Maintained by Kevin Wayne

Princeton University

We regret any confusion that the following bugs in the 126 course material have caused. Every error reported will be posted, and fixed in the next version of the course. We greatly appreciate your help in bringing these to our attention.

Click here to report a new error in the course packet.

  04/08/00 kw   Fin F99 3c    question misleading since P, NP, NP-complete are
                              sets of decision problems, not functions or algorithms
  04/10/00 kw   EX Arch 13    ignore - Fall 2001 datapath already handles this instruction
. 01/18/01 kw   Fin F00 16b   possible -> impossible
. 02/06/01 bw   PN condition  ((((a < b) ..  a is greater -> a is less
. 02/12/01 bw   EX Hello 4    there are only 4 printf("Hello World\n") statements instead of 5
. 02/12/01 dc   EX Loops 5    use <Ctrl-d> <Enter> for EOF on Unix machines
. 02/13/01 dc   AS 1          /u/cs126/bin/submit -> submit126
. 02/14/01 dc   EX Loops 12   gcc126 -> gcc
. 02/14/01 dc   EX Funct 2    missing "
  02/22/01 dc   LN P4         include variable names in prototypes (consistent style)
. 02/22/01 rw   LN P5.30      initialize front = 0 for consistency with demo 
. 02/26/01 kw   LN P5.30      static front -> static int front,  N -> MAX_SIZE
. 02/26/01 dc   EX ADT 5      contens -> contents
. 03/02/01 kw   Mid 1 F99 1   Error 6: void main() -> int main(void)
. 03/04/01 dc   LN A3.1       Claude Shannon (1916 - present) - > (1916 - 2001)
  03/04/01 kw   LN P8.3       TOY addresses are 8 bits, not 16
. 03/05/01 kw   LN A3.30      s1 <-> s0 in left figure
. 03/07/01 dc   TN 5          r1, r2, r3, -> r0, r1, r2
                              specify format in table
  03/11/01 dc   TN, LN A1.34  discuss "arithmetic shifting" of negative integers
. 03/12/01 kw   LN A2.24      B204 -> B604
  03/20/01 kw   LN A2         jump-and-decrement: (Rx > 0) -> (Rx != 0) 
. 03/29/01 dc   LN P8.20      x = x-next  ->  x = x->next
. 03/29/01 my   CIR Fig 4     u: 1 1 0 0 -> 1 0 1 0
. 03/30/01 dc   EX Ptr 5, 6   a -> x in solutions
. 04/01/01 sv   EX Link 4     while (t != list)  ->  while (t != list);
. 04/02/01 sv   CN p. 11     1111 + 0011 = 0100 -> 0010
. 04/05/01 dc   LN P9.7       add 2 to rand for nicer intuition
. 04/05/01 kw   LN P9.7       46 = 3 * 13 + 9 -> 7
. 04/05/01 dc   EX Tree 2     letters in figure could be larger
  04/05/01 dc   LN P10.4 is dead link
  04/05/01 kw   LN P10.14     unsorted array delete: 1 if pointer to
                LN P10.27     deleted node is known; N if unknown
. 04/05/01 kw   LN P10.27     2 log_2 N -> 2 ln N
. 04/05/01 dc   LN P10.17     right subtree smaller -> right subtree larger
. 04/06/01 dc   EX Tree 5     (x->key == val)  ->  (x->key < val)
. 04/07/01 sr   CN p. 11     MAJ <-> ODD
. 04/07/01 sv   LN P10.39    h = STACKpop() -> x = STACKpop()
. 04/07/01 sv   EX Tree      treeless(x->l) -> treeless(x->l, val)
. 04/10/01 jg   EX Tree 2(c) solution wrong
. 04/10/01 sv   EX BST 3     printf("%d\n", k); -> printf("%d\n", tree->key);
. 04/10/01 sv   EX Tree 7    balanced() -> treebalanced()
. 04/16/01 kw   LN T2.20     update state *after* updating head
  04/16/01 kw   Mid 2, S01   7 (b) 9B76 -> 9A76
. 04/24/01 my   MC p. 13     (iii) input is 0 and topmost element is 1 ->
                                   input is 0 and topmost element is 0
  05/01/01 kw   LN T6.10     age of universe = 12 billion years (+- 10%)

A  assignment
AN notes on arrays
CN notes on circuits
CP course packet
CX notes on computational complexity
EX exercises
LN lecture note
MC models of computation reading
PA programming assignment
PN precept notes
TN TOY notes

.  fixed for next semester
bw  Ben Wukasch
dc  Doug Clark
jg  Joni Goldwasser
kw  Kevin Wayne
my  Michael Yang
rw  Randy Wang
sr  Sasha Rao
sv  Scott Vafai