Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, and Marketplaces
Fall 2022

Course Information | Schedule | Write-ups | Assignments | Help


Course description.  Course teaches engineering students about issues tackled by leading Chief Technology Officers: the technical visionaries and/or managers who innovate at the boundaries of technology and business by understanding both deeply, and who are true partners to the CEO, not just implementers of business goals. Focus will be on thinking like a CTO (of a startup and a large company) from technology and business perspectives, and on software and Internet-based businesses. Industry-leading guest speakers provide perspectives too.

Lectures.  Lectures meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00am - 12:20pm in Peyton 145

Required reading list. Students will be required to create a write-up for each book on the required reading list. Information on the book write-ups can be found on the write-ups page.

Recommended reading list.

Guest Lecturers. There will be a write-up due for each guest lecturer. Information on the guest lecturer write-ups can be found on the write-ups page.

Past speakers have included J. Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and CEO of Square; M. Whitman, CEO of Ebay and now HP; F. Wilson, of Union Square Ventures; P. Graham, of Y!Combinator; S. Altman, of Y!Combinator; J. Hennessy, President of Stanford University; J. Yang, co-founder of Yahoo!; D. Greene, co-founder and CEO of VMWare; J. Clark, co-founder of Netscape and Silicon Graphics; T. Siebel, founder and CEO of Siebel Systems; and C. Dickerson, CEO of Etsy.

Grading.  The grading is structured as follows:

Important due dates. 

All write-ups and papers should be submitted via Canvas by the deadline. Please submit a PDF with the file name format COS448_Lastname_Firstname_FileDescription.pdf.

Skip Policy. Two weekly assignments or guest speaker write-ups are allowed to be skipped.

Late Assignment Policy. 10% of your final grade will be docked per day up to 5 days, after which the assignment is not accepted.

Staff, Office Hours and Other Help. 

Jaswinder P. Singh
Office: Computer Science 423
Office Hours: Monday 12:30-2:00PM

Robert Fish
Office: Corwin Hall 37
Office Hours: Monday, 2:00-3:00PM and Wednesday, 4:30-5:30PM

Qiang Zhang
Office: Friend 010
Office Hours: Friday 4:30-5:30pm .

Sunayana Rane
Office: Zoom
Office Hours: Monday 6:00-7:00PM.

Shruthi Santhanam
Office: Friend 010 and Zoom
Office Hours: Thursday 7:00-8:00PM.

Promise Ekpo
Office: Zoom
Office Hours: Friday 3:00-4:00pm.

If you have general questions about the assignments, lectures, readings, or other course materials, please post via Ed. Posts marked private are viewable only by instructors.