Morgan Kaufmann", year= 1990, pages= "1101--1108" } @article{Haussler92, author= {David Haussler}, title= {Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the {PAC} Model for Neural Net and Other Learning Applications}, journal= infcomp, year= 1992, volume= 100, number= 1, pages= {78--150} } @article {Haussler97, AUTHOR = {Haussler, David}, TITLE = {A general minimax result for relative entropy}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, VOLUME = 43, YEAR = 1997, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = {1276--1280}, ISSN = {0018-9448}, } @inproceedings{HausslerKeLiWa88, author= {Haussler, David and Michael Kearns and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Equivalence of Models for Polynomial Learnability}, booktitle= colt88, month= Aug, year= 1988, pages = {42--55}, note= {Available as Technical Report UCSC-CRL-88-06, University of California Santa Cruz, Computer Research Laboratory. To appear, {\it Information and Computation}}, comment= {This reference is out of date -- use HKLW91} } @techreport{HausslerKeLiWa88b, author= {Haussler, David and Michael Kearns and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Equivalence of Models for Polynomial Learnability}, number= {UCSC-CRL-88-06}, institution= ucsccrl, month= Sep, year= 1988 } @article{HausslerKeLiWa91, author= {David Haussler and Michael Kearns and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Equivalence of Models for Polynomial Learnability}, journal= infcomp, month= dec, year= 1991, volume= 95, number= 2, pages= {129--161} } @incollection{HausslerKeOpSc92 ,author= {David Haussler and Michael Kearns and Manfred Opper and Robert Schapire} ,title= {Estimating average-case learning curves using {B}ayesian, statistical physics and {VC} dimension methods} ,booktitle= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4} ,publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann} ,pages= {855--862} ,year= 1992 ,editor= {John E. Moody and Steve J. Hanson and Richard P. Littmann} } @inproceedings{HausslerKeSc91, author= {David Haussler and Michael Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Bounds on the Sample Complexity of {B}ayesian Learning Using Information Theory and the {VC} Dimension}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991 } @article{HausslerKeSc94, author= {David Haussler and Michael Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Bounds on the Sample Complexity of {B}ayesian Learning Using Information Theory and the {VC} Dimension}, journal= ml, volume= 14, year= 1994, pages= {83--113} } @unpublished{HausslerKeSeTi94 ,author= {David Haussler and Michael Kearns and H. Sebastian Seung and Naftali Tishby} ,title= {Rigorous learning curve bounds from statistical mechanics} ,year= 1994 } @inproceedings{HausslerKiWa95 ,author= {David Haussler and Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {Tight worst-case loss bounds for predicting with expert advice} ,booktitle= eurocolt95 ,year= 1995 ,publisher= {Springer-Verlag} ,pages= {69--83} } @unpublished{HausslerLiWa87, author = {Haussler, David and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Expected mistake bounds for on-line learning algorithms}, month= Apr, year= 1987, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @inproceedings{HausslerLiWa88, author = {Haussler, David and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Predicting $\{0,1\}$-Functions on Randomly Drawn Points}, booktitle = focs88, month= oct, year = {1988}, pages = {100--109}, comment = {Tech.\ Report, U. C. Santa Cruz, to appear (longer version).} } @article{HausslerLiWa94, author = {Haussler, David and Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Predicting $\{0,1\}$-Functions on Randomly Drawn Points}, journal= infcomp, volume= 115, number= 2, year= 1994, pages = {248-292} } @Article{HausslerLo95, author = {David Haussler and Philip M. Long}, title = {A generalization of {S}auer's lemma}, journal = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A}, year = 1995, volume = 71, number = 2, pages = {219-240} } @article {HausslerOp97, AUTHOR = {Haussler, David and Opper, Manfred}, TITLE = {Mutual information, metric entropy and cumulative relative entropy risk}, JOURNAL = {The Annals of Statistics}, VOLUME = 25, YEAR = 1997, NUMBER = 6, PAGES = {2451--2492}, ISSN = {0090-5364}, comment = {In this paper a stochastic model is chosen in a worst-case fashion} } @InCollection{HausslerOp98, author = {Haussler, David and Opper, Manfred}, title = {Worst case prediction over sequences under log loss}, booktitle = {The Mathematics of Information Coding, Extraction and Distribution}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = 1998, editor = {G. Cybenko, D. O'Leary and J. Rissanen}, comment = {Similar to HausslerOp97 but applies to worst case sequences} } @Article{HeckermanGeCh95, author = {D. Heckerman and D. Geiger and D.M. Chickering}, title = {Learning Bayesian Networks: The combination of knowledge and statistical data}, journal = {ml}, year = 1995, volume = 20, pages = {197-243} } @phdthesis{Hellerstein89, author= {Lisa Hellerstein}, title= {On Characterizing and Learning Some Classes of Read-Once Formulas}, school= {University of California at Berkeley}, year= 1989 } @techreport{HellersteinKa90, author= {Lisa Hellerstein and Marek Karpinski}, title= {Read-Once Formulas over Different Bases}, year= 1990, institution= {University of Bonn}, number= {8556-CS} } @unpublished{HellersteinWa??, author= {Lisa Hellerstein and Manfred Warmuth}, title= {Interpolating {GF[2]} polynomials}, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @article{Hellman77, author= {Martin E. Hellman}, title= {An Extension of the Shannon Theory Approach to Cryptography}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-23}, number= {3}, month= May, year= 1977, pages= {289--294} } @inproceedings{HelmboldKiWa95 ,author= {David P. Helmbold and Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {Worst-case loss bounds for sigmoided neurons} ,booktitle= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7} ,year= 1995 ,pages= {309--315} } @inproceedings{HelmboldLo91, author= {David P. Helmbold and Philip M. Long}, title= {Tracking Drifting Concepts Using Random Examples}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991, pages= {13--23} } @article{HelmboldLo94, author= {David P. Helmbold and Philip M. Long}, title= {Tracking Drifting Concepts by Minimizing Disagreements}, journal= ml, volume= 14, number= 1, year= 1994, pages= {27--45} } @inproceedings{HelmboldSc95 ,author= {David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Predicting nearly as well as the best pruning of a decision tree} ,booktitle= colt95 ,pages= {61-68} ,year= 1995 } @Article{HelmboldSc97, author = {David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Predicting nearly as well as the best pruning of a decision tree}, journal = ml, year = 1997, volume = 27, number = 1, pages = {51-68}, month = apr } @inproceedings{HelmboldScSiWa95 ,author= {David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {A comparison of new and old algorithms for a mixture estimation problem} ,booktitle= colt95 ,pages= {69-78} ,year= 1995 } @inproceedings{HelmboldScSiWa96 ,author= {David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {On-Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates} ,booktitle= ml96 ,pages= {243-251} ,year= 1996 ,note= {Long version available from my web page} } @article{HelmboldScSiWa98 ,author= {David P. Helmbold and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {On-Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates} ,journal= {Mathematical Finance} ,pages= {325-347} ,year= 1998 ,volume= 8 ,number= 4 } @inproceedings{HelmboldSlWa89, author= {Helmbold, David and Robert Sloan and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Learning Nested Differences of Intersection-Closed Concept Classes}, booktitle= colt89, month= Jul, year= 1989, pages = {41--56} } @article{HelmboldSlWa90, author= {Helmbold, David and Robert Sloan and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Learning Nested Differences of Intersection-Closed Concept Classes}, journal= ml, month= jun, volume= 5, number= 2, year= 1990, pages = {165--196} } @article{HelmboldSlWa92, author= {David Helmbold and Robert Sloan and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Learning Integer Lattices}, journal= sicomp, volume= 21, number= 2, year= 1992, pages= {240--266} } @techreport{HelmboldWa92, author= {David P. Helmbold and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {On Weak Learning}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-92-54}, year= 1992, month= dec, note= {Revised May, 1993} } @Article{HelmboldWa95, author = {David P. Helmbold and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {On weak learning}, journal = jcss, year = 1995, volume = 50, pages = {551-573} } @unpublished{HenisLeGo94 ,author= {Ealan A. Henis and Stephen E. Levinson and Allen L. Gorin} ,title= {Mapping natural language and sensory information into manipulatory actions} } @book{Hennie68, author= {Hennie, Frederick C.}, title= {Finite-State Models for Logical Machines}, publisher= {John Wiley and Sons}, year= 1968 } @InProceedings{HerbsterWa95 ,author= {Mark Herbster and Manfred Warmuth} ,title= {Tracking the best expert} ,booktitle= ml95 ,year= 1995 ,pages = "286--294" ,note= {Long version to appear in {\it Machine Learning} and available from {http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/$\sim$manfred}} } @book{Herstein75, author= {I. N. Herstein}, title= {Topics in Algebra}, publisher= {Wiley}, year= {1975}, edition= {Second} } @book{HertzKrPa91, author= {John Hertz and Anders Krogh and Richard G. Palmer}, title= {Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation}, publisher= {Addison-Wesley}, year= 1991 } @inproceedings{HillStRoFu95, author = "Will Hill and Larry Stead and Mark Rosenstein and George Furnas", title = "Recommending and Evaluating Choices in a Virtual Community of Use", booktitle = "Human Factors in Computing Systems {CHI'95} Conference Proceedings", pages = "194--201", year = 1995 } @inproceedings{Hinton86, author= {Hinton, Geoffrey E.}, title= {Learning Distributed Representations of Concepts}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, address= {Amherst, Mass}, year= 1986, month= Aug, pages= {???--???}, comment= {Uses a back-propagation learning procedure to learn relational data items.} } @article{HintonDaFrNe95 ,author= {Geoffrey E. Hinton and Peter Dayan and Brendan J. Frey and Radford M. Neal} ,title= {The ``Wake-Sleep'' algorithm for unsupervised neural networks} } @techreport{HintonSeAc84, author= {Hinton, Geoffrey E. and Terrence J. Sejnowski and David H. Ackley}, title= {Boltzmann Machines: Constraint Satisfaction Networks that Learn}, institution= {CMU Computer Science Department}, number= {CMS-CS-84-119}, year= 1984, month= May, comment= {Uses simulated annealing to update propositional states in a connectionist Hopfield-like neural network.} } @techreport{HirschbergWhPeSiRoPaMa97 ,author= {Julia Hirschberg and Steve Whittaker and Fernando Pereira and Amitabh Singhal and Aaron Rosenberg and S. Parthasarathy and Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau} ,title= {Browsing and retrieval of speech in audio databases} } @inproceedings{HoKe96 ,author= {Tin Kam Ho and Eugene M. Kleinberg} ,title= {Building projectable classifiers of arbitrary complexity} } @article{Hoeffding56, author= {W. Hoeffding}, title = {On the Distribution of the Number of Successes in Independent Trials}, journal = {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, volume = 27, pages = {713-721}, year = 1956 } @article{Hoeffding63, author = {Wassily Hoeffding}, title = {Probability inequalities for sums of bounded random variables}, journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, year = {1963}, volume = {58}, number = {301}, pages = {13--30}, month = mar } @inproceedings{HoffgenSi92, author = {Klaus-U. H\"offgen and Hans-U. Simon}, title = {Robust Trainability of Single Neurons}, booktitle= colt92, year= 1992, month= Jul, pages= {428--439} } @InProceedings{Hofmann99, author = {Thomas Hofmann}, title = {Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing}, booktitle = sigir99, year = 1999 } @book{Holland75, author= {John H. Holland}, title= {Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems}, publisher= {University of Michigan Press}, year= 1975, comment= {full title = ...: an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence. address= Ann Arbor} } @incollection{Holland84, author= {John H. Holland}, title= {Genetic algorithms and adaptation}, booktitle= {Adaptive Control of Ill-defined Systems}, editor= {Oliver G. Selfridge and Edwina L. Rissland and Michael A. Arbib}, year= 1984, publisher= {Plenum Press}, comment= {address = New York} } @article{Holte93 ,author= {Robert C. Holte} ,title= {Very simple classification rules perform well on most commonly used datasets} ,journal= ml ,volume= 11 ,number= 1 ,year= 1993 ,pages= {63-91} } @book{HonigMe84 ,author= {Michael L. Honig and David G. Messerschmitt} ,title= {Adaptive Filters: Structures, Algorithms, and Applications} ,year= 1984 ,publisher= {Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @incollection{Hopcroft71, author= {Hopcroft, John}, title= {An $n\log(n)$ Algorithm for Minimizing States in a Finite Automaton}, booktitle= {Theory of Machines and Computations}, editor= {Zvi Kohavi and Azaria Paz}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= 1971, pages= {189--196} } @book{HopcroftUl79, author = {John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman}, title = {Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1979}, address = {Reading, MA} } @book{HornJo85 ,author= {Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnson} ,title= {Matrix Analysis} ,publisher= {Cambridge University Press} ,year= 1985 } @inproceedings{HullPeSc96, author = {David Hull and Jan Pedersen and Hinrich Schutze}, booktitle = sigir96, pages = {279--288}, title = {Method Combination for Document Filtering}, year = {1996} } @article{HyafilRi76, author= {Hyafil, Laurent and Ronald L. Rivest}, title= {Constructing Optimal Binary Decision Trees is {NP}-Complete}, journal= {Information Processing Letters}, year= 1976, month= May, volume= 5, number= 1, pages= {15--17}, comment= {Proof based on exact-cover by 3-subsets.} } @article{IrelandKu68, author= {Ireland, C.T. and S. Kullback}, title= {Contingency tables with given marginals}, journal= {Biometrika}, year= 1968, volume= 55, number= 1, pages= {179--188}, comment= {Proves geometric convergence of Deming/Stephan procedure for computing maximum entropy solution.} } @article{IshikidaVa94, author = "T. Ishikida and P. Varaiya", title = "Multi-Armed Bandit Problem Revisited", journal = "Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications", number = 1, volume = 83, year = 1994, month = oct, pages = "113-154"} @inproceedings{IttnerLeAh95, author = "David J. Ittner and David D. Lewis and David D. Ahn", title = "Text Categorization of Low Quality Images", booktitle = "Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval", organization = "ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas", address = "Las Vegas, NV", pages = "301--315", year = 1995 } @inproceedings{IwayamaTo95 ,author= {Makoto Iwayama and Takenobu Tokunaga} ,title= {Cluster-based text categorization: A comparison of category search strategies} ,pages= {273-281} ,booktitle= sigir95 ,year= 1995 } @article{Izenman91, author= {Alan Julian Izenman}, title= {Recent Developments in Nonparametric Density Estimation}, journal= {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, month= mar, year= 1991, volume= 86, number= 413, pages= {205--224} } @InProceedings{IyerLeScSiSi00, author = {Raj D. Iyer and David D. Lewis and Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Amit Singhal}, title = {Boosting for document routing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, year = 2000 } @techreport{JaakkolaJoSi93, author= {Tommi Jaakkola and Michael I. Jordan and Satinder P. Singh}, title= {On the convergence of stochastic iterative dynamic programming algorithms}, institution= {MIT Computational Cognitive Science}, number= {9307}, month= jul, year= 1993 } @inproceedings{JacksonCr96 ,author= {Jeffrey C. Jackson and Mark W. Craven} ,title= {Learning sparse perceptrons} ,booktitle= nips8 ,pages= {654-660} ,year= 1996 } @unpublished{JacksonShSh9? ,author= {Jeffrey Jackson and Eli Shamir and Clara Shwartzman} ,title= {Learning with queries corrupted by classification noise} } @book{Jacobson74, author= {Jacobson, Nathan}, title= {Basic Algebra}, year= 1974, volume= 1, publisher= {W. H. Freeman and Company}, comment = {Classic abstract algebra text} } @article{Jamshidian92 ,author= {Farshid Jamshidian} ,title= {Asympotitically optimal portfolios} } @inproceedings{Jantke84, author= {Jantke, K. P.}, title= {Polynomial-time inference of general pattern languages}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Symposium of Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science; Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year= 1984, volume= 166, pages= {314-325}, publisher= {Springer} } @article{Jaynes68, author= {Jaynes, Edwin T.}, title= {Prior Probabilities}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics}, year= 1968, month= Sep, volume= {SSC-4}, number= 3, pages= {227--241}, comment= {Presentation and justification for maximum-entropy procedure} } @article{Jaynes82, author= {Jaynes, Edwin T.