Computer Science 597B
The Future of the Book
Fall 2011
Princeton University
Computer Science Department
Random articles that might be useful in this seminar (password needed):
Arango, Kindle
Auletta, The iPad, the Kindle, and the future of books
Bosman, Bells and Whistles for a Few E-Books
Bosman, The Dog-Eared Paperback, Newly Endangered in an E-Book Age
Carr, Is Google Making Us Stupid? (PZ)
Darnton, Google & the Future of Books
Epstein, The Future of Books
Gleick, How to Publish Without Perishing
Grafton, Google Books and the Judge
Grafton, Future Reading
Green, The Democratization of Literature (MB)
Grimmelmann, The Google Book Search Settlement: Ends, Means, and the Future of Books
Grossman, From Scroll to Screen
Harris, The Future of the Book (AS)
Kay, A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages (a.k.a Dynabook)
Mod, Post-Artifact Books and Publishing
Mod, Books in the Age of the iPad
Moskin, Are Cookbooks Obsolete?
Rich, Print Books Are Target of Pirates on the Web
Richtel, For Their Children, Many E-Book Fans Insist on Paper
Streitfeld, Amazon Signs Up Authors
Sutter, The future of libraries, with or without books