(* FizzBuzz Program: Specification modified from: http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/railway-oriented-programming-carbonated/ Write a program that prints the numbers from 0 to 100, one per line. As a first step, you can write a function that returns the whole string that will be printed, and then the program can print everything at once. * For multiples of three, put "Fizz" instead of the number, and compute the rest of the string. * For multiples of five, put "Buzz" and continue. * For numbers which are multiples of both three and five, put "FizzBuzz" and continue. *) (* Useful notes: You can write \n to denote a newline character. If you print the string "hello\nworld", you will get hello and world on separate lines. e1 mod e2 -- mod operation returns an integer e1 = e2 -- equality operation tests equality of two values e1 ^ e2 -- concatenates two strings string_of_int e -- takes an int and gives back the string containing the int let rec f (x:t) :t = ... -- remember the "rec" keyword when defining a recursive function *) (* at your prompt ($), run the interactive real-eval-print-loop using the following (don't type "$"): $ ocaml then you will see the read-eval-print-loop running: # You can enter the following to load the file (don't type the first "#") # #use "fizzbuzz.ml";; Then you will have the definitions in your file available in the real-eval-print-loop. This gives you an easy way to experiment with them. If you have any errors in the file, they will also show up here. *) (* If you want to compile the file to an executable, however, follow this: at your prompt ($), compile this file using the following (don't type "$"): $ ocamlbuild fizzbuzz.d.byte execute the file by next typing $ ./fizzbuzz.d.byte you can clean up your build, so that all that is left is the fizzbuzz.ml source file using the following, reminiscent of Makefiles: $ ocamlbuild -clean *) (* Change below *) let fizzbuzz _ = "" (* You don't have to change anything below, we have not learned that yet *) let main : unit = print_endline (fizzbuzz 0)