}, title= {On the Rationale of Maximum-Entropy Methods}, journal= {Proceedings of the IEEE}, volume= 70, number= 9, year= 1982, month= Sep, pages= {939--952}, comment= {Justification for maximum-entropy methods, and comparison with full Bayesian and autoregressive models.} } @techreport{Jelinek83, author= {Jelinek, Frederick}, title= {Markov Source Modeling of Text Generation}, institution= {IBM T.J. Watson Research Center}, year= 1983, comment= {Interpolates 1-, 2-, and 3-gram transistion probabilities.} } @article{JerrumSi89, author= {M. Jerrum and A. Sinclair}, title= {Approximating the Permanent}, journal= sicomp, volume= 18, year= 1989, pages= {1149--1178}, comment= {fill in first names and journal number} } @article{JerrumSi93 ,author= {Mark Jerrum and Alistair Sinclair} ,title= {Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the ising model} ,journal= sicomp ,volume= 22 ,number= 5 ,pages= {1087--1116} ,month= oct ,year= 1993 } @inproceedings{Joachims97 ,author= "T. Joachims" ,title= "A probabilistic analysis of the {R}ochhio algorithm with {TFIDF} for text categorization" ,booktitle= ml97 ,year= 1997 ,pages= {143--151} } @article{JogdeoSa68 ,author= {Kumar Jagdeo and S. M. Samuels} ,title= {Monotone convergence of binomial probabilities and a generalization of {R}amanujan's equation} } @article{Johnson79, author= {Johnson, Rodney W.}, title= {Axiomatic Characterization of the Directed Divergences and their Linear Combinations}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-25}, number= 6, year= 1979, month= Nov, pages= {709--716}, comment= {Characterized by positivity, additivity, and finiteness. Directed divergence also called expected weight of evidence, cross-entropy, and discrimination information.} } @article{Johnson84, author= {David S. Johnson}, title= {The {NP}-Completeness Column: An Ongoing Guide}, journal= {Journal of Algorithms}, volume= 5, number= 2, month= jun, year= 1984, pages= {284--299} } @article{JohnsonSh83, author= {Johnson, Rodney W. and John E. Shore}, title= {Comments on and Corrections to `Axiomatic Derivation of the Principle of Maximum Entropy and the Principle of Minimum Cross-Entropy}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year= 1983, month= Nov, volume= {IT-29}, number= 6, pages= {942--943}, comment= {Corrects error in previous paper regarding discrete case.} } @Book{Jolliffe86, author = {I. T. Jolliffe}, title = {Principal Component Analysis}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1986 } @Article{Jones92, author = {Lee K. Jones}, title = {A simple lemma on greedy approximation in {H}ilbert space and convergence rates for projection pursuit regression and neural network training}, journal = {Annals of Statistics}, year = 1992, volume = 20, number = 1, pages = {608--613} } @article{Juang84, author= {Juang, B.-H.}, title= {On the Hidden Markov Model and Dynamic Time Warping for Speech Recognition -- A Unified View}, journal= {AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal}, year= 1985, month= Sep, volume= 63, number= 7, pages= {1213--1242}, comment= {Gaussian autoregressive models; Markov models. Baum's forward-backward algorithm. Computing all paths versus computing best path.} } @techreport{JuangChLe93 ,author= {B. H. Juang and Wu Chou and C. H. Lee} ,title= {Statistical and discriminitive methods for speech recognition} } @techreport{Judd87, author= {Judd, J. Stephen}, title= {Complexity of Connectionist Learning with Various Node Functions}, institution= {Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst}, month= Jul, year= 1987, number= {87-60}, note= {Also presented at the First IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, June 21--24, 1987, San Diego, California} } @phdthesis{Judd88, author= {Judd, J. Stephen}, title= {Neural Network Design and the Complexity of Learning}, school= {University of Massachussets at Amherst, Department of Computer and Information Science}, year= 1988 } @book{Jumarie90 ,author= {Guy Jumarie} ,title= {Relative Information: Theories and Applications} ,year= 1990 ,publisher= {Springer-Verlag} } @book{Kac59 ,author= {Mark Kac} ,title= {Statistical Independence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory} ,publisher= {John Wiley and Sons} ,year= 1959 } @unpublished{KahnLiSa93 ,author= {Jeff Kahn and Nathan Linial and Alex Samorodintsky} ,title= {Inclusion-exclusion: exact and approximate} ,year= 1993 ,note= {Manuscript} } @article{KalaiLe93 ,author= {Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer} ,title= {Rational learning leads to {Nash} equilibrium} ,year= 1993 } @article{KalaiLe95 ,author= {Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer} ,title= {Subjective games and equilibria} ,year= 1995 } @book{Kandel82, author= {Abraham Kandel}, title= {Fuzzy Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, year= 1982, publisher= {Wiley} } @book{KapurKe92 ,author= {J. N. Kapur and H. K. Kesavan} ,title= {Entropy Optimization Principles with Applications} ,year= 1992 ,publisher= {Academic Press} } @incollection{Karp72 ,author= {R. M. Karp} ,title= {Reducibility among combinatorial problems} ,booktitle= {Complexity of Computer Computations} ,publisher= {Plenum Press} ,editor= {R. E. Miller and J. W. Thatcher} ,pages= {85-103} ,year= 1972 } @Article{Katz87, author = {Slava M. Katz}, title = {Estimation of probabilities from sparse data for the language model component of a speech recognizer}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing}, year = 1987, volume = {ASSP-35}, number = 3, pages = {400-401}, month = mar } @article{Kaufman87 ,author= {Linda Kaufman} ,title= {Implementing and accelerating the {EM} algorithm for positron emission tomography} } @article{Kaufman93 ,author= {Linda Kaufman} ,title= {Maximum likelihood, least squares, and the penalized least squares for {PET}} } @unpublished{Kearns88, author= {Michael Kearns}, title= {Thoughts on Hypothesis Boosting}, year= 1988, month= Dec, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @phdthesis{Kearns89, author= {Michael Kearns}, title= {The Computational Complexity of Machine Learning}, school= {Harvard University}, year= 1989, month= may, comment= {Technical Report TR-13-89, Center for Research in Computing Technology} } @book{Kearns90, author= {Michael Kearns}, title= {The Computational Complexity of Machine Learning}, year= 1990, publisher= {MIT Press} } @inproceedings{Kearns93, author= {Kearns, Michael}, title= {Efficient Noise-Tolerant Learning From Statistical Queries}, booktitle= stoc93, year= 1993, pages= {392--401} } @inproceedings{KearnsLi88, author= {Kearns, Michael and Ming Li}, title= {Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors}, booktitle= stoc88, pages= {267--280}, year= 1988, month= May, note= {To appear, {\it SIAM Journal on Computing}}, comment= {Studies pac learning in the presence of worst sort of errors} } @article{KearnsLi93, author= {Kearns, Michael and Ming Li}, title= {Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors}, journal= sicomp, pages= {807--837}, year= 1993, month= aug, volume= 22, number= 4 } @inproceedings{KearnsLiPiVa87, author= {Kearns, Michael and Ming Li and Leonard Pitt and Leslie Valiant}, title= {On the Learnability of {B}oolean Formulae}, booktitle= stoc87, year= 1987, month= May, pages= {285--295} } @inproceedings{KearnsLiPiVa87b, author= {Kearns, Michael and Ming Li and Leonard Pitt and Leslie Valiant}, title= {Recent Results on Boolean Concept Learning}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning}, address= {University of California, Irvine}, year= 1987, month= Jun, pages= {337--352} } @inproceedings{KearnsMa96 ,author= {Michael Kearns and Yishay Mansour} ,title= {On the Boosting Ability of Top-Down Decision Tree Learning Algorithms} ,booktitle= stoc96 ,year= 1996 } @inproceedings{KearnsMaNgRo95 ,author= {Michael Kearns and Yishay Mansour and Andrew Y. Ng and Dana Ron} ,title= {An experimental and theoretical comparison of model selection methods} ,booktitle= colt95 ,year= 1995 } @inproceedings{KearnsMaRoRuScSe94 ,author= {Michael Kearns and Yishay Mansour and Dana Ron and Ronitt Rubinfeld and Robert E. Schapire and Linda Sellie} ,title= {On the learnability of discrete distributions} ,booktitle= stoc94 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {273--282} } @inproceedings{KearnsPi89, author= {Kearns, Michael and Leonard Pitt}, title= {A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Learning $k$-variable Pattern Languages from Examples}, booktitle= colt89, year= 1989, month= Jul, pages= {57--71} } @inproceedings{KearnsSc90, author= {Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Efficient Distribution-free Learning of Probabilistic Concepts}, booktitle= focs90, pages= {382--391}, month= oct, year= 1990, note= {To appear, {\it Journal of Computer and System Sciences}} } @article{KearnsSc94 ,author= {Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Efficient Distribution-free Learning of Probabilistic Concepts} ,journal= jcss ,volume= 48 ,number= 3 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {464--497} } @inproceedings{KearnsScSe92, author= {Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire and Linda M. Sellie}, title= {Toward Efficient Agnostic Learning}, booktitle= colt92, year= 1992, pages= {341--352}, month= jul, note= {To appear, {\it Machine Learning}} } @article{KearnsScSe94, author= {Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire and Linda M. Sellie}, title= {Toward Efficient Agnostic Learning}, journal= ml, volume= 17, pages= {115--141}, year= 1994 } @techreport{KearnsVa88, author = {Michael Kearns and Leslie G. Valiant}, title = {Learning {B}oolean Formulae or Finite Automata is as Hard as Factoring}, institution = {Harvard University Aiken Computation Laboratory}, month= Aug, year = 1988, number = {TR-14-88} } @inproceedings{KearnsVa89, author = {Michael Kearns and Leslie G. Valiant}, title = {Cryptographic Limitations on Learning {B}oolean Formulae and Finite Automata}, booktitle= stoc89, month= May, year = 1989, pages = {433--444}, note= {To appear, {\it Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery}} } @article{KearnsVa94, author = {Michael Kearns and Leslie G. Valiant}, title = {Cryptographic Limitations on Learning {B}oolean Formulae and Finite Automata}, journal= jacm, month= jan, year = 1994, pages = {67--95}, volume= 41, number= 1 } @book{KearnsVa94b ,author= {Michael J. Kearns and Umesh V. Vazirani} ,title= {An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory} ,year= 1994 ,publisher= {MIT Press} } @techreport{KellyGl89, author = {Kevin T. Kelly and Clark Glymour}, title = {Inductive Inference from Theory Laden Data}, institution = {CMU Laboratory for Computational Linguistics}, month = Oct, year = 1989, number = {CMU-LCL-89-5} } @article{KesavanKa89, author = {H. K. Kesavan and J. N. Kapur}, title = {The Generalized Maximum Entropy Principle}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, volume = 19, number = 5, year = 1989, month = {September/October}, pages = {1042--1052}, comment = {Generalizes to include a prior distribution, using Kullback/Leibler Minimum Discrimination Information metric} } @techreport{KeshavLuPhReSa94 ,author= {S. Keshav and Carsten Lund and Steven Phillips and Nick Reingold and Huzur Saran} ,title= {An empirical evaluation of virtual circuit holding time policies in {IP}-over-{ATM} networks} } @article{Khacian79, title= {A Polynomial Algorithm for Linear Programming}, author= {Khacian, L. G.}, journal= {Soviet Math. Doklady}, volume= 20, pages= {191--194}, year= 1979 } @phdthesis{Kim83, author= {Kim, Jin Hyung}, title= {CONVINCE: A Conversational Inference Consolidation Engine}, school= {University of California, Los Angeles}, year= 1983, comment= {Interactive decision support system using Pearl's Bayesian networks} } @techreport{KivinenWa94 ,author= {Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {Additive Versus Exponentiated Gradient Updates For Learning Linear Functions} ,institution= ucsccrl ,year= 1994 ,number= {UCSC-CRL-94-16} } @inproceedings{KivinenWa94b ,author= {Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {Using experts for predicting continuous outcomes} ,booktitle= eurocolt93 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {109--120} ,publisher= {Springer-Verlag} } @InProceedings{KivinenWa95, author = {Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Additive Versus Exponentiated Gradient Updates for Linear Prediction}, booktitle = {stoc95}, year = 1995, pages = {209-218}, note = {See also technical report UCSC-CRL-94-16, University of California, Santa Cruz, Computer Research Laboratory} } @Article{KivinenWa97, author = {Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Additive Versus Exponentiated Gradient Updates for Linear Prediction}, journal = {Information and Computation}, year = 1997, volume = 132, number = 1, month = jan, pages = {1-64} } @InProceedings{KivinenWa99, author = {Jyrki Kivinen and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Boosting as entropy projection}, booktitle = colt99, pages = {134-144}, year = 1999 } @Article{KivinenWa01, author = {J. Kivinen and M. K. Warmuth}, title = {Relative loss bounds for multidimensional regression problems}, journal = ml, year = 2001, pages= {301-329}, volume= 45, number= 3 } @article{KivinenWaAu?? ,author= {J. Kivinen and M. K. Warmuth and P. Auer} ,title= {The {Perceptron} algorithm vs. {Winnow}: linear vs. logarithmic mistake bounds when few input variables are relevant} } @InProceedings{KlasnerSi95, author = {Norbert Klasner and Hans Ulrich Simon}, title = {From Noise-Free to Noise-Tolerant and from On-line to Batch Learning}, booktitle = colt95, pages = {250-264}, year = 1995 } @article{Kleinberg90 ,author= {E. M. Kleinberg} ,title= {Stochastic discrimination} } @article{Kleinberg96 ,author= {E. M. Kleinberg} ,title= {An overtraining-resistant stochastic modeling method for pattern recognition} } unpublished{Kleinberg9? ,author= {E. M. Kleinberg} ,title= {An overtraining-resistant stochastic modeling method for pattern recognition} } @InProceedings{KleinYo99, author = {Philip Klein and Neal Young}, title = {On the Number of Iterations for {Dantzig-Wolfe} Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization}, year = 1999 } @book{Knuth68, author= {Knuth, Donald E.}, title= {The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms}, publisher= {Addison-Wesley}, year= 1968, volume= 1 } @techreport{KnuthLaRo88, author = {Donald E. Knuth and Tracy Larrabee and Paul M. Roberts}, title = {Mathematical Writing}, institution = {Stanford University Computer Science Department}, month = Jan, year = 1988, number = {STAN-CS-88-1193} } @article{KoHu87, author= {Ko, K. and Hua, C.}, title= {A note on the two-variable pattern-finding problem}, journal= jcss, year= 1987, volume= 34, pages= {75--86} } @inproceedings{KoMaTz90, author= {Ko, Ker-I and Assaf Marron and Wen-Guey Tzeng}, title= {Learning String Patterns and Tree Patterns from Examples}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning}, year= 1990, month= Jun, } @unpublished{KoTz90, author= {Ko, Ker-I and Wen-Guey Tzeng}, title= {Finding Common Patterns is Complete for the Second Level of the Polynomial Time Hierarchy}, year= 1990, note= {Unpublished} } @book{KodratoffMi90, title= {Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach}, editor= {Yves Kodratoff and Ryszard Michalski}, volume= {III}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, year= {1990} } @book{Kohavi78, author= {Kohavi, Zvi}, title= {Switching and Finite Automata Theory}, publisher= {McGraw-Hill}, year= {1978}, edition= {second}, comment= {Chapter on State-Identification and Fault-Detection Experiments} } @inproceedings{KohaviKu97 ,author= {Ron Kohavi and Clayton Kunz} ,title= {Option Decision Trees with Majority Votes} ,booktitle= ml97 ,year= 1997 ,pages= {161--169} } @inproceedings{KohaviWo96 ,author= {Ron Kohavi and David H. Wolpert} ,title= {Bias plus variance decomposition for zero-one loss functions} ,booktitle= ml96 ,year= 1996 ,pages= {275--283} } @Article{Kolaczyk96, author = {Eric D. Kolaczyk}, title = {A Wavelet Shrinkage Approach to Tomographic Image Reconstruction}, } @inproceedings{KollerSa97, author = "D. Koller and M. Sahami", title = "Hierarchically classifying docuemnts using very few words", booktitle = ml97, pages = "171--178", year = 1997 } @article{Kolmogorov68, author= {Kolmogorov, Andrei N.}, title= {Logical Basis for Information Theory and Probability Theory}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-14}, number= 5, year= 1968, month= Sep, pages= {662--664}, comment= {Definition of `Kolmogorov' complexity; analogy to information- theoretic entropy; notion of random sequences} } @inproceedings{KongDi95 ,author= {Eun Bae Kong and Thomas G. Dietterich} ,title= {Error-Correcting Output Coding Corrects Bias and Variance} ,booktitle= ml95 ,pages= {313--321} ,year= 1995 } @Article{KoltchinskiiPa02, author = {V. Koltchinskii and D. Panchenko}, title = {Empirical margin distributions and bounding the generalization error of combined classifiers}, journal = annstat, year = 2002, volume = 30, number = 1, month = feb } @InProceedings{KoltchinskiiPaLo01, author = {Vladimir Koltchinskii and Dmitriy Panchenko and Fernando Lozano}, title = {Some new bounds on the generalization error of combined classifiers}, booktitle = nips13, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{KoltchinskiiPaLo01b, author = {Vladimir Koltchinskii and Dmitriy Panchenko and Fernando Lozano}, title = {Further Explanation of the Effectiveness of Voting Methods: The Game Between Margins and Weights}, booktitle = colt01, pages = {241-255}, year = 2001 } @incollection{Kononenko92 ,author= {Igor Kononenko} ,title= {Combining decisions of multiple rules} } @unpublished{Koza95 ,author= {John R. Koza} ,title= {A response to the {ML-95} paper entitled ``Hill climbing beats genetic search on a {B}oolean circuit synthesis problem of {K}oza's''} } @Article{KrichevsyTr81, author = {R.E. Krichevsky and V.K. Trofimov}, title = {The performance of universal encoding}, journal = {ieeeit}, year = 1981, volume = {IT-27}, pages = {199--207}, month = {March}, note = {The paper where the add 1/2 rule is first shown to be optimal} } @article{Kugel77, author= {Kugel, Peter}, title= {Induction, Pure and Simple}, journal= infctrl, volume= 35, year= 1977, pages= {276--336} } @inproceedings{Kuhl?? ,author= {Patricia K. Kuhl} ,title= {Infants' perception and representation of speech: development of a new theory} ,comment= {from pereira} } @inproceedings{KuipersBy88, author= {Benjamin J. Kuipers and Yung-Tai Byun}, title= {A Robust, Qualitative Approach to a Spatial Learning Mobile Robot}, booktitle= {SPIE Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems}, month= nov, year= 1988 } @article{Kullback68, author= {Kullback, S.