/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* teststack.c (Version 5) */ /* Author: Bob Dondero */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include "stack.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Write an error message to stderr indicating that not enough memory is available. Then exit with status EXIT_FAILURE. */ static void handleMemoryError(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Test the Stack ADT. Return 0, or EXIT_FAILURE if not enough memory is available. */ int main(void) { Stack_T oStack1; Stack_T oStack2; int iSuccessful; double *pd; /* Create and use a Stack of strings. */ oStack1 = Stack_new(); if (oStack1 == NULL) handleMemoryError(); iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack1, "Ruth"); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack1, "Gehrig"); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack1, "Mantle"); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); while (! Stack_isEmpty(oStack1)) printf("%s\n", (char*)Stack_pop(oStack1)); Stack_free(oStack1); oStack1 = NULL; /* Unnecessary but safe. */ /* Create and use a Stack of doubles. */ oStack2 = Stack_new(); if (oStack2 == NULL) handleMemoryError(); pd = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)); if (pd == NULL) handleMemoryError(); *pd = 1.1; iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack2, pd); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); pd = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)); if (pd == NULL) handleMemoryError(); *pd = 2.2; iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack2, pd); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); pd = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)); if (pd == NULL) handleMemoryError(); *pd = 3.3; iSuccessful = Stack_push(oStack2, pd); if (! iSuccessful) handleMemoryError(); pd = NULL; /* Unnecessary */ while (! Stack_isEmpty(oStack2)) { pd = (double*)Stack_pop(oStack2); printf("%g\n", *pd); free(pd); pd = NULL; /* Unnecessary */ } Stack_free(oStack2); oStack2 = NULL; /* Unnecessary but safe. */ return 0; }