&magicnumber=25& category1= Graphs& category2=Tries and Data Compression& category3=Strings& category4=The Right Tools for the Job& category5=Person, Place or Thing& question1=This is a graph search algorithm that explores all the vertices in increasing order of distance from the source vertex.& question2=A linear ordering of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in which each vertex comes before all vertices to which it has outbound edges. & question3=This is an algorithm for computing the shortest path in an arbitrary digraph with weights that may be negative.& question4=Give the weight of the MST for the following graph%3Cimg src%3D'MST.png'%3E& question5=List the strong component that contains vertex 3 in the following graph%3Cimg src%3D'digraph1.png'%3E& question6=This encoding algorithm finds the shortest prefix-free code for a fixed set of symbols with known frequencies.& question7=The human-readable version of the Burrows-Wheeler transform of this string is 00 00 00 00 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a& question8=This data structure is as fast as hashing and more flexible than BSTs for Strings and is used to encode LZW.& question9=This is a listing (in alphabetical order) of the set of strings that were inserted in the TST below.%3Cimg src%3D'triesProblem.png'%3E& question10=An algorithm that takes advantage of knowing the range of the elements that are to be sorted or accessed and sorts the numbers in linear time. It uses this range to create an array that is the length of the range. It is not recursive and not also the name of a drug.& question11=This automaton can be used to compactly simulate the set of strings which match a given regular expression.& question12=This is the substring search algorithm that searches starting from the right to left of the substring.& question13=Given an array of N suffixes as in Burrows-Wheeler, this is the order of growth of the runtime of the LSD algorithm for sorting these N suffixes.& question14=Given a string of length N, a pattern of length M, and an alphabet of size R, this is the order of growth of the average time needed to compute the 1st hash value for the Rabin-Karp algorithm.& question15=This is the missing trio of numbers buried under the perfectly rectangular area of pizza sauce that is covering part of the DFA. %3Cimg src%3D'pizzaSauce.png'%3E& question16=This is the fastest standard COS226 sorting algorithm when memory is very scarce.& question17=These were the two abstract data types showcased in 8puzzle and the SAP class of WordNet.& question18=These were the key COS226 algorithms used by Collinear, WordNet, and Baseball Elimination.& question19=This COS226 data structure is the best choice for implementing a symbol table which uses 32-bit integer keys, given that the put/get operations for typical inputs must take constant time, and wish to use a linear amount of memory.& question20=This COS226 data structure is the best choice for implementing a symbol table which uses 32-bit integer keys, given that for the put/get operations must take worst-case logarithmic time and we wish to use a linear amount of memory.& question21=A folk dance demonstrating merge sort was performed in this nation.& question22=In 1981, he said ' 640 K ought to be enough for anybody. ”& question23=In 1997, he invented 3 way String quicksort.& question24=According to synsets.txt and hypernyms.txt, all English nouns are ultimately an instance of this synset.& question25=The KdTree assignment was originally designed to allow for the simulation of the natural movement of these entities.& answer1= What is BFS or Dijkstra?& answer2=What is a topological sort?& answer3= What is the Bellman-Ford algorithm?& answer4=What is 47 (sum of '1 2 3 4 6 7 9 15')?& answer5=What are 3 6 and 7?& answer6=What is Huffman encoding?& answer7=What is ZZZZZ?& answer8=What is a TST?& answer9=What is ear fo his hitch hold holdup hotel hum humble ill?& answer10=What is key-indexed counting?& answer11=What is an NFA?& answer12=What is Boyer-Moore?& answer13=What is N^2?& answer14=What is M?& answer15=What is 103?& answer16=What is heap sort?& answer17=What are priority queues and directed graphs?& answer18=What are mergesort (or system sort), breadth first search (or shortest ancestral paths), and Ford Fulkerson (or min-cut or max-flow)?& answer19=What is a hash table (linear probing or separate chaining)?& answer20=What is a red-black tree? (Or what is a 2-3 tree?)& answer21=What is Romania?& answer22=Who is Bill Gates?& answer23=Who is Sedgewick or Bentley?& answer24=What is entity?& answer25=What are birds?& value1=10&value2=20&value3=30&value4=40&value5=50&value6=10&value7=20&value8=30&value9=40&value10=50&value11=10&value12=20&value13=30&value14=40&value15=50&value16=10&value17=20&value18=30&value19=40&value20=50&value21=10&value22=20&value23=30&value24=40&value25=50& finalquestion=The Burrows-Wheeler transform of this string is 00 00 00 00 74 6d 61 6c 6f 73.& finalanswer=What is amlost?& gamename=Algorithms Fall 12&postthis=&loadresult=Load Success!