}, title= {Probability Densities with Given Marginals}, journal= {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, year= 1968, volume= 39, number= 4, pages= {1236--1243}, comment= {Extension of Ireland/Kullback results to continuous densities.} } @article{Kullback71, author= {Kullback, S.}, title= {Marginal Homogeneity of Multidimensional Contingency Tables}, journal= {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, year= 1971, volume= 42, number= 2, pages= {594--606}, comment= {Uses maximum entropy solution to derive minimum discrimination information statistic.} } @inproceedings{KushilevitzMa91, author= {Eyal Kushilevitz and Yishay Mansour}, title= {Learning Decision Trees using the {F}ourier Spectrum}, booktitle= stoc91, month= may, year= 1991, pages= {455--464} } @article{KushilevitzMa93 ,author= {Eyal Kushilevitz and Yishay Mansour} ,title= {Learning Decision Trees using the {Fourier} Spectrum} ,journal= sicomp ,volume= 22 ,number= 6 ,pages= {1331--1348} ,year= 1993 } @incollection{KwokCa90 ,author= {Suk Wah Kwok and Chris Carter} ,title= {Multiple decision trees} ,booktitle= {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 4} ,editor= {Ross D. Shachter and Tod S. Levitt and Laveen N. Kanal and John F. Lemmer} ,year= 1990 ,publisher= {North-Holland} ,pages= {327--335} } @inproceedings{Lafferty99, author = "John Lafferty", title = "Additive Models, Boosting and Inference for Generalized Divergences", booktitle = colt99, pages = {125-133}, year = 1999 } @inproceedings{LaffertyDeDe97 ,author= {John D. Lafferty and Stephen Della Pietra and Vincent Della Pietra} ,title= {Statistical learning algorithms based on {Bregman} distances} ,booktitle= {Proceedings of the Canadian Workshop on Information Theory} ,year= 1997 } @article{LaiRo85 ,author= {T. L. Lai and Herbert Robbins} ,title= {Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive Allocation Rules} ,journal= {Advances in Applied Mathematics} ,volume= {6} ,pages= {4--22} ,year= {1985} } @article{LaiYa95 ,author= {Tze-Leung Lai and Sidney Yakowitz} ,title= {Machine Learning and Nonparametric Bandit Theory} ,journal= {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control} ,volume= {40} ,pages= {1199--1209} ,number= 7 ,month= jul ,year= {1995} } @book{Laird88, author = {Philip D. Laird}, title = {Learning from Good and Bad Data}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, year = {1988}, series = {Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science}, address = {Boston}, comment = {His PhD thesis in book form} } @techreport{LairdGa88, author= {Laird, Philip and Evan Gamble}, title= {Learning a Probability Distribution Efficiently and Reliably}, institution= {NASA Ames Research Center}, month= oct, year= 1988 } @article{LairdNeRo87, author = {Laird, J.E. and A. Newell and P.S. Rosenbloom}, title = {SOAR: An architecture for General Intelligence}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1987, month = Sep, volume = 33, number = 1, pages = {1--64} } @inproceedings{LairdRoNe84, author= {Laird, John and Paul Rosenbloom and Allen Newell}, title= {Towards Chunking as a General Learning Mechanism}, booktitle= {Proceedings AAAI-84}, orgainzation= {American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1984, month= aug, pages= {188--192} } @article{LairdRoNe86, author= {Laird, John and Paul Rosenbloom and Allen Newell}, title= {Chunking in {S}oar: the anatomy of a general learning mechanism}, journal= ml, volume= 1, number= 1, pages= {11--46}, year= 1986 } @inproceedings{Lang92, author= {Kevin J. Lang}, title= {Random {DFA}'s can be approximately learned from sparse uniform examples}, booktitle= colt92, year= 1992, month= jul, pages= {45--52} } @inproceedings{Lang95 ,author = "K. Lang" ,title = "Newsweeder: Learning to Filter Netnews" ,booktitle = ml95 ,year = 1995 ,pages = "331--339" } @article{LatteuxRo84, author = {M. Latteux and G. Rozenberg}, title = {Commutative One-Counter Languages Are Regular}, journal = jcss, year = {1984}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, pages = {54--57}, month = aug, comment = {Gives a nice characteriztion of commutative regular languages} } @article{LeCunBoBeHa98 ,author= {Yann LeCun and L\'eon Bottou and Yoshua Bengio and Patrick Haffner} ,title= {Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition} ,year= 1998 } @InProceedings{LebanonLa02, author = {Guy Lebanon and John Lafferty}, title = {Boosting and maximum likelihood for exponential models}, booktitle = nips14, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{LeCunEtAl95, author = {LeCun, Y. and Jackel, L. D. and Bottou, L. and Brunot, A. and Cortes, C. and Denker, J. S. and Drucker, H. and Guyon, I. and Muller, U. A. and Sackinger, E. and Simard, P. and Vapnik, V}, title = {Comparison of learning algorithms for handwritten digit recognition}, booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks}, year = 1995, pages = {53-60} } @phdthesis{Lee88, author= {Lee, Kai-Fu}, title= {Large-Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition: The SPHINX System}, school= {Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Dept.}, year= 1988, month= apr, note= {Tech report number CMU-CS-88-148} } @Article{LeeBaWi96, author = {Wee Sun Lee and Peter L. Bartlett and Robert C. Williamson}, title = {Efficient agnostic learning of neural networks with bounded fan-in}, journal = ieeeit, year = 1996, volume = 42, number = 6, pages = {2118--2132} } @Article{LeeBaWi??, author = {Wee Sun Lee and Peter L. Bartlett and Robert C. Williamson}, title = {The importance of convexity in learning with squared loss}, journal = ieeeit, year = {to appear} } @article{LeeMa88, author= {Kai-Fu Lee and Sanjoy Mahajan}, title= {A Pattern Classification Approach to Evaluation Function Learning}, journal= {Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1988, month= Aug, volume= 36, number= 1, pages= {1--26}, comment= {Learns Othello evaluation function based on four features and multivariate normal distribution assumption.} } @Article{LeeSe99, author = {D. D. Lee and H. S. Seung}, title = {Learning the parts of objects with nonnegative matrix factorization}, journal = {Nature}, year = 1999, volume = 401, pages = 788 } @InProceedings{LeeSe01, author = {Daniel D. Lee and H. Sebastian Seung}, title = {Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization}, booktitle = nips13, year = 2001 } @article{Lemmer83, author= {Lemmer, John F.}, title= {Generalized Bayesian updating of incompletely specified distributions}, journal= {Large Scale Systems}, year= 1983, volume= 5, pages= {51--68}, comment= {Derives sufficient conditions for when marginals are consistent with some underlying distribution.} } @article{LenstraLeLo82, author = {A. K. Lenstra and H. W. Lenstra and L. Lov\'{a}sz}, title = {Factoring Polynomials with Rational Coefficients}, journal = {Mathematische Annalen}, year = {1982}, volume = {261}, pages = {515--534} } @techreport{Levin80, author= {Levin, Leonid, A.}, title= {A Concept of Independence with Applications in Various Fields of Mathematics}, institution= mitlcs, year= 1980, month= Apr, number= {MIT/LCS/TR-235} } @inproceedings{Levin84, author= {Leonid A. Levin}, title= {Problems, complete in ``average'' instance}, booktitle= stoc84, year= 1984, month= apr, pages= {465} } @article{Levin86, author= {Leonid A. Levin}, title= {Average Case Complete Problems}, journal= {SIAM Journal of Computing}, volume= 15, number= 1, year= 1986, month= feb, pages= {285--286}, } @article{LevinsonRaSo83, author= {S. E. Levinson and L. R. Rabiner and M. M. Sondhi}, title= {An Introduction to the Application of the Theory of Probabilistic Functions of a Markov Process to Automatic Speech Recognition}, journal= {Bell System Technical Journal}, year= 1983, month= Apr, volume= 62, number= 4, pages= {1035--1074}, comment= {Analysis of implementation of Hidden Markov models and the Baum-Welch algorithm} } @TechReport{Lewis92, Author="David Lewis", Institution="Computer Science Dept., University of Massachusetts at Amherst", Title="Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval", Year="1992", Number="91-93", Note="PhD Thesis" } @unpublished{Lewis95 ,author= {David D. Lewis} ,title= {Evaluation and optimizing autonomous text classification systems} } @inproceedings{LewisCa94, Author = "David Lewis and Jason Catlett", Title = "Heterogeneous Uncertainty Sampling for Supervised Learning", Booktitle=ml94, Year=1994 } @inproceedings{LewisGa94, Author = "David Lewis and William Gale", Title = "Training text classifiers by uncertainty sampling", Booktitle="Seventeenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Year=1994 } @inproceedings{LewisRi94 ,author= {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette} ,title= {A comparison of two learning algorithms for text categorization} ,booktitle= {Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval} ,year= 1994 ,pages= {81-93} } @InProceedings{LewisScCaPa96, author = {David D. Lewis and Robert E. Schapire and James P. Callan and Ron Papka}, title = {Training algorithms for linear text classifiers}, booktitle = {SIGIR '96: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}, year = 1996 } @Book{LiVit93, author = {Ming Li and Paul Vit\'{a}nyi}, title = {An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1993, series = {Texts and Monogaraphs in Computer Science} } @article{Li94 ,author= {Shuhe Li} ,title= {Dynamic stability and learning processes in {$2\times 2$} coordination games} } @PhdThesis{Li99, author = {Qiang (Jonathan) Li}, title = {Estimation of Mixture Models}, school = {Yale University}, year = 1999, month = {May}, annote = {Student of Andrew Barron} } @inproceedings{Liggett96 ,author= {Thomas M. Liggett} ,title= {Stochastic models of interacting systems} } @inproceedings{LinialMaNi89, author = {Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Noam Nisan}, title= {Constant depth circuits, {F}ourier Transform, and Learnability}, booktitle = focs89, month= Oct, year= 1989, pages = {574--579} } @article{LinialMaNi93, author = {Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Noam Nisan}, title= {Constant depth circuits, {F}ourier Transform, and Learnability}, journal = jacm, month= jul, year= 1993, volume= 40, number= 3, pages = {607--620} } @inproceedings{LinialMaRi88, author = {Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = {Results on Learnability and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, booktitle = focs88, year = 1988, month = oct, pages = {120--129} } @inproceedings{LinialMaRi88b, author = {Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = {Results on Learnability and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, booktitle = colt88, publisher = {Morgan-Kaufmann}, year = 1989, pages = {56--68} } @article{LinialMaRi91, author = {Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = {Results on Learnability and the {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Dimension}, journal= infcomp, volume= 90, number= 1, month= jan, year = 1991, pages = {33--49} } @article{Lippmann87b, author= {Lippmann, Richard P.}, title= {An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets}, journal= {IEEE ASSP Magazine}, year= 1987, month= Apr, pages= {4--22}, comment= {Good survey article} } @inproceedings{Littlestone87, author= {Littlestone, Nick}, title= {Learning when Irrelevant Attributes Abound}, booktitle= focs87, year= 1987, month= Oct, pages= {68--77} } @article{Littlestone88, author= {Littlestone, Nick}, title= {Learning when Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-threshold Algorithm}, journal= ml, volume= 2, pages= {285--318}, year= 1988 } @phdthesis{Littlestone88b, author = {Nick Littlestone}, title = {Mistake bounds and logarithmic linear-threshold learning algorithms}, school = {U. C. Santa Cruz}, year = {1989}, month = mar } @phdthesis{Littlestone89, author = {Nick Littlestone}, title = {Mistake bounds and logarithmic linear-threshold learning algorithms}, school = {U. C. Santa Cruz}, year = {1989}, month = mar } @inproceedings{Littlestone89b, author= {Nick Littlestone}, title= {From On-line to Batch Learning}, booktitle= colt89, year= 1989, month= Jul, pages= {269--284} } @inproceedings{LittlestoneLoWa91, author= {Nicholas Littlestone and Philip M. Long and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {On-Line Learning of Linear Functions}, year= 1991, month= may, booktitle= stoc91, pages= {465--475} } @article{LittlestoneLoWa95, author= {Nicholas Littlestone and Philip M. Long and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {On-Line Learning of Linear Functions}, journal= {Computational Complexity}, volume= 5, number= 1, year= 1995, pages= {1-23} } @unpublished{LittlestoneWa87, author = {Littlestone, Nick and Manfred Warmuth}, title = {Relating Data Compression and Learnability}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, month= nov, year = 1987 } @unpublished{LittlestoneWa89, author = {Manfred Warmuth and Nick Littlestone}, title = {Learning from an adversary}, note = {In preparation}, year = {1989} } @inproceedings{LittlestoneWa89b, author = {Nick Littlestone and Manfred Warmuth}, title = {The Weighted Majority Algorithm}, booktitle= focs89, pages= {256--261}, month= Oct, year= 1989 } @article{LittlestoneWa94 ,author = {Nick Littlestone and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title = {The Weighted Majority Algorithm} ,journal= infcomp ,volume= 108 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {212--261} } @book{Lovasz79, author= {L. Lov\'asz}, title= {Combinatorial Problems and Exercises}, publisher= {North-Holland}, year= {1979} } @book{LuceRa57 ,author= {R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa} ,title= {Games and Decisions} ,publisher= {John Wiley \& Sons} ,year= 1957 } @unpublished{LundPhRe94 ,author= {Carsten Lund and Steven Phillips and Nick Reingold} ,title= {Adaptive holding policies for {IP} over {ATM} networks} } @PhdThesis{Mackay91, author = {David J. C. MacKay}, title = {Bayesian Methods for Adaptive Models}, school = {California Institute of Technology}, year = 1991 } @InProceedings{MaclinOp97, author = {Richard Maclin and David Opitz}, title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Bagging and Boosting}, booktitle = aaai97, year = 1997, pages = {546-551} } @unpublished{Macskassy98 ,author= {Sofus Macskassy} ,title= {A comparison of two on-line algorithms that adapt to concept drift} } @book{MadalaIv94 ,author= {Hema R. Madala and Alexy G. Ivakhnenko} ,title= {Inductive Learning Algorithms for Complex Systems Modeling} ,year= 1994 ,publisher= {CRC Press} } @book{MagnusKaSo66, author = {Wilhelm Magnus and Abraham Karrass and Donald Solitar}, title = {Combinatorial Group Theory: Presentation of Groups in Terms of Generators and Relations}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, year = {1966}, address = {New York}, comment= {Discusses word problem and Cayley graph of a group} } @article{MakhoulRoGi85, author= {Makhoul, John and Salim Roucos and Herbert Gish}, title= {Vector Quantization in Speech Coding}, journal= {Proceedings of the IEEE}, volume= 73, number= 11, month= Nov, year= 1985, pages= {1551--1588}, comment= {Excellent overview and introduction to vector quantization.} } @InProceedings{MaltzahnRiGrMa99, author = {Carlos Maltzahn and Kathy Richardson and Dirk Grunwald and James Martin}, title = {On Bandwidth Smoothing}, booktitle = {Fourth International Web Caching Workshop}, year = 1999 } @unpublished{Mansour90, author= {Yishay Mansour}, title= {Learning via {F}ourier transform}, month= apr, year= 1990, note= {Unpublished manuscript} } @inproceedings{Mansour92, author= {Yishay Mansour}, title= {Randomized interpolation and approximation of sparse polynomials}, booktitle= icalp92, month= jul, year= 1992, pages= {261--272} } @InProceedings{Mansour97, author = {Yishay Mansour}, title = {Pessimistic decision tree pruning based on tree size}, booktitle = {ml97}, year = 1997, pages = {195-201} } @inproceedings{MargineantuDi97, author = {Dragos D. Margineantu and Thomas G. Dietterich}, title = {Pruning Adaptive Boosting}, booktitle = ml97, pages = {211--218}, year = 1997 } @article{Marimon93 ,author= {Ramon Marimon} ,title= {Adaptive learning, evolutionary dynamics and equilibrium selection in games} ,journal= {European Economic Review} ,volume= 37 ,year= 1993 ,pages= {603--611} } @article{Marron87, author= {Marron, Assaf and Ker-I Ko}, title= {Identification of Pattern Languages from Examples and Queries}, journal= infcomp, volume= 74, number= 2, year= 1987, month= Aug, pages= {91--112} } @techreport{Marroquin85, author= {Marroquin, Jose Luis}, title= {Probabilistic Solution of Inverse Problems}, institution= {MIT AI Laboratory}, year= 1985, month= Sep, number= {AI-TR-860}, comment= {Vision problems, Markov Random Fields, simulation techniques similar to simulated annealing used for Bayesian estimation.