Lab 7
Page 7

Finishing up and shutting down

Submitting your work

This week we'd like you to create an HTML file from which your Java applet can be run as described under Running Java Applets on page 5 of this lab. In that html file, also put a link to the file holding your Java program (your finished file) -- this link will be to the file as a text file, just as our link to the unfinished "" that you downloaded was. Copy your "", "CS111Applet.class" and HTML file to your public_html directory, and delete the originals from the Desktop. Make sure that the filenames on your public_html directory did not get changed to all lowercase; if they did, change the names back, possibly with the help of a TA. Send an email to with the URL ( of the HTML file.

If you do extra credit, use a file of a different name, e.g. "", for the work beyond the basic assignment, and make a separate HTML page analogous to the one for your main assignment. The HTML page for your extra credit work should contain text that states precisely what enhancements you made. Your email should give the location of both pages (regular assignment and extra credit), clearly labelling which is which. When you change the name of your file to make the extra credit file, be sure to change the two occurrences of the name "CS111Applet" within "" to the new name as well. (The two occurrences are the class definition that declares the applet and the applet constructor.)

Transferring saved work

Transfer any files you'd like to keep to your Unix account (your drive).

Logging off of Windows NT

If you've completed the lab, sent your email to and transferred your work to your Unix account, then you are finished and ready to log off of Windows NT. Choose either of the following ways to do this:

PREVIOUS 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7