module type RANGE = sig type t type e val singleton : e -> t val range : e -> e -> t val (+) : t -> e -> t val ( * ) : t -> e -> t val bridge : t -> t -> t val size : t -> int val contains : t -> e -> bool val (<) : t -> t -> bool option end module LoHiPairRange : RANGE with type e = int = struct type e = int type t = e * e let singleton (i:e) : t = (i,i) let range (i:e) (j:e) : t = ((min i j), (max i j)) let (+) (x:t) (i:e) : t = let (lo,hi) = x in (lo+i,hi+i) let ( * ) (x:t) (i:e) : t = let (lo, hi) = x in if i >= 0 then (lo*i,hi*i) else (hi*i,lo*i) let bridge (x:t) (y:t) : t = let (lx, hx) = x in let (ly, hy) = y in ((min lx ly), (max hx hy)) let size (x:t) : int = let (lo,hi) = x in hi - lo - (-1) let contains (x:t) (i:e) : bool = let (lo,hi) = x in (lo <= i) && (i <= hi) let (<) (x:t) (y:t) : bool option = let (lx, hx) = x in let (ly, hy) = y in if hx < ly then Some true else if hy < lx then Some false else None end module LoLenPairRange : RANGE with type e = int = struct type e = int type t = e * e let singleton (i:e) : t = (i,1) let range (i:e) (j:e) : t = ((min i j), (max i j)-(min i j)+1) let ( * ) (x:t) (i:e) : t = let (lo,len) = x in let newlen : e = ((len-1)*(abs i))+1 in if i >= 0 then (lo*i,newlen) else let hi = lo+(len-1) in (hi*i,newlen) let bridge (x:t) (y:t) : t = let (lwx, lnx) = x in let (lwy, lny) = y in let hx = lwx + lnx - 1 in let hy = lwy + lny - 1 in let newbase = min lwx lwy in let newlen = (max hx hy) - newbase + 1 in (newbase, newlen) let size (x:t) : int = let (lo,len) = x in len let contains (x:t) (i:e) : bool = let (lo,len) = x in let hi = lo + len - 1 in (lo <= i) && (i <= hi) let (<) (x:t) (y:t) : bool option = let (lwx, lnx) = x in let (lwy, lny) = y in let hx = lwx + lnx - 1 in let hy = lwy + lny - 1 in if hx < lwy then Some true else if hy < lwx then Some false else None (* (+) defined after others because otherwise shadows int->int->int (+) *) let (+) (x:t) (i:e) : t = let (lo,len) = x in (lo+i,len) end module ListRange : RANGE with type e = int = struct type e = int type t = e list (* auxiliary functions *) let minmax (l:t) : (e*e) option = let rec max (t:t) (e:e) : e = match t with | [] -> e | h::r -> max r h in match l with | [] -> None | h::r -> Some (h, (max r h)) let rec build (i:e) (j:e) : e list = if i = j then [j] else i :: build (i+1) j let singleton (i:e) : t = [i] let range (i:e) (j:e) : t = build (min i j) (max i j) let (+) (x:t) (i:e) : t = (fun y->y+i) x let ( * ) (x:t) (i:e) : t = match (minmax x) with | None -> [] | Some (xl,xh) -> if i < 0 then build (xh*i) (xl*i) else build (xl*i) (xh*i) let bridge (x:t) (y:t) : t = match (minmax x), (minmax y) with | None, None -> [] | None, Some _ -> y | Some _, None -> x | Some (xl,xh), Some (yl,yh) -> build (min xl yl) (max xh yh) let size (x:t) : int = List.length x let contains (x:t) (i:e) : bool = List.mem i x let (<) (x:t) (y:t) : bool option = match (minmax x), (minmax y) with | None, _ -> None | _ , None -> None | Some (lx,hx), Some(ly,hy) -> if hx < ly then Some true else if hy < lx then Some false else None end