Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 597A

Principles of Database and Information Systems

Andrea LaPaugh

Fall 2008

General Information | Schedule and Readings | Project Page | Announcements

Project Overview

The goal of the course project is to have you further explore models and/or methods of database and information systems in the context of  your research interests.  This can be done in many ways.  The project topic is of your choosing, but must be approved in advance by the course instructor.

Getting a project idea. 

Ideally, your own research will generate a project idea.  Other places to look include recent proceedings of the major data management conferences. Several such conferences are listed below.  You will see that even for "database conferences", the presentations are not limited to papers on classic databases and their issues. 


For each example, the project should include an algorithm implementation and evaluation, a simulation and evaluation or a theoretical analysis, which may be a substantial comparative analysis.

  1. Examine the state of the art  for one of the tasks of a relational database system.   Some possibilities:
  2. Examine the state of the art  for one of the tasks of an XML-based  information system.  Some possibilities:
  3. Explore the use of probabilitic models in one domain, for example:
  4. Examine the state of the art and research issues for cluster architectures for  large database or information retrieval systems, including issues such as
  5. Explore the role of caching (Web caching, memory caching) in query evaluation for database and/or information retrieval queries.    What is current practice and what are the research issues?
  6. Implement an application that requires database support with unusual requirements that add some complexity to either the conceptual model for the database or the implementation.   The unusual requirements may be in functionality, constraint maintenance, reliability or user interface.  Implement the user interface, the application interface to the database and the database. The user interface may be minimalist if the focus of the project is elsewhere.   The application should be something in which you are interested and for which you can obtain or generate a reasonable set of interactions and data for testing.  The database may be relational or in XML. 
  7. Database techniques and systems exist for special kinds of data, for example spatial (geometric) data and streaming data.  There are also customized information retrieval techniques for special kinds of data, for example music and images.  Your project may focus on techniques for a special kind of data.  (Are you generating special data in your research?). 
  8. Explore methods for insuring privacy in database or information systems.  Limit yourself to a certain kind of system and  one or two aspects of privacy: e.g.  allowing various levels of privacy to users of a database or methods of protecting information while reporting aggregate or summary information. 


Each individual must:

   1. By 5pm on Friday, Nov 7, 2008 send email to Professor LaPaugh containing a one-paragraph description of your project.

   2. During the week of Dec. 1, 2008 meet with Professor LaPaugh for 15-20 minutes to discuss project progress and issues.

   3. Submit by 5pm Tues. Jan 13, 2009 (Dean's date) a report that describes your project. This must include the goals of the project, your methodology and the results.  If it is an application implementation, you need to describe the application, your design requirements, the major implementation decisions, and your assessment of the result. If it is an experimental algorithm study, you need to describe what was implemented, the major implementation decisions, how you designed the experiments, and the experimental results.  If it is a theoretical study, you need to describe the problem, review what was known about the problem before your analysis, and give the details and the results of your theoretical analysis.  For any project that involves programming, all source code you write should be in an appendix or made accessible on the Web.

   4. After the project report is submitted and before 5pm Mon. Jan. 19, 2009 each student must meet with Professor LaPaugh for a project demonstration (where applicable) and discussion.

Projects will be graded on thoroughness and depth of analysis. Difficulty will be taken into consideration. Keep in mind that evaluation is an important part of any project. Be clear on the goals of your project and how you demonstrate or measure success.

A.S. LaPaugh Tue Oct 21 12:58:56 EDT 2008