COS 323        Fall 2009       

Computing for the Physical & Social Sciences

outline and lecture notes      assignments

Course Description:

This course covers the basic principles of scientific computation, driven by current applications in biology, physics, economics, engineering, etc. Topics include: simulation, integration of differential equations, iterative optimization algorithms, stability and accuracy issues. Students will pursue projects in a variety of fields, writing their own computer programs. We will also use some higher-level tools, such as Matlab and Maple, and explore visualization and sonification techniques.
references      acknowledgements      where to get software

Term paper presentations, click here for schedule
Ken Steiglitz
ken at cs

Tues/Thurs, 3:00-4:20pm

Classroom: Friend 108
TA: Prakash Prabhu
pprabhu at cs

Office: CS Building 223

Office hours:
Mon 4-5pm;
Thu 4:30-5:30pm