} } @TechReport{MasonBaBa98, author = {Llew Mason and Peter Bartlett and Jonathan Baxter}, title = {Direct optimization of margins improves generalization in combined classifiers}, institution = {Deparment of Systems Engineering, Australian National University}, year = 1998 } @InProceedings{MasonBaBa00, author = {Llew Mason and Peter Bartlett and Jonathan Baxter}, title = {Direct optimization of margins improves generalization in combined classifiers}, booktitle = nips12, year = 2000 } @TechReport{MasonBaBaFr99 ,author= {Llew Mason and Jonathan Baxter and Peter Bartlett and Marcus Frean} ,title= {Doom {II}} ,institution= {Deparment of Systems Engineering, Australian National University} ,year= 1999 ,note= "(Available from http://syseng.anu.edu.au/lsg)" } @InCollection{MasonBaBaFr99b, author = {Llew Mason and Jonathan Baxter and Peter Bartlett and Marcus Frean}, title = {Functional Gradient Techniques for Combining Hypotheses}, booktitle = {Advances in Large Margin Classifiers}, publisher = {MIT Press}, comment= {editor= {Alexander J. Smola and Peter J. Bartlett and Bernhard Sch\"olkopf and Dale Schuurmans}}, year = 1999 } @inproceedings{MasonBaBaFr00, author = {Llew Mason and Jonathan Baxter and Peter Bartlett and Marcus Frean}, title = {Boosting Algorithms as Gradient Descent}, booktitle = nips12, year = 2000 } @article{MasonBaGo02, author = {Llew Mason and Peter L. Bartlett and Mostefa Golea}, title = {Generalization Error of Combined Classifiers.}, journal = jcss, volume = {65}, number = {2}, year = {2002}, pages = {415-438} } @unpublished{Matan?? ,author= {Ofer Matan} ,title= {On-Site Learning} } @unpublished{MatanSo?? ,author= {Ofer Matan and Sara Solla} ,title= {Some notes on {S}chapire's boosting algorithm} } @mastersthesis{Mataric90, author= {Maja J. Mataric}, title= {A Distributed Model for Mobile Robot Environment-Learning and Navigation}, year= 1990, month= may, school= mit, note= {Technical Report AI-TR 1228, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory} } @article{Matthews91, author= {P. Matthews}, title= {Generating a Random Linear Extension of a Partial Order}, journal= anprob, volume= 19, number= 3, year= 1991, pages= {1367--1392} } @article{MazurHa78 ,author= {James E. Mazur and Reid Hastie} ,title= {Learning as accumulation: a reexamination of the learning curve} ,year= 1978 } @InProceedings{McAllester98, author = {David A. McAllester}, title = {Some {PAC-Bayesian} Theorems}, year = 1998, booktitle = colt98 } @inproceedings{McAllester99, author={David McAllester}, title={{PAC-Bayesian} Model Averaging}, booktitle=colt99, year={1999}} @inproceedings{McallesterSc00, author={David McAllester and Robert Schapire}, title={On the Convergence Rate of {Good-Turing} Estimators}, year={2000}, booktitle=colt00 } @article{McCarthy56, author= {McCarthy, John}, title= {Measures of the Value of Information}, journal= {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, year= 1956, volume= 42, pages= {654--655}, comment= {How to pay a weatherman to make honest predictions. Generalizes rule that pays him log(Pi) if event predicted with prob Pi happens.} } @inproceedings{McCarthy58, author= {McCarthy, John}, title= {Programs with common sense}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Symposium on the Mechanization of Thought Processes}, organization= {National Physical Laboratory}, year= 1958, volume= 1, pages= {77-84}, note= {Reprinted in Minsky's (ed.) {\em Semantic Information Processing}, MIT Press(1968), 403--409} } @book{McClellandRu88, editor= {McClelland, James L. and Rumelhart, David E.}, title= {Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of Models, Programs, and Exercises}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1988, comment= {Contains example of back-prop never converging on 1:1:1 network} } @Book{McCullaghNe90, author = {P. McCullagh and J. A. Nelder}, title = {Generalized Linear Models}, publisher = {CRC Press}, year = 1990, edition = {2nd} } @InCollection{McDiarmid89, author = {Colin McDiarmid}, title = {On the method of bounded differences}, booktitle = {Surveys in Combinatorics 1989}, pages = {148-188}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = 1989 } @Misc{McJones97, author = "Paul McJones", howpublished = "DEC Systems Research Center", title = "EachMovie collaborative filtering data set", note = "http:/$\!$/www.research.digital.com/SRC/eachmovie/", year = "1997" } @article{McKean85 ,author= {Kevin McKean} ,title= {Decisions, decisions} ,year= 1985 } @article{Megiddo80 ,author= {N. Megiddo} ,title= {On repeated games with incomplete information played by non-{Bayesian} players} ,journal= {International Journal of Game Theory} ,volume= {9} ,number= {3} ,pages= {157--167} ,year= {1980} } @techreport{Megiddo86, author= {Megiddo, Nimrod}, title= {On The Complexity of Polyhedral Separability}, institution= {IBM Almaden Research Center}, year= 1986, month= Aug, number= {RJ 5252} } @article{MegiddoVi88, author= {Megiddo, Nimrod and Uzi Vishkin}, title= {On Finding a Minimum Dominating Set in a Tournament}, journal= {Theoretical Computer Science}, year= 1988, month= Nov, volume= 61, number= {2-3}, pages= {307--316}, comment= {A problem that is equiv. to CNF with log**2 n variables} } @incollection{MeirRa03, author= {Ron Meir and Gunnar R\"atsch}, title= {An Introduction to Boosting and Leveraging}, booktitle = {Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning (LNAI2600)}, pages={119--184}, publisher={Springer}, editor={S. Mendelson and A. Smola}, year={2003} } @article{MerhavFe93 ,author= {N. Merhav and M. Feder} ,title= {Universal Schemes for Sequential Decision from Individual Data Sequences} ,journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory} ,volume= 39 ,number= 4 ,year= 1993 ,pages= {1280-1292} } @Article{MerhavFeGu93, author = {Neri Merhav and Meir Feder and Michael Gutman}, title = {Some Properties of Sequential Predictors for Binary {M}arkov Sources}, journal = ieeeit, year = 1993, volume = 39, number = 3, month = may, pages = {887-892} } @inproceedings{Merialdo91 ,author= {Bernard Merialdo} ,title= {Tagging text with a probabilistic model} ,year= 1991 } @misc{MerzMu98, author = "C. J. Merz and P. M. Murphy", year = "1998", title = {{UCI} Repository of machine learning databases}, url = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html", institution = "University of California, Irvine, Department of Information and Computer Sciences" , note= "www.ics.uci.edu/$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html" } @InProceedings{MerlerFuLaSp01, author = {Stefano Merler and Cesare Furlanello and Barbara Larcher and Andrea Sboner}, title = {Tuning cost-sensitive boosting and its application to melanoma diagnosis}, booktitle = {Multiple Classifier Systems: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop}, pages = {32-42}, year = 2001 } @misc{MerzMu99, author = "C. J. Merz and P. M. Murphy", year = "1999", title = "{UCI} Repository of machine learning databases", url = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html", institution = "University of California, Irvine, Department of Information and Computer Sciences" , note= "www.ics.uci.edu/$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html" } @incollection{Michalski86, author= {Michalski, Ryszard}, title= {Understanding the Nature of Learning: Issues and Research Directions}, booktitle= {Machine Learning, An Artificial Intelligence Approach (Volume II)}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufman}, year= 1986, pages= {3--25} } @book{MichalskiCaMi83, editor = {Ryszard S. Michalski and Jaime G. Carbonell and Tom M. Mitchell}, title = {Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, year = 1983, comment = {This is volume I of the series. address = Los Altos, California} } @book{MichalskiCaMi86, editor = {Ryszard S. Michalski and Jaime G. Carbonell and Tom M. Mitchell}, title = {Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, year = 1986, volume= {II}, comment= {address = {Los Altos, California}} } @article{Miller56, author= {Miller, G.}, title= {The magic number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information}, journal= {Psychology Review}, volume= 63, year= 1956, pages= {81--97}, comment= {The classic paper that says humans can hold 7 +/- 2 'chunks' in short term memory.} } @InProceedings{Minka01, author = {Thomas P. Minka}, title = {Automatic choice of dimensionality for {PCA}}, booktitle = nips13, pages = {598-604}, year = 2001 } @book{MinskyPa69, author = {Minsky, Marvin and Seymour Papert}, title = {Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = 1969, comment = {Classic analysis of the capabilities of the perceptron.} } @inproceedings{Mitchell77, author= {Mitchell, Tom M.}, title= {Version Spaces: A Candidate Elimination Approach to Rule Learning}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year= 1977, month= Aug, pages= {305--310} } @article{Mitchell93 ,author= {Douglas W. Mitchell} ,title= {Computationally convenient optimal intertemporal portfolios under linear constraints} } @book{Mitchell97, author= {Tom M. Mitchell}, title= {Machine Learning}, publisher= {McGraw Hill}, year= 1997 } @incollection{MitchellBuDeDiRoWa90, author= {Tom Mitchell and Bruce Buchanan and Gerald DeJong and Thomas Dietterich and Paul Rosenbloom and Alex Waibel}, title= {Machine Learning}, booktitle= {Annual Review of Computer Science}, volume= 4, year= {1990}, editor= {Joseph F. Traub and Barbara J. Grosz and Butler W. Lampson and Nils J. Nilsson}, publisher= {Annual Reviews}, pages= {417--433}, comment= {address= Palo Alto} } @book{MitchellCaMi86, editor= {Tom M. Mitchell and Jaime G. Carbonell and Ryszard S. Michalski}, title= {Machine Learning: A Guide to Current Research}, publisher= {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, year= 1986, comment= {address= Boston/Dordrecht/Lancaster} } @incollection{Moore56, author= {Edward F. Moore}, title= {Gedanken-Experiments on Sequential Machines}, pages= {129--153}, booktitle= {Automata Studies}, editor= {C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy}, year= 1956, publisher= {Princeton University Press} } @unpublished{MooreAt94 ,author= {Andrew W. Moore and Christopher G. Atkeson} ,title= {The parti-game algorithm for variable resolution reinforcemnt learning in multidimensional state-spaces} } @unpublished{MooreAt?? ,author= {Andrew W. Moore and Christopher G. Atkeson} ,title= {Prioritized sweeping: reinforcement learning with less data and less real time} } @inproceedings{MoulinierRaGa96 ,author= {Isabelle Moulinier and Gailius {Ra\v{s}kinis} and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia} ,title= {Text categorization: a symbolic approach} ,booktitle= {Fifth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval} ,pages= {87-99} ,year= 1996 } @InProceedings{MorenoLoRa01, author = {Pedro J. Moreno and Beth Logan and Bhiksha Raj}, title = {A boosting approach for confidence scoring}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology}, year = 2001 } @article{MurphyPa94 ,author= {Patrick M. Murphy and Michael J. Pazzani} ,title= {Exploring the decision forest: an empirical investigation of {Occam's} razor in decision tree induction} } @Article{MozerWoGrJoKa00, author = {Michael C. Mozer and Richard Wolniewicz and David B. Grimes and Eric Johnson and Howard Kaushansky}, title = {Predicting subscriber dissatisfaction and improving retention in the wireless telecommunications industry}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, year = 2000, volume = 11, pages = {690-696} } @book{Murray73, author = "J.D. Murray", title = "Asymptotic Analysis", year=1973, publisher="Springer Verlag" } @article{NakamuraAb95 ,author= {Atsuyoshi Nakamura and Naoki Abe} ,title= {Exact learning of linear combinations of monotone terms from function value queries} } @article{NarendraTh74, author= {Narendra, Kumpati S. and M. A. L. Thathachar}, title= {Learning Automata -- A Survey}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, year= 1974, volume= {SMC-4}, number= 4, pages= {323--334}, comment= {Stochastic automata that adapt behavior under reinforcement schemes} } @book{NarendraTh89 ,author= {Kumpati S. Narendra and Mandayam A. L. Thathachar} ,title= {Learning Automata: An Introduction} ,year= 1989 ,publisher= {Prentice Hall} } @slides{Neapolitan97 ,author= {Rich Neapolitan} ,title= {Learning causes from statistical data} } @inproceedings{Natarajan87, author= {B. K. Natarajan}, title= {On Learning Boolean Functions}, booktitle= stoc87, address= {New York, New York}, year= 1987, month= May, pages= {296--304} } @inproceedings{Natarajan89, author= {B. K. Natarajan}, title = {On Learning From Excercises}, booktitle = colt89, address = {Santa Cruz, Cal.\ }, year = 1989, month= August, pages= {72--87} } @Book{Neveu75, author = {J. Neveu}, title = {Discrete-Parameter Martingales}, publisher = {North Holland}, year = 1975 } @inproceedings{NgGoLo97 ,author= {Hwee Tou Ng and Wei Boon Goh and Kok Leong Low} ,title= {Feature Selection, Perceptron Learning, and a Usability Case Study for Text Categorization} ,booktitle= sigir97 ,year= 1997 ,pages= {67-73} } @inproceedings{Niblett87, author= {Niblett, T.}, title= {Constructing Decision Trees in Noisy Domains}, booktitle= {Progress in Machine Learning--Proceedings of EWSL 87: 2nd European Working Session on Learning}, address= {Bled, Yugoslavia}, year= 1987, editor= {Bratko, I. and N. Lavrac}, month= may, pages= {67--78} } @unpublished{NiyogiBe9? ,author= {Partha Niyogi and Robert C. Berwick} ,title= {A dynamical systems model for language change} } @techreport{NiyogiGi94 ,author= {Partha Niyogi and Federico Girosi} ,title= {On the relationship between generalization error, hypothesis complexity, and sample complexity for radial basis functions} } @article{NolanPo87, author= {Deborah Nolan and David Pollard}, title= {U-processes: Rates of Convergence}, journal= {Annals of Statistics}, volume= 15, number= 2, pages= {780--799}, year= 1987 } @InProceedings{Novikoff62, author = {A. B. J. Novikoff}, title = {On convergence proofs on perceptrons}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Automata}, volume = {XII}, year = 1962, pages = {615--622} } @techreport{Oja95 ,author= {Erkki Oja} ,title= {The nonlinear {PCA} learning rule and signal separation --- mathematical analysis} } @inproceedings{OliverHa94 ,author= {Jonathan J. Oliver and David Hand} ,title= {Averaging over decision stumps} ,pages= {231--241} ,year= 1994 ,booktitle= ecml94 ,publisher= {Springer-Verlag} } @inproceedings{OliverHa95 ,author= {Jonathan J. Oliver and David J. Hand} ,title= {On pruning and averaging decision trees} ,pages= {430--437} ,year= 1995 ,booktitle= ml95 } @article{Omohundro87, author= {Omohundro, S.}, title= {Efficient algorithms with neural networks behavior}, journal= {Complex Systems}, year= 1987, volume= 1, pages= {273--347} } @article{OshersonStWe84, author= {Osherson, Daniel N. and Michael Stob and Scott Weinstein}, title= {Learning Theory and Natural Language}, journal= {Cognition}, year= 1984, volume= 17, pages= {1--28}, comment= {Presents argument that number of natural languages is finite.} } @InProceedings{OnodaRaMu00, author = {Takashi Onoda and Gunnar R\"atsch and Klaus-Robert M\"uller}, title = {Applying support vector machines and boosting to a non-intrusive monitoring system for household electric appliances with inverters}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation}, year = 2000 } @book{OshersonStWe86, author= {Osherson, Daniel N. and Michael Stob and Scott Weinstein}, title= {Systems that Learn: An Introduction to Learning Theory for Cognitive and Computer Scientists}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1986, comment= {Comprehensive recursion-theoretic treatment.} } @unpublished{OshersonStWe86b, author= {Osherson, Daniel N. and Michael Stob and Scott Weinstein}, title= {Mathematical Learners pay a price for {B}ayesianism}, year= 1986, note= {(MIT Dept.\ of Brain and Cognitive Science)} } @article{OshersonWe82, author= {Osherson, Daniel N. and Scott Weinstein}, title= {Criteria of Language Learning}, journal= InfCtrl, year= 1982, volume= 52, pages= {123--138}, comment= {Studies relationship between intensional/extensional learning.} } @book{OsteyeeGo74, author= {Osteyee, David Bridston}, title= {Information, Weight of Evidence, the Singularity between Probability Measures and Signal Detection}, year= 1974, publisher= {Springer-Verlag}, series= {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, number= 376, comment= {Text.} } @Book{Owen82, author = {Guillermo Owen}, title = {Game Theory}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = 1982, edition = {second} } @techreport{PagalloHa89, author= {Giulia Pagallo and David Haussler}, title= {A Greedy Method for Learning {$\mu$DNF} Functions under the Uniform Distribution}, institution= ucsccrl, number= {UCSC-CRL-89-12}, year= 1989, month= jun } @book{Palay85, author= {Palay, Andrew J.}, title= {Searching with Probabilities}, year= 1985, publisher= {Pitman}, comment= {Integration of probabilities into B* algorithm (Ph.D. thesis with Hans Berliner).