COS 226 Programming Assignment

Where to Build a School (or Detonate a Bomb)

Given N points in the plane, find the circle of minimum radius that contains all of the points.

Applications. The smallest enclosing circle problem has numerous applications. For example, consider the placement of a new school to service a number of students. If we model the students as points in the plane, the smallest enclosing circle specifies where to build the school: placing the school at the circle's center minimizes the distance between the school and the furthest student. Alternatively, if we view the points as military targets, the minimum enclosing circle specifies where to drop a bomb to destroy the targets, and its radius tell us how much explosive is required.

Geometric properties. Given a set of points in the plane, the smallest enclosing circle is uniquely defined. Moreover, the smallest enclosing circle is characterized by two or three of the points, which lie on its circumference.

smallest enclosing circle is defined by 2 or 3 points

Specifically, the smallest enclosing circle is one of the following:

Geometric data types. To organize your program, implement a data type Circle for circles in the plane and a data type Point for points in the plane. You must implement the following API, but you are free to add additional methods as appropriate.

public class Point {
   public Point(double x, double y)  // construct a point (x, y)
   public void draw()                // draw point to standard draw
   public String toString()          // string representation

public class Circle {
   public Circle(Point center, double radius)    // circle with given center and radius
   public Circle(Point p1, Point p2)             // circle with given 2 points on diameter
   public Circle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)   // circle with given 3 points on circumference
   public boolean contains(Point p)              // does circle contain the point on circumference or interior?
   public void draw()                            // draw circle to standard draw
   public String toString()                      // string representation

Brute force. Write a client Brute that examines all pairs and all triples of points, checks which of the corresponding circles encloses all N points, and outputs the smallest such circle. Organize your program to implement the following API.

public class Brute {
   public Brute(Point[] points)      // constructor takes array of points
   public Circle sec()               // return the smallest enclosing circle

An efficient algorithm. Your next task is to design and implement a client Fast that solves the smallest enclosing circle problem more efficiently. We leave this as an open-ended challenge. There are many ideas that you can try; you are encouraged to brainstorm on your own and discuss ideas with with the course staff. You should strive for an algorithm that is efficient, both in practice and in theory. Organize your program to implement the following API.

public class Fast {
   public Fast(Point[] points)       // constructor takes array of points
   public Circle sec()               // return the smallest enclosing circle

Input and output. The data files consist of an integer N, followed by N pairs of real numbers (x, y). The points will all lie in the unit circle: (x2 + y2 ≤ 1).

% more input6.txt       % more input7.txt
6                       7
  0.000    0.987          0.375   -0.605
 -0.350    0.462          0.375    0.695
 -0.296    0.160          0.511    0.127
  0.345    0.034         -0.481    0.238
  0.239   -0.680         -0.845   -0.190
  0.647    0.326         -0.067   -0.462
                          0.389   -0.258

Include a main() method in and that reads the points from standard input, prints the smallest enclosing circle to standard output, and draws the points and the circle on standard drawing. Scale the coordinate system so that coordinates between -1 and +1 fit in the standard drawing window.

% java Brute < input6.txt
(0.1195, 0.15349999999999997) 0.8420228619224065

% java Fast < input6.txt
(0.1195, 0.15349999999999997) 0.8420228619224065

% java Brute < input7.txt
(-0.08447745901639338, 0.044999999999999964) 0.7960022206904712

% java Fast < input7.txt
(-0.08447745901639338, 0.044999999999999964) 0.7960022206904712
For testing, you may use the client it computes the smallest enclosing circle of the points that the user clicks in a graphics window.

Analysis. Estimate (using tilde notation) the average-case running time (in seconds) of your two programs as a function of the number of points N (where the points are generated uniformly in the unit circle). Provide empirical evidence to justify your hypotheses. Also, give the order-of-growth of the worst-case running time of your two program as a function of N?

Deliverables. Submit,,, and, along with any other helper files needed to run your program (excluding those in adt.jar and stdlib.jar). Also submit a readme.txt and answer all questions.

This assignment was developed by Kevin Wayne.
Copyright © 2008.