Maintained by Kevin Wayne

Princeton University

We regret any confusion that the following bugs in the 126 course material have caused. Every error reported will be posted, and fixed in the next version of the course. We greatly appreciate your help in bringing these to our attention.

Click here to report a new error in the course packet.

  02/27/00 kw   Mid 2 F99     argument not rigorous in 10c
  04/08/00 kw   Fin F99 3c    question misleading since P, NP, NP-complete are
                              sets of problems, not functions or algorithms
  04/10/00 kw   EX Arch 13    ignore - Spring 2000 datapath already handles this instruction
  11/06/00 tv   LN A5.6       path selection circuit needs a D flip-flop and second
                              control input to remember state

A  assignment
AN notes on arrays
CP course packet
CX notes on computational complexity
EX exercises
LN lecture note
MC models of computation reading
PA programming assignment

kw  Kevin Wayne
sc  Xcott Craver
tv  Tom Ventimiglia