} } @article{PanconesiSr97, author={Alessandro Panconesi and Aravind Srinivasan}, title={Randomized Distributed Edge Coloring via an Extension of the {Chernoff-Hoeffding} Bounds}, journal={SIAM Journal of Computing}, volume={26}, number={2}, pages={350-368}, month={April}, year={1997}} @Unpublished{Panchenko01, author = {Dmitriy Panchenko}, title = {New zero-error bounds for voting algorithms}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, year = 2001 } @article{PaoCa78, author= {Pao, T. W. and J. W. {Carr III}}, title= {A solution of the syntactical induction-inference problem for regular languages}, journal= {Computat. Lang.}, volume= 3, year= 1978, pages= {53--64} } @techreport{PapadimitriouTs85, author= {Papadimitriou, Christos H. and John N. Tsitsiklis}, title= {The Complexity of Markov Decision Processes}, year= 1985, institution= {MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Sciences}, number= {LIDS-P-1479}, comment= {Ordinary versions are complete for P; partially observed are PSPACE-complete.} } @unknown{PapkaCaBa9? ,author= {Ron Papka and James P. Callan and Andrew G. Barto} ,title= {Text-based information retrieval using exponentiated gradient descent} } @Book{Parsons86, author = {Thomas W. Parsons}, title = {Voice and Speech Processing}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, year = 1986 } @article{PaskVF60, author= {Pask, Gordon and Heinz Von Foerster}, title= {A predictive model for self organizing systems, Parts I and II}, journal= {Cybernetica}, year= {1960 and 1961}, volume= {III and IV}, pages= {258--300 and 20--55}, comment= {n-person game theory. Learning automata.} } @book{PatelRe82, author= {Jagdish K. Patel and Campbell B. Read}, title= {Handbook of the Normal Distribution}, year= 1982, publisher= {Marcel Dekker} } @techreport{Paturi88, author= {Paturi, Ramamohan}, title= {The Light Bulb Problem}, institution= {Computer Science and Engineering}, address= {University of California, San Diego}, month= aug, year= 1988 } @article{Pearl78, author= {Pearl, Judea}, title= {On the Connection Between the Complexity and Credibility of Inferred Models}, journal= {Journal of General Systems}, year= 1978, volume= 4, pages= {255--264}, comment= {Studies tradeoff between uniqueness and ambiguity in the selection of hypotheses. Introduces the use of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension.} } @Article{PazzaniBi97, title = "Learning and Revising User Profiles: The Identification of Interesting Web Sites", author = "Michael Pazzani and Daniel Billsus", journal = ml, volume = 27, pages = {313-331}, year = 1997 } @article{Pearl79, author= {Pearl, Judea}, title= {Capacity and Error Estimates for Boolean Classifiers with Limited Complexity}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year= 1979, month= Oct, volume= {PAMI-1}, number= 4, pages= {350--355}, comment= {An extension of [Pe78].} } @unpublished{Pearl84, author= {Pearl, Judea}, title= {Jeffrey's Rule and the Problem of Autonomous Inference Agents}, year= 1984, note= {Class notes for 274A, Fall 1984}, comment= {Stresses dangers of using posterior probabilities as new prior probabilities.} } @techreport{Pearl85a, author= {Pearl, Judea}, title= {Bayesian Networks: A Model of Self-Activated Memory for Evidential Reasoning}, institution= {UCLA Computer Science Department}, year= 1985, month= June, number= {CSD-850021, R-43}, comment= {Describes Bayesian networks and propagation in singly-connected networks.} } @techreport{Pearl85b, author= {Pearl, Judea}, title= {How to do with Probabilities What People Say You Can't}, institution= {UCLA Computer Science Department}, year= 1985, month= Sep, number= {CSD-850031, R-49}, comment= {Describes Bayesian networks and propagation of beliefs.} } @techreport{PearlPa85, author= {Pearl, Judea and Azaria Paz}, title= {GRAPHOIDS: A Graph-Based Logic for Reasoning about Relevance Relations, or When would x tell you more about y if you already know z}, institution= {UCLA Computer Science Department}, year= 1985, month= Dec, comment= {Axiomatic definition of graphoids.} } @inproceedings{PearlPa86, author= {Pearl, Judea and Azaria Paz}, title= {On the Logic of Representing Dependencies by Graphs}, booktitle= {Proceedings 1986 Canadian AI Conference}, year= 1986, month= May, comment= {Defines and studies graphoids for representing dependencies} } @Book{PecaricPrTo92, author = {Josip E. Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} and Frank Proschan and Y. L. Tong}, title = {Convex Functions, Partial Orderings, and Statistical Applications}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = 1992 } @inproceedings{PereiraRiSp?? ,author= {Fernando Pereira and Michael Riley and Richard Sproat} ,title= {Weighted rational transductions and their application to human language processing} } @article{PereiraSi97, author = "Fernando C. Pereira and Yoram Singer", title = "An efficient extension to mixture techniques for prediction and decision trees", journal={Machine Learning}, volume={36}, year={1999}} } @mastersthesis{Perugini89, author = {Nancy Perugini}, title = {Neural Network Learning: Effects of Network and Training Set Size}, school = {MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science}, month = Jun, year = 1989 } @article{Peterson01, author="A. Townsend Peterson", title="Predicting species' geographic distributions based on ecological niche modeling", journal="The Condor", year=2001, volume=103, pages="599-605" } @article{PhandinhLeLe86, author= {Phan Dinh Dieu and Le Cong Thanh and Le Tuan Hoa}, title= {Average Polynomial Time Complexity of Some {NP}-Complete Problems}, journal= {Theoretical Computer Science}, volume= 46, number= {2, 3}, year= 1986, pages= {219--327} } @techreport{PinkerPi87, author= {Steven Pinker and Alan Prince}, title= {On Language and Connectionism: Analysis of a Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Language Acquisition}, institution= {MIT Center for Cognitive Science}, year= 1987, number= {Occasional Paper \#33}, comment= {Critique of Rumelhart and McClelland's connectionist approach to learning English past tense construction.} } @inproceedings{Pisoni?? ,author= {David B. Pisoni} ,title= {Some comments on invariance, variability and perceptual normalization in speech recognition} ,comment= {from pereira} } @techreport{Pitt85, author= {Pitt, Leonard Brian}, title= {Probabilistic Inductive Inference}, institution= {Yale University Computer Science Department}, year= 1985, month= Jun, number= {YALEU/DCS/TR-400}, comment= {Ph.D. thesis. Defines probabilistic inference and shows probabilistic inference equivalence to teams of inductive inference machines; and shows strict hierarchy on probability with cut-points 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...} } @techreport{Pitt89, author= {Pitt, Leonard}, title= {Inductive Inference, {DFA}s, and Computational Complexity}, institution= {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science}, month= jul, year= 1989, number= {UIUCDCS-R-89-1530}, note= {Also appears in {\it Proceedings of the 1989 International Workshop on Analogical and Inductive Inference}, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science} } @techreport{PittSm86, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Carl H. Smith}, title= {Probability and Plurality for Aggregations of Learning Machines}, institution= {University of Maryland Computer Science Department}, year= 1986, month= Jul, number= {CS-TR-1686}, comment= {Show that one can not always trade off probabilism for plurality and vice-versa.} } @techreport{PittVa86, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Leslie G. Valiant}, title= {Computational Limitations on Learning from Examples}, institution= {Harvard University Aiken Computation Laboratory}, year= 1986, month= Jul, comment= {It is NP-Complete to learn disjunction of two monomials, Boolean threshold functions, Boolean formulae where each variable occurs at most once.} } @article{PittVa88, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Leslie G. Valiant}, title= {Computational Limitations on Learning from Examples}, journal = jacm, volume = 35, number = 4, month= Oct, year = 1988, pages = {965--984} } @unpublished{PittWa88, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {The Minimum {DFA} Consistency Problem Cannot be Approximated within any Polynomial}, year= 1988, note= {(unpublished manuscript)} } @inproceedings{PittWa88b, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {Reductions Among Prediction Problems: On the Difficulty of Predicting Automata}, booktitle = {3rd IEEE Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory}, year = {1988}, pages = {60--69}, month = jun } @techreport{PittWa88c, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Prediction Preserving Reducibility}, institution= ucsccrl, year= 1988, month= Nov, number= {UCSC-CRL-88-26} } @inproceedings{PittWa89, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {The Minimum Consistent {DFA} Problem Cannot be Approximated within any Polynomial}, booktitle= stoc89, month= May, year = 1989, note= {Available as Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-89-1499, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science. To appear, {\it Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery}} } @article{PittWa90, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {Prediction-Preserving Reducibility}, journal= jcss, volume= 41, number= 3, month= dec, year= 1990, pages= {430--467} } @article{PittWa93, author= {Pitt, Leonard and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title= {The Minimum Consistent {DFA} Problem Cannot be Approximated within any Polynomial}, journal= jacm, volume= 40, number= 1, pages= {95--142}, month= jan, year= 1993 } @article{PlotkinShTa95 ,author= {Serge A. Plotkin and David B. Shmoys and \'Eva Tardos} ,title= {Fast approximation algorithms for fractional packing and covering problems} ,journal= {Mathematics of Operations Research} ,volume= 20 ,number= 2 ,year= 1995 ,month= may ,pages= {257-301} } @book{Pollard84, author = {David Pollard}, title = {Convergence of Stochastic Processes}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1984 } @techreport{Porat87, author= {Sara Porat}, title= {Stability and Looping in Connectionist Models with Assymmetric Weights}, institution= {University of Rochester Computer Science Department}, year= {1987}, month= Mar, number= {TR 210}, comment= {Show that determining whether a network stabilizes is NP-hard, under both synchronous and fair asynchronous updating rules.} } @article{Powell73 ,author= {M. J. D. Powell} ,title= {On search directions for minimization algorithms} } @article{Quinlan83, author= {Quinlan, J. R.}, title= {Inferno: A Cautious Approach to Uncertain Inference}, journal= {The Computer Journal}, year= 1983, volume= 26, number= 3, pages= {255--269}, comment= {Survey of previous inference schemes. Proposes `cautious' scheme.} } @article{Quinlan86, author= {Quinlan, J. R.}, title= {Induction of Decision Trees}, journal= ml, year= 1986, volume= 1, pages= {81--106}, comment= {Overview of the induction of decision trees. Proposes information-theoretic measure for choosing decision attributes. Discusses issue of noise and unknown attribute values.} } @article{Quinlan86b, author= {Quinlan, J. R.}, title= {Simplifying Decision Trees}, journal= {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}, year= 1987, note= {(To appear.)} } @incollection{Quinlan86c, author = {J. Ross Quinlan}, title = {The Effect of Noise on Concept Learning}, booktitle = {Machine Learning, An Artificial Intelligence Approach (Volume II)}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, year = {1986}, chapter = {6}, pages = {149--166}, comment = {An empirical study of the effects of noise on a particular learning algorithm. Concludes that classification noise is more harmful than attribute noise.} } @book{Quinlan93 ,author= {J. Ross Quinlan} ,title= {C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning} ,year= 1993 ,publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann} } @inproceedings{Quinlan96 ,author= {J. R. Quinlan} ,title= {Bagging, Boosting, and {C4.5}} ,pages= {725-730} ,year= 1996 ,booktitle= {Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence} } @InProceedings{Quinlan96b, author = {J. R. Quinlan}, title = {Boosting First-Order Learning} } @article{QuinlanRi89, author = {Quinlan, J. Ross and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = {Inferring Decision Trees Using the Minimum Description Length Principle}, journal = infcomp, volume = 80, number = 3, year = 1989, month = Mar, pages = {227--248}, note = {(An early version appeared as MIT LCS Technical report MIT/LCS/TM-339 (September 1987).)} } @article{RabinerJu86, author= {Rabiner, L. R. and B. H. Juang}, title= {An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models}, journal= {IEEE ASSP Magazine}, year= 1986, month= Jan, volume= 3, number= 1, pages= {4--16}, comment= {Good introductory overview.} } @book{RabinerJu93 ,author= {Lawrence Rabiner and Bing-Hwang Juang} ,title= {Fundamentals of Speech Recognition} ,year= 1993 ,publisher= {Prentice Hall} } @article{RabinerLeSo83, author= {Rabiner, L. R. and S. E. Levinson and M. M. Sondhi}, title= {On the Application of Vector Quantization and Hidden Markov Models to Speaker-Independent, Isolated Word Recognition}, journal= {Bell System Technical Journal}, year= 1983, month= Apr, volume= 62, number= 4, pages= {1075--1105}, comment= {Gets 96.5 percent accuracy on 100-speaker set for digits.} } @book{RabinerSc78 ,author= {Lawrence R. Rabiner and Ronald W. Schafer} ,title= {Digital Processing of Speech Signals} ,year= 1978 ,publisher= {Prentice-Hall} } @Article{RatschOnMu01, author = {G. R\"atsch and T. Onoda and K.-R. M\"uller}, title = {Soft Margins for {AdaBoost}}, journal = ml, year = 2001, volume= 42, number= 3, pages= {287-320} } @InProceedings{RatschWa02, author = {Gunnar R\"atsch and Manfred Warmuth}, title = {Maximizing the Margin with Boosting}, booktitle= colt02, pages = {334-350}, year=2002 } @InProceedings{RatschWaMiOnLeMu00, author = {Gunnar R\"atsch and Manfred Warmuth and Sebastian Mika and Takashi Onoda and Steven Lemm and Klaus-Robert M\"uller}, title = {Barrier boosting}, booktitle = colt00, pages = {170-179}, year = 2000 } @unknown{RaoTi97 ,author= {J. Sunil Rao and Robert Tibshirani} ,title= {The out-of-bootstrap method for model averaging and selection} } @inproceedings{Raghavan88, author= {Raghavan, Prabhakar}, title= {Learning in Threshold Networks}, booktitle= colt88, month= Aug, year= 1988, publisher = {Morgan-Kaufmann}, pages = {19--27} } @article{RednerWa84 ,author= {Richard A. Redner and Homer F. Walker} ,title= {Mixture densities, maximum likelihood and the {EM} algorithm} ,year= 1984 } @inproceedings{ResnickIaSuBeRi94, author = "Paul Resnick and Neophytos Iacovou and Mitesh Sushak and Peter Bergstrom and John Riedl", title = "GroupLens: An Open Architecture for Collaborative Filtering of Netnews", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work", year = 1995 } @inproceedings{RiccardiGoLjRi97, author = "G. Riccardi and A. L. Gorin and A. Ljolje and M. Riley", title = "Spoken language understanding for automated call routing", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing", year = 1997, pages = "1143--1146" } @techreport{Rietman94 ,author= {E. A. Rietman} ,title= {Classical control theory, {K}olmogorov's theorem, and automata networks} } @InProceedings{RidgewayMaRi99, author = {Greg Ridgeway and David Madigan and Thomas Richardson}, title = {Boosting Methodology for Regression Problems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on AI and Statistics}, pages = {152-161}, year = 1999 } @book{Rijsbergen79, author = {C. J. van Rijsbergen}, address = {London}, publisher = {Butterworths}, title = {Information Retrieval}, year = {1979} } @article{Rissanen78, author= {Rissanen, Jorma}, title= {Modeling By Shortest Data Description}, journal= {Automatica}, year= 1978, volume= 14, pages= {465--471}, comment= {Proposes that the best model is the one that minimizes the overall description length of the data, including the parameters of the model.} } @article{Rissanen83, author= {Rissanen, Jorma}, title= {A Universal Prior for Integers and Estimation by Minimum Description Length}, journal= {The Annals of Statistics}, year= 1983, volume= 11, number= 2, pages= {416--431} } @article{Rissanen83b, author = "Jorma Rissanen", title = "A Universal Data Compression System", journal = ieeeit, volume = "IT-29", number = "5", month = sep, year = "1983", pages = "656--664" } @article{Rissanen86a, author= {Rissanen, Jorma}, title= {Stochastic Complexity and Modeling}, journal= {The Annals of Statistics}, year= 1986, volume= 14, number= 3, pages= {1080--1100}, comment= {Minimum Description Length Principle, and applications.} } @techreport{Rissanen86b, author= {Rissanen, Jorma}, title= {Stochastic Complexity and Sufficient Statistics}, institution= {IBM Research Laboratory (San Jose)}, year= 1986, comment= {Defines notion of stochastic complexity of a string relative to a class of models. Describes to ways to approximate stochastic complexity.} } @Book{Rissanen89, author = {Jorma Rissanen}, title = {Stochastic Complexity in Statistical Inquiry}, publisher = {World Scientific}, year = 1989, volume = 15, series = {Series in Computer Science} } @article {Rissanen96, AUTHOR = {Rissanen, Jorma J.}, TITLE = {Fisher information and stochastic complexity}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, VOLUME = 42, YEAR = 1996, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = {40--47}, ISSN = {0018-9448}, } @article{RissanenLa81, author= {Rissanen, Jorma and Langdon, Jr., Glen G.