let bool_to_int (b:bool) : int = match b with true -> 1 | false -> 0 (* (first name, last name, age) *) type info = string * string * int let name_and_age1 : info = ("David", "Walker", 25) let name_and_age2 : info = ("Brian", "Kernighan", 15) let full_name ((first, last, _) : info) : string = first ^ " " ^ last let or_pair (p:bool*bool) : bool = match p with | (true,true) -> true | (true,false) -> true | (false,true) -> true | (false,false) -> false (* count occurrences of true *) let count5 (p:bool*bool*bool*bool*bool) : int = let (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) = p in bool_to_int b1 + bool_to_int b2 + bool_to_int b3 + bool_to_int b4 + bool_to_int b5 (* in_range: * true, if x is (Some f) and f is between low and high, inclusive * false, otherwise *) let in_range (x: float option) (low:float) (high:float) = match x with None -> false | Some f -> (low <= f & f <= high) (* (x,y) coordinates of a point *) type point = int * int (* slope of a line *) let slope (p1:point) (p2:point) : float option = let (x1,y1) = p1 in let (x2,y2) = p2 in let xd = x2 - x1 in let yd = y2 - y1 in if xd != 0 then Some ( float_of_int yd /. float_of_int xd ) else None (* the sum of 0..n; n must be a natural number *) let rec sum_to (n:int):int = assert(0 <= n); match n with 0 -> 0 | _ -> n + sum_to (n-1) (***********) (* Testing *) (***********) let _ = assert (bool_to_int true = 1); assert (bool_to_int false = 0); assert(full_name name_and_age1 = "David Walker"); assert(full_name name_and_age2 = "Brian Kernighan"); assert(or_pair (true,true) = true); assert(or_pair (true,false) = true); assert(or_pair (false,true) = true); assert(or_pair (false,false) = false); assert(in_range (Some 0.0) (-1.0) (2.0)); assert(in_range (Some 0.0) (0.0) (0.0)); assert(not (in_range (Some 3.0) (5.0) (-2.0))); assert(not (in_range (None) (-100.0) (200.0))); assert(slope (0,0) (0,0) = Some 3.5); assert(slope (1,17) (1,-15) = None); assert(in_range (slope (0,0) (1,0)) (-0.0001) 0.0001); assert(in_range (slope (0,0) (1,1)) (0.9999) 1.0001); assert (sum_to 0 = 0); assert (sum_to 3 = 6)