}, title= {Universal Modeling and Coding}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-27}, number= 1, year= 1981, month= Jan, pages= {12--23}, comment= {Overview of first-in first-out arithmetic codes. Proves that alphabet extensions don't help coding efficiency.} } @article{RissanenSpYu92, author= {Jorma Rissanen and Terry P. Speed and Bin Yu}, title= {Density Estimation by Stochastic Complexity}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= 38, number= 2, month= mar, year= 1992, pages= {315--323} } @article{Rivest87, author = {Rivest, Ronald L.}, title = {Learning Decision Lists}, journal = ml, year = 1987, volume = 2, number = 3, pages = {229--246} } @misc{Rivest88p, author = {Rivest, Ronald L.}, year = {Personal communication} } @inproceedings{RivestSc87a, author= {Rivest, Ronald L. and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {A New Approach to Unsupervised Learning in Deterministic Environments}, booktitle= {Proceeding of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning}, comment= {editor= {Pat Langley}, address= {Irvine, California}}, month= Jun, pages= {364--375}, year= 1987 } @inproceedings{RivestSc87b, author= {Rivest, Ronald L. and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Diversity-Based Inference of Finite Automata}, booktitle= focs87, comment= {address= {Los Angeles, California}}, month= Oct, pages= {78--87}, year= 1987, note= {To appear, {\it Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery}} } @inproceedings{RivestSc89, author = {Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences}, booktitle = stoc89, year = 1989, month = May, pages = {411-420}, note= {To appear, {\it Information and Computation}} } @incollection{RivestSc90, author= {Rivest, Ronald L. and Robert E. Schapire}, title= {A new approach to unsupervised learning in deterministic environments}, booktitle= {Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach}, editor= {Yves Kodratoff and Ryszard Michalski}, volume= {III}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, year= {1990}, pages= {670--684} } @article{RivestSc93, author = {Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences}, journal= infcomp, volume= 103, number= 2, month= apr, year= 1993, pages= {299--347} } @article{RivestSc94 ,author= {Rivest, Ronald L. and Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Diversity-Based Inference of Finite Automata} ,journal= jacm ,year= 1994 ,volume= 41 ,number= 3 ,pages= {555--589} ,month= may } @inproceedings{RivestSl88a, author= {Rivest, Ronald L. and Robert Sloan}, title= {A New Model for Inductive Inference}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, month= Mar, year= 1988, editor= {Moshe Vardi}, pages= {13--27} } @inproceedings{RivestSl88b, author = {Ronald L. Rivest and Robert Sloan}, title = {Learning Complicated Concepts Reliably and Usefully}, year = 1988, month = aug, booktitle = {Proceedings AAAI-88}, orgainzation= {American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, pages= {635--639} } @article{Robbins52 ,author= {H. Robbins} ,title= {Some aspects of the sequential design of experiments} ,journal= {Bulletin American Mathematical Society} ,volume= 55 ,year= 1952 ,pages= {527--535} } @article{Robbins56 ,author= {Herbert Robbins} ,title= {A sequential decision problem with a finite memory} ,journal= {Proceedings of the National Academy of Science} ,volume= {42} ,pages= {920--933} ,year= {1956} } @bookchapter{Rocchio6? ,author= {J. J. Rocchio, Jr.} ,title= {Relevance feedback in information retrieval} } @incollection{Rocchio71, Author="J. Rocchio", Title="Relevance feedback information retrieval", Booktitle="The {Smart} retrieval system---experiments in automatic document processing", Pages="313-323", publisher= {Prentice Hall}, Year=1971 } @Book{Rockafellar70, author = {R. Tyrrell Rockafellar}, title = {Convex Analysis}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, year = 1970 } @Unpublished{RocheryScRaGu01, author = {Marie Rochery and Robert Schapire and Mazin Rahim and Narendra Gupta}, title = {{BoosTexter} for text categorization in spoken language dialogue}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, year = 2001 } @inproceedings{RocheryScRaGuRiBaAlDo02, author = {M. Rochery and R. Schapire and M. Rahim and N. Gupta and G. Riccardi and S. Bangalore and H. Alshawi and S. Douglas}, title = {Combining prior knowledge and boosting for call classification in spoken language dialogue}, booktitle = {International Conference on Accoustics, Speech and Signal Processing}, year = 2002 } @article{Rodriguez89 ,author= {Carlos C. Rodriguez} ,title= {The metrics induced by the {K}ullback number} } @article{RonRu?? ,author= {Dana Ron and Ronitt Rubinfeld} ,title= {Learning fallible deterministic finite automata} } @inproceedings{RonSiTi94 ,author= {Dana Ron and Yoram Singer and Naftali Tishby} ,title= {Learning probabilistic automata with variable memory length} ,booktitle= colt94 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {35--46} } @article{RoseGuFo90 ,author= {Kenneth Rose and Eitan Gurewitz and Geoffrey C. Fox} ,title= {Vector quantization by deterministic annealing} } @article{Rosenblatt58, author = {Rosenblatt, F.}, title = {The Perceptron: A Probabilistic Model for Information Storage and Organization in the Brain}, journal = {Psychological Review}, year = 1958, volume = 65, pages = {386--407}, comment = {Classic article introducing the perceptron model}, note = {(Reprinted in {\sl Neurocomputing} (MIT Press, 1988).)} } @Book{Rosenblatt62, author = {Rosenblatt, F.}, title = {Principles of Neurodynamics}, publisher = {Spartan}, year = 1962, address = {New York} } @techreport{RossetZhHa03, author= {Saharon Rosset and Ji Zhu and Trevor Hastie}, title = {Boosting as a Regularized Path to a Maximum Margin Classifier}, institution = {Department of Statistics, Stanford University}, year=2003 } @article{RothBe91, author= {Ron M. Roth and Gyora M. Benedek}, title= {Interpolation and approximation of sparse multivariate polynomials over {GF(2)}}, journal= sicomp, volume= 20, number= 2, pages= {291--314}, month= apr, year= 1991 } @inproceedings{Rudich85, author = {Rudich, S.}, title = {Inferring the structure of a {M}arkov chain from its output}, booktitle = focs85, month = Oct, year = 1985, pages = {321--326} } @inproceedings{RudinScDa04, author = {Cynthia Rudin and Robert E. Schapire and Ingrid Daubechies}, title = {Boosting Based on a Smooth Margin}, booktitle = colt04, year = {2004}, pages = {502-517} } @incollection{RumelhartHiMc86, author= {Rumelhart, David E. and Geoffrey E. Hinton and J. L. McClelland}, title= {A General Framework for Parallel Distributed Processing}, chapter= 2, booktitle= {Parallel Distributed Processing (Volume I: Foundations)}, editor= {David E. Rumelhart and James L. McClelland}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1986, pages= {45--76}, comment= {Overview of various models} } @techreport{RumelhartHiWi85, author= {Rumelhart, David E. and Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams}, title= {Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation}, institution= {Institute for Cognitive Science, U.C. San Diego}, year= 1985, month= Sep, number= {ICS Report 8506}, note= {To appear in {\sl Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition}, Vol. 1, edited by Rumelhart and McClelland (MIT Press)}, comment= {Introduces `generalized delta rule' for back-propagating information in a network of deterministic sigmoid (logistic) rules.} } @incollection{RumelhartHiWi86, author= {Rumelhart, David E. and Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams}, title= {Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation}, booktitle= {Parallel Distributed Processing -- Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition}, editor= {David E. Rumelhart and James L. McClelland}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1986, chapter= 8, pages= {318--362}, comment= {Classic paper introducing the generalized delta rule (back-propagation).} } @book{RumelhartMc86, editor= {Rumelhart, David E. and McClelland, James L.}, title= {Parallel Distributed Processing}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1986, comment= {Overview of various models} } @article{RumelhartZi85, author= {Rumelhart, David E. and David Zipser}, title= {Feature Discovery by Competitive Learning}, journal= {Cognitive Science}, year= 1985, volume= 9, pages= {75--112}, comment= {Historical survey of perceptrons etc.; competitive learning in a layered network with inhibitory clusters} } @Article{Rustichini99, author = {Aldo Rustichini}, title = {Minimizing Regret: The General Case}, journal = {Games and Economic Behavior}, year = 1999, volume = 29, pages = {224-243} } @phdthesis{Sakakibara91, author= {Yasubumi Sakakibara}, title= {Algorithmic Learning of Formal Languages and Decision Trees}, month= oct, year= 1991, school= {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, note= {Research Report IIAS-RR-91-22E, International Institute for Advanced Study of Social Information Science, Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd.} } @book{Salton89, author = {Gerard Salton}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {Automatic text processing: the transformation, analysis and retrieval of information by computer}, year = {1989} } @article{Salton91, Author="Gerard Salton", Title="Developments in Automatic Text Retrieval", Journal="Science", Volume=253, Pages="974-980", Year="1991" } @book{SaltonMc83, author = {Gerard Salton and Michael J. McGill}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, title = {Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval}, year = {1983} } @techreport{Salzberg88, author = {Steven Salzberg}, title = {Exemplar-based learning: theory and implementation}, institution = {Harvard University}, year = {1988}, type = {Center for Research in Computing Technology}, number = {TR-10-88}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, month = oct, comment= {Actually uses learning of differences of orthogonal rectangles stuff in a practical application (analyzing breast cancer statistics)} } @article{Samaranayake92 ,author= {K. Samaranayake} ,title= {Stay-with-a-winner rule for dependent {B}ernoulli bandits} } @article{Samuel59, author = {A. L. Samuel}, title = {Some studies in machine learning using the game of checkers}, journal = {IBM Journal of Research and Development}, year = 1959, month = Jul, volume = 3, pages = {211--229}, note = {(Reprinted in {\em Computers and Thought}, (eds. E. A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman), McGraw-Hill, 1963, pages 39--70).} } @article{Samuelson69 ,author= {Paul A. Samuelson} ,title= {Lifetime portfolio selection by dynamic stochastic programming} ,year= 1969 } @article{Samuelson71 ,author= {Paul A. Samuelson} ,title= {The ``fallacy'' of maximizing the geometric mean in long sequences of investing or gambling} ,year= 1979 } @article{Samuelson79 ,author= {Paul A. Samuelson} ,title= {Why we should not make mean log of wealth big though years to act are long} ,year= 1979 } @article{SanthaVa86, author= {M. Santha and U. V. Vazirani}, title= {Generating Quasi-random Sequences from Semi-random Sources}, journal= jcss, volume= 33, number= 1, month= aug, year= 1986, pages= {75--87} } @techreport{Sarkar91 ,author= {D. Sarkar} ,title= {Nonsubscriber card behavior score model development --- overlimit accounts} } @misc{SauerHiFa01, author={Sauer, J. R. and J. E. Hines and J. Fallon}, year=2001, title="The {N}orth {A}merican Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966--2000, {V}ersion 2001.2", note="USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD", howpublished="http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/bbs.html" } @unknown{Saul98 ,author= {Lawrence K. Saul} ,title= {Automatic segmentation of continuous trajectories with invariance to nonlinear warpings of time} ,year= 1998 } @article{SatoAbTa88 ,author= {Mitsuo Sato and Kenichi Abe and Hiroshi Takeda} ,title= {Learning control of finite markov chains with an explicit trade-off between estimation and control} } @unknown{SaulPe?? ,author= {Lawrence Saul and Fernando Pereira} ,title= {Aggregate and mixed-order {Markov} models for statistical language processing} } @unknown{SaulRa98 ,author= {Lawrence K. Saul and Mazin Rahim} ,title= {Maximum likelihood and minimum classification error factor analysis for automatic speech recognition} ,year= 1998 } @Article{Sauer72, author = {N. Sauer}, title = {On the density of families of sets}, journal = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A}, year = 1972, volume = 13, pages = {145-147} } @unpublished{SaulJo93 ,author= {Lawrence Saul and Michael Jordan} ,title= {Learning in Boltzman Trees} } @article{Schaffer93 ,author= {Cullen Schaffer} ,title= {Overfitting avoidance as bias} } @mastersthesis{Schapire88, author= {Schapire, Robert Elias}, title= {Diversity-based Inference of Finite Automata}, school= mit, year= 1988, month= may, note= {Supervised by Ronald L. Rivest. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-413, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science} } @inproceedings{Schapire89, author= {Schapire, Robert E.}, title= {The Strength of Weak Learnability}, booktitle= focs89, pages= {28--33}, month= Oct, year= 1989 } @inproceedings{Schapire90, author= {Schapire, Robert E.}, title= {Pattern Languages Are Not Learnable}, booktitle= colt90, pages= {122--129}, month= Aug, year= 1990 } @article{Schapire90b, author= {Robert E. Schapire}, title= {The Strength of Weak Learnability}, journal= ml, year= 1990, volume= 5, number= 2, pages= {197--227} } @techreport{Schapire90c, author= {Robert E. Schapire}, title= {The Emerging Theory of Average-case Complexity}, institution= mitlcs, year= 1990, month= Jun, number= {Technical memo MIT/LCS/TM-431} } @phdthesis{Schapire91, author= {Robert Elias Schapire}, title= {The Design and Analysis of Efficient Learning Algorithms}, year= 1991, month= feb, school= mit, note= {Supervised by Ronald~L. Rivest. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-493, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science} } @inproceedings{Schapire91b, author= {Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Learning Probabilistic Read-once Formulas on Product Distributions}, booktitle= colt91, month= aug, year= 1991, note= {To appear, {\it Machine Learning}} } @book{Schapire92, author= {Robert E. Schapire}, title= {The Design and Analysis of Efficient Learning Algorithms}, publisher= {MIT Press}, year= 1992 } @article{Schapire94 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Learning Probabilistic Read-once Formulas on Product Distributions} ,journal= ml ,volume= 14 ,number= 1 ,pages= {47--81} ,year= 1994 } @inproceedings{Schapire97 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire} ,title= {Using output codes to boost multiclass learning problems} ,booktitle= ml97 ,year= 1997 ,pages= {313-321} } @inproceedings{SchapireFrBaLe97 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire and Yoav Freund and Peter Bartlett and Wee Sun Lee} ,title= {Boosting the margin: A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods} ,booktitle= ml97 ,year= 1997 ,pages= {322-330} ,note= {To appear, {\em The Annals of Statistics}} } @InProceedings{Schapire99b, author = {Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Drifting Games}, booktitle = colt99, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{Schapire99c, author = {Robert E. Schapire}, title = {A brief introduction to boosting}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1999 } @inproceedings{Schapire99d, author= {Robert E. Schapire}, title= {Theoretical views of boosting and applications}, booktitle= {Tenth International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}, year= 1999, url= {http://www.research.att.com/\~schapire/papers/Schapire99d.ps.gz} } @article{Schapire01, author = {Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Drifting Games}, journal = ml, year = {2001}, volume = {43}, number = {3}, pages = {265--291}, month = {June} } @Article{SchapireFrBaLe98, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Yoav Freund and Peter Bartlett and Wee Sun Lee}, title = {Boosting the margin: A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods}, journal = annstat, year = 1998, month = {October}, volume = 26, number = 5, pages= {1651-1686} } @InProceedings{Schapire02, author = {Robert E. Schapire}, title = {The boosting approach to machine learning: An overview}, booktitle = {MSRI Workshop on Nonlinear Estimation and Classification}, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{Schapire03, author = {Robert E. Schapire}, editor = {D. D. Denison, M. H. Hansen, C. Holmes, B. Mallick, B. Yu}, title = {The boosting approach to machine learning: An overview}, booktitle = {Nonlinear Estimation and Classification}, publisher= {Springer}, year = 2002 } @inproceedings{SchapireSe93 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire and Linda M. Sellie} ,title= {Learning sparse multivariate polynomials over a field with queries and counterexamples} ,booktitle= colt93 ,month= jul ,year= 1993 ,pages= {17--26} } @inproceedings{SchapireRoRaGu02, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Marie Rochery and Mazin Rahim and Narendra Gupta}, title = {Incorporating prior knowledge into boosting}, booktitle = ml02, year = 2002 } @article{SchapireSe96 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire and Linda M. Sellie} ,title= {Learning sparse multivariate polynomials over a field with queries and counterexamples} ,journal= jcss ,month= apr ,year= 1996 ,pages= {201-213} ,volume= 52 ,number= 2 } @inproceedings{SchapireSi98 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer} ,title= {Improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions} ,booktitle= colt98 ,year= 1998 ,pages= {80-91} ,note= {To appear, {\it Machine Learning}} } @article{SchapireSi98b, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {{BoosTexter}: A boosting-based system for text categorization}, journal = ml, year = {{to appear}} } @Article{SchapireSi99, author= {Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title= {Improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions}, journal = ml, year = 1999, volume = 37, number= 3, month = dec, pages = {297-336} } @article{SchapireSi00, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer}, title = {{BoosTexter}: A boosting-based system for text categorization}, journal = ml, year = 2000, volume= 39, number= {2/3}, pages= {135-168}, month= {May/June} } @InProceedings{SchapireSiSi98, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer and Amit Singhal}, title = {Boosting and {R}occhio applied to text filtering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}, year = 1998, comment= {booktitle was: SIGIR '98: Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval} } @inproceedings{SchapireWa94 ,author= {Robert E. Schapire and Manfred K. Warmuth} ,title= {On the worst-case analysis of temporal-difference learning algorithms} ,booktitle= ml94 ,month= jul ,year= 1994 ,pages= {266--274} ,publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann} ,note= {To appear, {\it Machine Learning}} } @InProceedings{SchapireStMcLiCs02, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Peter Stone and David McAllester and Michael L. Littman and J\'anos A. Csirik}, title = {Modeling Auction Price Uncertainty Using Boosting-based Conditional Density Estimation}, booktitle = ml02, year = 2002 } @Article{SchapireWa96, author = {Robert E. Schapire and Manfred K. Warmuth}, title = {On the worst-case analysis of temporal-difference learning algorithms}, journal = ml, year = 1996, volume = 22, number = {1/2/3}, pages = {95-121} } @TechReport{ScholkopfSmWiBa98, author = {B. Sch\"olkopf and A. Smola and R. Williamson and P. Bartlett}, title = "New Support Vector Algorithms", institution = "NeuroColt2", year = "1998", number = "NC2-TR-1998-053" } @InProceedings{Schwenk99, author = {Holger Schwenk}, title = {Using boosting to improve a hybrid {HMM}/neural network speech recognizer}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing}, pages = {II:1009-1012}, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{SchwenkBe98, author = {Holger Schwenk and Yoshua Bengio}, title = {Training methods for adaptive boosting of neural networks}, pages={647-653}, booktitle = nips10, year = 1998 } @article{SejnowskiRo87, author= {Sejnowski, Terrence J. and Charles R. Rosenberg}, title= {Parallel Networks that Learn to Pronounce English Text}, journal= {Journal of Complex Systems}, year= 1987, month= Feb, volume= 1, number= 1, pages= {145--168}, comment= {Classic paper covering the NETtalk system, which learns to convert English text to speech.} } @unpublished{SelfCh87, author= {Self, Matthew and Cheeseman, Peter C.}, title= {Bayesian Prediction for Artificial Intelligence}, note= {(unpublished manuscript)} } @book{Seneta81, author= {E. Seneta}, title= {Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains}, edition= {second}, year= 1981, publisher= {Springer-Verlag} } @article{SeungSoTi92 ,author= {H. S. Seung and H. Sompolinsky and N. Tishby} ,title= {Statistical mechanics of learning from example} ,year= 1992 } @inproceedings{ShackelfordVo88, author = {George Shackelford and Dennis Volper}, title = {Learning {k-DNF} with Noise in the Attributes}, booktitle = {First Workshop on Computatinal Learning Theory}, year = {1988}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.\}, month = aug, pages = {97--103}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, comment= {Shows how to pac learn kDNF with random attribute noise of up to one half.} } @Book{ShaferVo01, author = {Glenn Shafer and Vladimir Vovk}, title = {Probability and Finance, it's only a game!}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = 2001 } @Article{Shannon48, author = {C. E. Shannon}, title = {A Mathematical Theory of Communication}, journal = {The Bell System Technical Journal}, year = 1948 } @article{Shannon49, author= {Shannon, Claude}, title= {Communication theory of secrecy systems}, journal= {Bell System Technical Journal}, year= 1949, month= Oct, volume= 28, pages= {656--715} } @techreport{Shapiro81, author= {Shapiro, Ehud Y.}, title= {Inductive Inference of Theories From Facts}, institution= {Yale University Department of Computer Science}, year= 1981, month= Feb, number= {Research Report 192}, comment= {Uses Horn clauses as representation and backtracing as a method to discover axiom system for a given set of examples} } @inproceedings{ShardanandMa95, author = "Upendra Shardanand and Pattie Maes", title = "Social Information Filtering: Algorithms for Automating ``Word of Mouth''", booktitle = "Human Factors in Computing Systems {CHI'95} Conference Proceedings", year = 1995 } @book{ShavlikDi90, editor= {Jude W. Shavlik and Thomas G. Dietterich}, title= {Readings in Machine Learning}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, year= 1990, comment= {address= San Mateo} } @InProceedings{Shawe-TaylorBaWiAn96, author = "John Shawe-Taylor and Peter~L. Bartlett and Robert C.~Williamson and Martin Anthony", title = "A Framework for Structural Risk Minimisation", booktitle = colt96, year = "1996", pages = "68--76", comment= {See also NeuroCOLT tech report NC-TR-96-053} } @TechReport{Shawe-TaylorBaWiAn96b, author = "John Shawe-Taylor and Peter~L. Bartlett and Robert C.~Williamson and Martin Anthony", title = "Structural risk minimization over data-dependent hierarchies", institution = "Neurocolt", year = "1996", number = "NC-TR-96-053", } @techreport{Shawe-TaylorCr98 ,author= {John Shawe-Taylor and Nello Cristianini} ,title= {Robust Bounds on Generalization from the Margin Distribution} ,institution= {NeuroCOLT2} ,year= 1998 ,number= {NC2-TR-1998-029} ,month= oct } @InProceedings{Shawe-TaylorWi97, author = {John Shawe-Taylor and Robert C.~Williamson}, title = {A {PAC} Analysis of a {Bayesian} Estimator}, booktitle = colt97, year = 1997, pages = {2--9} } @article{ShimojoIc89, author = {Shinsuke Shimojo and Shin'ichi Ichikawa}, title = {Intuitive reasoning about probability: Theoretical and experimental analyses of the ``problem of the three prisoners''}, journal = {Cognition}, volume = 32, year = 1989, pages = {1--24} } @article{ShinoharaMi91, author= {Ayumi Shinohara and Satoru Miyano}, title= {Teachability in Computational Learning}, journal= {New Generation Computing}, volume= 8, year= 1991, pages= {337--347} } @InProceedings{SchohnCo00, author = {Greg Schohn and David Cohn}, title = {Less is More: Active Learning with Support Vector Machines}, booktitle = ml00, year = 2000 } @article{ShoreGr82, author= {Shore, John E. and Robert M. Gray}, title= {Minimum Cross-Entropy Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year= 1982, month= Jan, volume= {PAMI-4}, number= 1, pages= {11--17}, comment= {Uses minimum cross-entropy distribution to derive variation on nearest-neighbor classification rules.} } @article{ShoreJo80, author= {Shore, John E. and Rodney W. Johnson}, title= {Axiomatic Derivation of the Principle of Maximum Entropy and the Principle of Minimum Cross-Entropy}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-26}, number= 1, year= 1980, month= Jan, pages= {26--37}, comment= {Derives maximum entropy principle from principles of uniqueness, invariance under coordinate systems, system independence, and subset independence} } @article{ShoreJo81, author= {Shore, John E. and Rodney W. Johnson}, title= {Properties of Cross-Entropy Minimization}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, volume= {IT-27}, number= 4, year= 1981, month= Jul, pages= {472--482}, comment= {General overview of properties.} } @InProceedings{Shtarkov75, author = {Yu. M. Shtarkov}, title = {Coding of Descrete Sources with Unknown Statistics}, booktitle = {Topics in Information Theory}, editor = {I. Csiszar and P. Elias}, year = 1975, publisher = {North Holland, Amsterdam}, pages = {559--574} } @Article{Shtarkov87, author = {Y. M. Shtar`kov}, title = {Universal Sequential Coding of Single Messages}, journal = {Problems of information Transmission (translated from Russian)}, year = 1987, volume = 23, month = {July-September}, pages = {175--186} } @article {ShtarkovChWi95, AUTHOR = {Shtarkov, Yu. M. and Chokens, Ch. Dzh. and Willems, Frans M. J.}, TITLE = {Multi-alphabetical universal coding of memoryless sources}, JOURNAL = {Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, FJOURNAL = {Rossi\u\i skaya Akademiya Nauk. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, VOLUME = 31, YEAR = 1995, NUMBER = 2, PAGES = {20--35}, } @unpublished{Shvaytser88, author = {Haim Shvaytser}, title = {Linear Manifolds are Learnable From Positive Examples}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, month = apr, year = {1988} } @InBook{Siegel94, author = {Siegel, Eric V.}, title = {Competitively evolving decision trees against fixed training cases for natural language processing}, year = 1994 } @inproceedings{SiegelmannSo92, author= {Hava T. Siegelmann and Eduardo D. Sontag}, title= {On the computational power of neural nets}, booktitle= colt92, year= 1992, month= jul, pages= {440--449} } @article{Simon54, author= {Simon, Herbert A.}, title= {Spurious Correlation: A Causal Interpretation}, year= 1954, journal= {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, pages= {407--479}, comment= {Concludes we need a priori assumptions of independence or causality.} } @article{Simon56, author= {Simon, Herbert A.}, title= {Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment}, journal= {Psychological Review}, year= 1956, volume= 63, number= 2, pages= {129--138}, comment= {Model of a creature with multiple goals (e.g. food, water), in a tree-structured environment with limited look-ahead.} } @incollection{Simon83, author= {Simon, Herber A.}, title= {Why Should Machines Learn?}, booktitle= {Machine Learning, An Artificial Intelligence Approach}, editor= {R. S. Michalski and J. G. Carbonell and T. M. Mitchell}, publisher= {Tioga}, address= {Palo Alto, California}, year= 1983} @article{Simon96 ,author= {Hans Ulrich Simon} ,title= {General bounds on the number of examples needed for learning probabilistic concepts} } @article{SinclairJe89, author = {Sinclair, Alistair and Mark Jerrum}, title = {Approximate Counting, Uniform Generation and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains}, journal = infcomp, year = 1989, month = Jul, volume = 82, number = 1, pages = {93--133} } @Article{Singer97, author = {Yoram Singer}, title = {Adaptive mixtures of probabilistic transducers}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = {1997}, volume = 9, number = 8, pages = {1711--1734} } @Article{Singer97b, author = {Yoram Singer}, title = {Switching Portfolios}, journal = {International Journal of Neural Systems}, year = 1997, volume = 8, number= 4, pages= {445-455}, month= aug } @inproceedings{Singer00, author = {Yoram Singer}, title = {Leveraged Vector Machines}, booktitle = nips12, year = 2000 } @Article{SinghLiKeWa02, author = {Satinder Singh and Diane Litman and Michael Kearns and Marilyn Walker}, title = {Optimizing Dialogue Management with Reinforcement Learning: Experiments with the {NJFun} System}, journal = jair, year = 2002, volume = 16, pages = {105-133} } @unpublished{Skalak97 ,author= {David B. Skalak} ,title= {The Sources of Increased Accuracy for Two Proposed Boosting Algorithms} } @unpublished{Sloan87, author= {Sloan, Robert H.}, title= {Some Notes on {C}hernoff Bounds}, note= {(Unpublished)}, year= 1987} @inproceedings{Sloan88, author = {Robert H. Sloan}, title = {Types of Noise in Data for Concept Learning}, booktitle= colt88, year = {1988}, pages = {91--96}, month = aug } @article{Solomonoff64a, author= {Solomonoff, R. J.}, title= {A Formal Theory of Inductive Inference. Part I.}, year= 1964, journal= InfCtrl, volume= 7, pages= {1--22}, comment= {Concerned with extrapolation of sequences. Defines probability of extension via likelihood random TM program will generate it.} } @article{Solomonoff64b, author= {Solomonoff, R. J.}, title= {A Formal Theory of Inductive Inference. Part II.}, year= 1964, journal= InfCtrl, volume= 7, pages= {224--254}, comment= {Continues Part I. Inference of probabilities and grammars.} } @article{SompolinskyBa93 ,author= {H. Sompolinsky and N. Barkai} ,title= {Theory of learning from examples} } @article{Specht67, author = {D. F. Specht}, title = {Generation of polynomial discriminant functions for pattern recognition}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers}, volume = {EC-16}, year = 1967, number = 3, pages = {308--319} } @book{Spencer87, author= {Spencer, Joel}, title= {Ten Lectures on the Probabilistic Method}, publisher= {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, address= {Philadelphia}, year= 1987 } @article {Spencer92, AUTHOR = {Spencer, Joel}, TITLE = {Ulam's searching game with a fixed number of lies}, JOURNAL = {Theoret. Comput. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, VOLUME = {95}, YEAR = {1992}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {307--321}, ISSN = {0304-3975}, CODEN = {TCSDI}, MRCLASS = {90D40}, MRNUMBER = {92k:90146}, OPTNOTE = {The analysis in this paper is closely related to the Binomial Weights algorithm. CesabianchiFrHeWa96} } @article{Staiger98 ,author= {Ludwig Staiger} ,title= {A tight upper bound on {Kolmogorov} complexity and uniformly optimal prediction} } @article{Stockmeyer85, author= {L. Stockmeyer}, title= {On Approximation Algorithms for {\#P}}, journal= sicomp, volume= 14, year= 1985, pages= {849--861}, comment= {fill in first name and journal number} } @article{StockwellPe99, author="D. Stockwell and D. Peters", title="The {GARP} modelling system: problems and solutions to automated spatial prediction", journal="International Journal of Geographical Information Science", volume=13, year=1999, pages="143-158" } @Book{StolerBu92, author = {J. Stoler and R. Bulrisch}, title = {Introduction to Numerical Analysis}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1992 } @Article{Stone94, author = {Charles J. Stone}, title = {The Use of Polynomial Splines and their Tensor Products in Multivariate Function Estimation}, journal = annstat, year = 1994, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {118-184} } @inproceedings{StoneScCsLiMc02, author = {Peter Stone and Robert E. Schapire and J\'{a}nos A. Csirik and Michael L. Littman and David McAllester}, title = {{ATTac}-2001: A Learning, Autonomous Bidding Agent}, booktitle= {Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce IV}, year= 2002 } @book{Strang86, author= {Strang, Gilbert}, title= {Introduction to Applied Mathematics}, publisher= {Wellesley-Cambridge Press}, year= {1986} } @article{Suchanskiy87 ,author= {M. Ye. Suchanskiy} ,title= {Adaptive algorithm for determination of weakly efficient variant under randomness} } @article{SussmanWi92 ,author= {Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom} ,title= {Chaotic evolution of the solar system} ,year= 1992 } @article{Sutton88, author= {Richard S. Sutton}, title= {Learning to predict by the methods of temporal differences}, journal= ml, volume= 3, pages= {9--44}, year= 1988 } @article{SuttonBa81, author= {Sutton, Richard S. and Andrew G. Barto}, title= {Toward a Modern Theory of Adaptive Networks: Expectation and Prediction}, journal= {Psychological Review}, year= 1981, volume= 88, number= 2, pages= {135--170}, comment= {Model of neuron where neuron increases output in expectation of being stimulated} } @unpublished{SuttonBa85, author= {Sutton, Richard S. and Andrew G. Barto}, title= {An adaptive network that constructs and uses an internal model of its world}, year= 1985, comment= {Maze-learning with adaptive predictor neuron models.} } @Book{SuttonBa98, author = {Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto}, title = {Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1998 } @Article{Suzuki95, author = {J. Suzuki}, title = {Some notes on universal noiseless coding}, journal = {IEICE Trans. Fundamentals}, year = 1995, volume = {E78-A}, number = 12, month = {Dec} } @article {Takeuchi97, AUTHOR = {Takeuchi, Jun-ichi}, TITLE = {Characterization of the {B}ayes estimator and the {M}{D}{L} estimator for exponential families}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, FJOURNAL = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory}, VOLUME = 43, YEAR = 1997, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = {1165--1174}, } @unpublished{TakimotoHiMaVo97 ,author= {Eiji Takimoto and Ken'ichi Hirai and Akira Maruoka and Volodya Vovk} ,title= {Simple algorithms for predicting nearly as well as the best pruning of a decision tree} } @article{TakimotoMa?? ,author= {Eiji Takimoto and Akira Maruoka} ,title= {Conservativeness and monotonicity for learning algorithms} } @article{Talagrand94 ,author= {M. Talagrand} ,title= {Sharper bounds for Gaussian and empirical processes} ,year= 1994 } @article{Tarjan75, author= {Tarjan, Robert E.}, title= {Efficiency of a good but not linear set union algorithm}, journal= jacm, volume= 22, number= 2, month= Apr, year= 1975, pages= {215--225} } @techreport{TarsiPe84, author= {Tarsi, Michael and Judea Pearl}, title= {Algorithmic Reconstruction of Trees}, institution= {UCLA Computer Science Department}, year= 1984, month= Dec, number= {UCLA-ENG-8498}, comment= {Describes how to build a tree with n leaves in time n log(n) using only test as to whether deepest common ancester of u and v is on the path from root to w, if the max degree is bounded.} } @article{Tesauro87, author = {Tesauro, Gerald}, title = {Scaling relationships in back-propagation learning: dependence on training set size}, journal = {Complex Systems}, year = 1987, volume = 1, pages = {367--372}, comment = {Studies learning of 32-bit parity with 8 or 16 or 32 hidden units. Training time seems to go as 4/3 power of number of samples, up to point where capacity is exceeded.} } @article{TesauroSe87, author = {Gerald Tesauro and Terrence J. Sejnowski}, title = {A `Neural' Network that Learns to Play Backgammon}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {39}, number = {3}, year = 1989, month = Jul, pages = {357--390} } @article{TesauroSe89, author = {Gerald Tesauro and Terrence J. Sejnowski}, title = {A Parallel Network that Learns to Play Backgammon}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {in press}, year = 1989 } @inproceedings{ThomasKrScSh?? ,author= {Timothy R. Thomas and Charlotte Kruger and Clint Scovel and Joseph Shumate} ,title= {Text to information: sampling uncertainty in an example from physician/patient encounters} } @techreport{Tibshirani96 ,title= "Bias, variance and prediction error for classification rules" ,author= {Robert Tibshirani} ,institution= {University of Toronto} ,month= nov ,year= 1996 ,comment= "available electronically from http://utstat.toronto.edu/tibs/research.html" } @TechReport{TieuVi99, author = {Kinh H. Tieu and Paul Viola}, title = {Boosting Image Database Retrieval}, institution = {MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}, year = 1999, number = 1669 } @article{TikochinskyTiLe84, author= {Tikochinsky, Y. and N. Z. Tishby and R. D. Levine}, title= {Consistent Inference of Probabilities for Reproducible Experiments}, journal= {Physical Review Letters}, year= 1984, volume= 52, number= 16, pages= {1357--1360}, comment= {Justification for maximum-entropy approach.} } @InProceedings{TieuVi00, author = {Kinh Tieu and Paul Viola}, title = {Boosting image retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{Tipping99, author = {Michael E. Tipping}, title = {Probabilistic Visualisation of High-dimensional Binary Data}, booktitle = nips11, pages = {592-598}, year = 1999 } @Article{TippingBi99, author = {M. E. Tipping and C. M. Bishop}, title = {Probabilistic principal component analysis}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B}, year = 1999, volume = 61, number = 3, pages = {611-622} } @article{TishbyGo94 ,author= {Naftali Tishby and Allen Gorin} ,title= {Algebraic learning of statistical associations for language acquisition} } @Book{TitteringtonSmMa85, author = {D.M. Titterington and A.F.M. Smith and U.E. Makov}, title = {Statistical Analysis of Finite Mixture Distributions}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, year = 1985 } @Article{TongKo01, author = {Simon Tong and Daphne Koller}, title = {Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Applications to Text Classification}, journal = jmlr, year = 2001, volume = 2, pages = {45-66}, month = nov } @Article{Topsoe79, author = {F. Topsoe}, title = {Information theoretical optimization techniques}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = 1979, volume = 15, pages = {7-17} } @book{TrakhtenbrotBa73, author= {B. A. Trakhtenbrot and Ya. M. Barzdin'}, title= {Finite Automata: Behavior and Synthesis}, publisher= {North-Holland}, year= 1973 } @article{Tsitsiklis?? ,author= {John N. Tsitsiklis} ,title= {Asynchronous stochastic approximation and {Q}-learning} } @article{TsitsiklisRo?? ,author= {John N. Tsitsiklis and Benjamin Van Roy} ,title= {Feature-based methods for large scale dynamic programming} } @article{Turing50, author = {A. M. Turing}, title = {Computing Machinery and intelligence}, journal = {Mind}, volume = 59, year = 1950, month = Oct, pages = {433--460}, note = {(Reprinted in {\em Computers and Thought}, (eds. E. A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman), McGraw-Hill, 1963, pages 11--38).}, comment = {Classic article on whether computers can think; introduces the `Turing test'.} } @InProceedings{TurScHa03, author = {Gokhan Tur and Robert E. Schapire and Dilek Hakkani-T\"ur}, title = {Active Learning for Spoken Language Understanding}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing}, year = 2003 } @article{Valiant79 ,author= {L. G. Valiant} ,title= {The complexity of enumeration and reliability problems} ,journal= sicomp ,volume= 8 ,number= 3 ,pages= {410--421} ,year= 1979 } @article{Valiant84, author= {Valiant, L.~G.}, title= {A Theory of the Learnable}, journal= cacm, year= 1984, month= Nov, volume= 27, number= 11, pages= {1134--1142}, comment= {Defines `learnability' wrt EXAMPLES and ORACLE using arbitrary probability measure on event space. Shows k-CNF learnable from examples only.} } @inproceedings{Valiant85, author= {Valiant, L. G.}, title= {Learning disjunctions of conjunctions}, booktitle= ijcai85, pages= {560--566}, year= 1985, month= aug } @Book{VanDerVaartWe96, author = {Aad W. Van Der Vaart and Jon A. Wellner}, title = {Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes : With Applications to Statistics}, publisher = {Springer Series}, year = 1996, key = {ISBN: 0387946403}, series = {Springer Series in Statistics}, month = {March}, note = {This book is recommended by Dudley as a reference for the analysis of BootStrap} } @article{VanLehn87, author= {VanLehn, Kurt}, title= {Learning One Subprocedure per Lesson}, journal= {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = 31, number = 1, month = Jan, year= 1987, pages= {1--40} } @book{Vapnik82, author = {Vapnik, V. N.}, title = {Estimation of Dependences Based on Empirical Data}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = {1982}, comment= {address=NY} } @incollection{Vapnik92, author= {V. Vapnik}, title= {Principles of Risk Minimization for Learning Theory}, booktitle= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4}, editor= {John E. Moody and Steve J. Hanson and Richard P. Lippmann}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann}, year= 1992, pages= {831--838} } @Book{Vapnik95, author = {Vladimir N. Vapnik}, title = {The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 1995 } @Book{Vapnik98, author = {Vladimir N. Vapnik}, title = {Statistical Learning Theory}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {1998} } @article{VapnikCh71, author= {Vapnik, V. N. and A. Ya. Chervonenkis}, title= {On the Uniform Convergence of Relative Frequencies of Events to their probabilities}, journal= {Theory of Probability and its applications}, volume= {XVI}, number= 2, year= 1971, pages= {264--280}, comment= {Shows that a sufficient condition for the probability of every set converging to its correct probability is finite VC dimension.} } @Book{VapnikCh74, author = {V. N. Vapnik and A. Ya. Chervonenkis}, title = {Theory of pattern recognition}, publisher = {Nauka}, year = 1974, address = {Moscow}, note = {(In Russian)} } @article{VardiShKa85 ,author= {Y. Vardi and L. A. Shepp and L. Kaufman} ,title= {A statistical model for positron emission tomography} } @article{Vazirani87, author= {U. V. Vazirani}, title= {Strong communication complexity or generating quasi-random sequences from two communicating semi-random sources}, journal= {Combinatorica}, volume= 7, year= 1987, pages= {375--392} } @inproceedings{VaziraniVa85, author= {U. V. Vazirani and V. V. Vazirani}, title= {Random polynomial time is equal to slightly-random polynomial time}, booktitle= focs85, year= 1985, month= oct, pages= {417--428} } @inproceedings{VenkatesanLe88, author= {Ramarathnam Venkatesan and Leonid A. Levin}, title= {Random Instances of a Graph Coloring Problem Are Hard}, booktitle= stoc88, year= 1988, month= May, pages= {217--222} } @inproceedings{Verbeurgt90, author= {Karsten Verbeurgt}, title= {Learning {DNF} under the Uniform Distribution in Quasi-polynomial Time}, booktitle= colt90, pages= {314--326}, month= Aug, year= 1990 } @inproceedings{Vovk90 , author = "Volodimir G. Vovk" , title = "Aggregating Strategies" , booktitle = colt90 , year = 1990 , pages = "371--383" } @article{Vovk92 ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {Universal forcasting algorithms} ,year= 1992 ,journal= {Information and Compuatation} ,number= 96 ,pages= {245--277} } @techreport{Vovk93 ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {On-line learning in a finite-state environment: decision theoretic approach} ,year= 1993 } @article{Vovk93b ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {A logic of probability, with application to the foundations of statistics} ,journal= {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Methodological} ,volume= 55 ,number= 2 ,year= 1993 ,pages= {317-351} } @inproceedings{Vovk94 ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {An optimal-control application of two paradigms of on-line learning} ,booktitle= colt94 ,year= 1994 ,pages= {98--109} } @article{Vovk98 ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {A game of prediction with expert advice} ,journal= jcss ,year= 1998 ,volume= 56 ,number= 2 ,month= apr ,pages= {153-173} } @unpublished{Vovk97 ,author= {V. Vovk} ,title= {Probability theory for the {Brier} game} } @unpublished{Vovk?? ,author= {V. G. Vovk} ,title= {An optimality property of the weighted majority algorithm} } @techreport{WaibelHaHiSh87, author = {A. Waibel and T. Hanazawa and G. Ginton and K Shikano}, title = {Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks}, year = 1987, institution = {ATR Interpreting Telephony Laboratories} } @phdthesis{Wallace89, author = {Richard Scott Wallace}, title = {Finding Natural Clusters Through Entropy Minimization}, school = {Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Department}, year = 1989, month = jun } @InProceedings{WalkerRaRo01, author = {Marilyn A. Walker and Owen Rambow and Monica Rogati}, title = {{SPoT}: A Trainable Sentence Planner}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Associataion for Computational Linguistics}, year = 2001 } @article{WallaceBo68, author= {Wallace, C.S. and D.M. Boulton}, title= {An Information Measure for Classification}, journal= {The Computer Journal}, year= 1968, volume= 11, number= 2, pages= {185--194}, comment= {Introduces idea that `best classification is that which results in the briefest recording of all the attribute information'} } @book{Walrand88 ,author= {Jean Walrand} ,book= {An Introduction to Queueing Networks} ,year= 1988 ,publisher= {Prentice Hall} } @InProceedings{Watanabe99, author = {Osamu Watanabe}, title = {From computational learning theory to discovery science}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming }, pages = {134-148}, year = 1999 } @inproceedings{Watkins87, author= {Watkins, C.J.C.H.}, title= {Combining Cross--Validation and Search}, booktitle= {Progress in Machine Learning--Proceedings of EWSL 87: 2nd European Working Session on Learning}, address= {Bled, Yugoslavia}, year= 1987, editor= {Bratko, I. and N. Lavrac}, month= may, pages= {79--90} } @phdthesis{Watkins89, author= {C. J. C. H. Watkins}, title= {Learning from delayed rewards}, school= {University of Cambridge, England}, year= 1989 } @article{WatkinsDa92 ,author= {Christopher J. C. H. Watkins and Peter Dayan} ,title= {Q-learning} ,journal= ml ,volume= 8 ,year= 1992 ,pages= {279--292} } @Book{Watson52, author = {G. N. Watson}, title = {Theory of Bessel functions}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = 1952 } @article{WeinbergerLeZi92, author = "Marcelo J. Weinberger and Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv", title = "A Sequential Algorithm for the Universal Coding of Finite-Memory Sources", journal = ieeeit, volume = "38", number = "3", month = may, year = "1992", pages = "1002--1014" } @article{WeinbergerMeFe94, author = "Marcelo J. Weinberger and Neri Merhav and Meir Feder", title = "Optimal Sequential Probability Assignment for Individual Sequences", journal = ieeeit, volume = "40", number = "2", month = mar, year = "1994", pages = "384--396" } @article{WeinbergerRiFe95, author = "Marcelo J. Weinberger and Jorma J. Rissanen and Meir Feder", title = "A Universal Finite Memory Source", journal= ieeeit, volume= {41}, number= 3, year= 1995, pages= {643-652} } @article{WeinbergerSe97 ,author = {Marcelo J. Weinberger and Gadiel Seroussi} ,title= {Sequential prediction and ranking in universal context modeling and data compression} } @article{WeissApDaJoOlGoHa99, author = {S. M. Weiss and C. Apte and F. J. Damerau and D. E. Johnson and F. J. Oles and T. Goetz and T. Hampp}, title = {Maximizing Text-Mining Performance}, journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems}, year = 1999 } @article{WenocurDu81, author= {Wenocur, R. S. and R. M. Dudley}, title= {Some Special {V}apnik-{C}hervonenkis Classes}, journal= {Discrete Mathematics}, year= 1981, volume= 33, pages= {313--318}, comment= {Shows VC dimension of half-spaces in n dimensions is n.} } @article{White89, author= {Halbert White}, title= {Learning in Artificial Neural Networks: A Statistical Perspective}, journal= {Neural Computation}, volume= 1, number= 4, pages= {425--464}, year= 1989 } @article{WidrowGuMa73 ,author= {Bernard Widrow and Narendra K. Gupta and Sidhartha Maitra} ,title= {Punish/reward: Learning with a critic in adaptive threshold systems} ,journal= {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics} ,volume= {SMC-3} ,number= 5 ,month= sep ,year= 1973 ,pages= {455--465} } @article{WidrowHo60, author = {Bernard Widrow and Marcian E. Hoff}, title = {Adaptive Switching Circuits}, journal = {1960 IRE WESCON Convention Record}, publisher = {IRE}, year = 1960, pages = {96--104}, note = {Reprinted in {\sl Neurocomputing} (MIT Press, 1988).} } @techreport{WileyTe85, author= {Wiley, R. Paul and Robert R. Tenney}, title= {Performace Evaluation of Stochastic Timed Decision-Free Petri Nets}, institution= {MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Sciences}, year= 1985, month= Mar, number= {LIDS-P-1443}, comment= {Interesting model for a stochastic system.} } @article{Wilf68, author= {Herbert S. Wilf}, title= {Hadamard determinants, {M}\"obius functions, and the chromatic number of a graph}, journal= {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society}, volume= 74, number= 5, month= sep, year= 1968, pages= {960--964} } @article{Wilf84, author= {Herbert S. Wilf}, title= {Backtrack: An {$O(1)$} expected time graph coloring algorithm}, journal= {Information Processing Letters}, volume= 18, number= 3, month= mar, year= 1984, pages= {119--121} } @inproceedings{WillemsShTj93 ,author= {F. M. J. Willems and Y. M. Shtarkov and Tj. J. Tjalkens} ,title= {Context tree weighting: a sequential universal source coding procedure for {FSMX} sources} ,booktitle= {Proceedings 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory} ,year= 1993 ,pages= {59} } @article{WillemsShTj95 ,author= {Frans M. J. Willems and Yuri M. Shtarkov and Tjalling J. Tjalkens} ,title= {The context tree weighting method: basic properties} ,journal= ieeeit ,volume= {41} ,number= 3 ,year= 1995 ,pages= {653-664} } @article{WillemsShTj96 ,author= {Frans M. J. Willems and Yuri M. Shtarkov and Tjalling J. Tjalkens} ,title= {Context weighting for general finite-context sources} ,journal= ieeeit ,year= 1996 } @inproceedings{Wilson85, author= {Wilson, Stewart W.}, title= {Knowledge Growth in an Artificial Animal}, booktitle= {Proceedings of an International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications}, year= 1985, month= Jul, pages= {16--23}, comment= {Empirical results for a `critter' wandering around in the woods trying to find food, using a genetic algorithm a la Holland to learn general situation/action rules.} } @unpublished{WinklerZu?? ,author= {Peter Winkler and David Zuckerman} ,title= {Multiple cover time} } @incollection{Winston75, author = {Winston, Patrick H.}, title = {Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples}, booktitle = {The Psychology of Computer Vision}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, year = 1975, address = {New York}, editor = {Winston, Patrick H.} } @article{Witten77, author = {Witten, Ian H.}, title = {An Adaptive Optimal Controller for Discrete-Time Markov Environments}, journal = infctrl, year = 1977, volume = 34, pages = {286--295}, comment = {Controller sees state of environment at each instant, and gets reward from that state. Uses discounted expectation of future reward to guide action selection.} } @article{Witten77b ,author= {Ian H. Witten} ,title= {Exploring, modelling and controlling discrete sequential environments} ,year= 1977 } @inproceedings{WrightGoRi97, author = "J. H. Wright and A. L. Gorin and G. Riccardi", title = "Automatic acquisition of salient grammar fragments for call-type classification", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology", year = 1997, pages = "1419--1422" } @article{Wyner72, author= {Wyner, A. D.}, title= {An upper bound on the entropy series}, journal= infctrl, volume= 20, year= 1972, pages= {176--181} } @Article{XieBa97, author = "Qun Xie and Andrew Barron", title = "Minimax Redundancy for the class of Memoryless Sources", journal = ieeeit, year = 1997, volume = 43, month = May, pages = {446--657} } @Article{XieBa00, author = {Qun Xie and Andrew R. 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